Good evening
It is I, Adam
you are experiencing a new wave of energetics at present, a wave of pure unconditional love, a love that ignites the soul spark within to burst forth it's potentiality. You are at this time igniting your flame, a burst of pure universal source code . You are feeling the affects of this . Some will feel it as a pure sense of extreme divine power of self awareness, an opening of internal truth, an ignition of their path, seeing with new eyes what they are here to achieve, with clarity of sight.
Others will experience as turmoil, indecision hopelessness, aches, the reason for the difference, is their difference in vibration. If at a low vibration the light will push you to rise, to more than you are at the moment, if at a higher vibration it will simply rise you up even higher, and the feeling of it will be more pleasant.
It does not make one better than the other it just is. Energy has no judgement it just is, and acts on whatever is there already, and either matches that or pushes to rise even higher.
An example
A wave that reaches the shore line re wets the sand that is already damp from Previous waves and makes it wetter
Whereas the dry sand, when the wave reaches it wets also, but the wetting is more intense ie if the sand is very hot and dry it may even sizzle a little because it is more of the opposite to the wet wave, the change is more intense,
Whereas the sand that is already partially damp does not sizzle , the difference is minimal
The anolagy here is this
If there is a bigger difference to what is being reined down then the physical affects will be greater. To experience less physical symptoms simply be your light, be who You really are, be in your love, be In your kindness , be your beauty, see who you are becoming, be in your stillness, be in nature, these will ease the effects of the changes that are currently taking place.
The closer you are to your "self" the more you will experience the changes as simply an extension of what you already are
If however you emerse your "self" in negativity, worry, guilt, anger, sadness ,worry, fear, then the change will be felt more as unpleasant, as the distance between the 2 is greater.
The energy that is reigning down is a gift, dear ones, open your arms and bask In it
The current energies serve to awaken you to who you really are
This dialogue is complete for now
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