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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective 1/6/14Adelle

Channeling Adam

1/6/14 1:43 am

First question is regarding the name Adellle that came to me in last channeling class. I want to ask who is she, that was beside me on my left, as you were on my right? I got the thought she was my twin flame? In that correct?

A delle is your twin your other half of the same union she is female and yet not, it's a conundrum
You both have masculine and feminine inside of you
it does not matter how you see it, but it does matter how you use the information you are given 
Listen to your inner answers
There are many versions on twin flames, many assumptions, many 
She is your other halve on the other side of the veil
you do not need to know all the
ins and outs
Just know she guides you
That is all

1052pm tue 1/6/14
Who is Adelle? I'm still confused.

Adelle is a being of love and light here to help you at this time
She is attracted to you because you are wanting service to the planet 
She is in charge of gateways
she is a Gate keeper 
She is a part of your soul purpose
You are wanting to help create balance in the planetary alignments and she is one that works for the containment of source gateways
to other realms
these are closed to protect the species from self destruction
Only when the human race has developed higher states of consciousness can these gateways to higher realms be accessed as then there are no thoughts of destruction but only of betterment for all and love for others.  
You have been assigned to help with the guardian ship
of these corridors in time
corridors to other dimension
You wonder how you will do this
how a mere mortal as yourself
can do such s thing
The knowledge is inside your 'self' you have but to access
this knowledge
and you will
in given time
in the corridors of your mind. 
You have been there before
you are remembering now are you not?
 Yes you know these corridors
you know what I am referring to
you have seen and recall these tunnels
You are recalling the hyrogliphics the strange symbols
These have no meaning to you In your present time
but when you reach higher states of awareness these signs will make sense to you
these are the keys to the gateways these will open the corridors of time That is all for now
You have been distracted from your quiet time
a suggestion 
Make a space for this time
a place which you will have no interference 
I leave you with a last thought 
Know you are at the crossroads
and you will know which road to take 
That is all

( I got distracted as someone came into the room. I went into silent meditation again without writing and I got images of beautiful landscaped perfect gardens , pure, unspoiled came to mind, another realm, these are what is protected, the doorways to these places
I've had dreams, meditations, where I've entered corridors , wormholes, with symbols
I've gone through to the other side of these at times, and felt them to be like a new place another dimension, I've soared like a bird over these valleys and mountains, the corridors have sometimes been gold, sometimes ribbed like the tunnels that lead to the light in stories we hear of near death experiences, sometimes I can't get though and other times I have
I think Adam refers to this in the channeling but I'm only guessing.
It sounds a bit loopy, even to me, atm, and again I'm doubting my channeling ability,    
I mean helping with guardianship of the corridors, Me.. Wt.... This has just become too wacky )

Ok lets just assume, The channeling is correct ..
 HOW am I suppose to do that? 
From here
More questions and kookiness and confusion

4/6/14 1:41am channeling

I am here
I am ever here
What is your question dear one?

tbh still confused on guardianship / gatekeeper role... And how I will help from here

Yes I can see your confusion clearly 
You need not know all the process
You only need to trust that you are in your knowing at this moment in time
All will become clear when the hour becomes staged 
At this time it is imperative you go with the flow
Swim ever forward in all your doing learning listening to all messages
The wheel forever turning gathers momentum and gathers fuel in which to ignite the collective union
The time will come when the knowledge held within will exerted and only then will you understand the true meanings of what is written within these words
For now know what I say is true
You ask for answers 
which you simply cannot comprehend 
the answers to
even if described in-depth
words are not enough 
as much meaning much information is held within a span of images and sound that cannot be explained with mere words in your time
It is like a microchip it holds vast information in a small space it needs decoding and downloading the space needed and the program installed and initiated 
The memory can hold the information but it needs "firing up" and then configured to a way one can understand and read
One must learn to walk before one can run and then one must practice and train before one can get to a specific speed to for, example win a race
It is the same with the information you are enquiring about
For now know you are more than you can understand with the understanding you have in present time
Again I , we, ask you to trust 
that we give you what you are at this time capable of understanding 

That is all

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