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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective On Life

Channeling Adam 27/8/14

Dear ones we are here, in front , wanting to bring through to you today that there is change happening on your planet, in the stars everywhere you can imagine and even the places you cannot. There is change coming that many are not aware of, that many cannot see. You are here at this time because you asked to be here, you wanted to experience these events. We tell you this, you have the tools to create change, you have that knowledge inside your "selves" waiting to come forth, waiting to be triggered, Waiting to he awakened. I speak to those especially that have a certain yearning, a certain feeling that there must be more to this, this thing you call life. You think there has to be something more than the automation that you proceed in living every day, and you are right in this. You feel deep within your self your knowing that something is not quite right , that there is a missing part that you cannot find the answer to, that there is a soul mismatch in the way you a proceeding with life. This indescribable feeling that there is something you are not realising is beginning to become more and more into your mind, into your heart into your forefront and it will not go away. It keeps appearing asking you to question why it's there. This dear ones is "you" your true expression of who you are. 
We understand many run their lives on automatic pilot. You follow what is expected of you, what has been taught to you. Imagine if you will being raised without expectation of a way of living. Imagine If you will, bring raised without the need to follow another's way of life, but the way you felt to live. What would you have chosen as your joy, your life path if you had not the expectations of others to steer your journey? What would you do with your "time" if you had not the worry of paying your bills , or the worry of what others thought of you. What brings you passion, joy the feeling of worth. We are saying to live your life doing what brings you feelings of aliveness, for that is what true living is.
Imagine yourself drawn into a "play" a production of your own choosing. Imagine if for a few moments, pretend, that you could pop your "self" into a play of your own choosing for a day," of your living time. What, how, where, would you choose?
An exercise for you, homework, smile
If you so choose.
Sit in your stillness, imagine yourself in your own life play, production. Imagine in your stillness you have full control, of this play with no restrictions, you can choose for yourself anything. What character would you choose to be? What would you have the character in your play doing, being, creating? Who would you choose to be in this play with you? How would you "feel" in this play? What emotions would you be expressing? What would you be doing in this one day, of your pretend life? 
Sit in your stillness and run this play a day of a life you are choosing with no restrictions using your full imagination. Really feel how this would feel to be in this play.
Now, dear ones, know without a doubt you can create this. You are asleep to the fact that life on your earth is a play, one you chose to be a part of. Know this can be true for you, you but have but to believe it can be so. You are creators, you have a piece of the creator within you. Choose, if you will, from this moment to live in line with your passion, your joy. It begins with a thought, it begins with you. The idea is seeded. 
That is all

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