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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective On Channeling

Channeling Adam 20/8/14 2pm

Adam a question. I was wondering about how your messages relate to so many at once. I heard once through another channeler, that their  energy,  that they channel, wont do private readings at all, that it's more energy effective for them to channel information for many. Can we have some  insight on this please? Why it can be so, to affect many with one reading and why some won't do single readings and why some do?

Is it not so that in your humanity there are those that specialise in certain areas? Is it not so that even then, that those that specialise in their chosen field may affect their skills sets in different ways? We are no different. Some choose to relay their knowledge in a certain way affecting certain change, and then there are others that do it differently again, to affect a different outcome.
Some choose to expend their energy their knowledge differently, depending on what they are trying to achieve. Some are  choosing to work on a one to one basis, and some on the collective as a whole. There is not that one is better than the other, just that they are wanting different outcomes, to affect different changes.
In regards to how one we can bring through a message that relates to  " more than one" is this:
When certain events occur it stirs up the humanity as a whole, it affects many , not just the one. When we bring a message that relates to that certain frequency, it is then known that this frequency is affecting many, in the same way. You will also find that individuals that are at similar stages in their growth, affect the same outcomes and so the " message " will relate or resonate, to that stage of growth.
For instance, someone who has been completely in the dark and are just now beginning to waken, to themselves, may not understand the complexity of certain messages as they are in the "infancy stage". You will find many for instance relating to these messages we bring through, are at similar crossroads, or gaining monentumn to be of similar stages. 
Humanity is attracted to different information, different channelers depending on their vibrating resonance. Also we of the higher realms see what is needed to be brought through at that specific space in time that helps many rather than one. That being said there is also the need for individual readers as some may require attention of a specific nature at that time. 
There are many ways many forms, many, to bring through light, knowledge, to humanity at this time. Have you ever wondered why their are so many channelers bringing through so many variations of the same knowledge? It is due to the fact their are many ways of interpretations , and many ways to interpret, and so by many , doing the same, even when the spin of it is unique, it gets the message out more affectingly. 
In addition to this, the material is then available, in whichever form, and at a later date, understood, and/or attracted to the human when they are ready to hear it, when they are resonating at a certain frequency.
Has this helped dear one?

Yes Thankyou! :) it actually answered more than I expected 

That is good. There are also more variations to what we have explained here, much more, but in effect your question has been answered dear one, to one of your understanding. 


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