Channeling Adam 11/8/14
Adam there are several questions I'd like to ask, but first is there a message for the page?
Yes dear one there is a message. And yes you noticed did you not dear one? Smile , you came into the space instantly without preparation smile
I'm assuming that's due to last night and again tonight? The energies I felt?
It is so and it is working well is it not? Can you feel the difference? The intensity of the shift?
I can. I am so very grateful for you're melding of energies. I'm assuming that's what occurred? But I'm getting off track. Page message first and mine can come later
Let it be heard that the current energies at this time are occurring because that is what humanity wanted. The energies are here NOW for you to work with. It is by working with these energies that you begin your expansion your new earth. This is not a time to lay idle this is a time for manifestation of what you are wanting. This will not happen by sitting on the side lines and watching the world go by, will not happen by using your old way of doing things. This is a NEW energy it calls for new action. You are asking what new action am I speaking of? One that you have not had access to before, one that you are not accustomed to, one that feels strange. When a child learns to walk does it not falter with it's new steps, trip up, fall over? It may at first not be a perfect walk , in fact there may be times of fear. of failure, of not making it to the "other side" of the room. The child does not give up. It try's and try's again and over time perfects it's technique till one day it proudly walks across the room with all it's loved ones clapping, with beaming smiles.
Dear ones, you are like that child learning to walk, with the new energies. You have not felt these before, but you have inside of you knowledge of " who" you are. You are on the leading edge, at the verge of a breakthrough. You but have to take the first step. It feels strange, you are testing the waters, dive in, experience , you may falter, you may miss a step to two, you may fall the first few times. If you have ears to hear, listen and discern if this rings true for you. The more you practice in any given skill the better you will become. It is through practice and constant action that one becomes skilled that one becomes adept. You are like this child and we are watching from the realms at your attempts, and we are helping , encouraging, you. When you reach a milestone and even before, we are clapping we are cheering you on, we are your family , we are one. We watch with love in our hearts for you, we see what you are not able to see, the magnificent being that you are , and we await you, to begin remembering , that you are not alone. You have never been alone and never will be. In your stillness, intend for our help, we can not help unless you ask. Intend for connection, intend for guidance and it will be brought forth in a manner that you may not recognise, and perhaps In a way or time frame that you least expect but it WILL come because you have asked. When you come from a space of allowance the request is always answered. You dear ones, do not see your strength, your abilities, your design, as it has been hidden from you. Not now, not anymore. Action is required. When you request something you must take action, no matter how small but action it must be. To request a change and then to sit and do nothing towards that change will not bring about change. We do not DO it for you. A child does not say, give me my walking skills and then sit and do nothing! The child try's , the child begins to take action. It is a metaphor yes. A runner does not say to the skies, give me a gold medal , but then lays in bed and waits for the medal. The runner takes action and puts in the practice. The runner gets up and practices the skill of running. The writer does not say , give me a best seller, and then puts his books and writing equipment away, no, the writer writes the story and the energy helps with the ideas, the inspiration for that story and the ether brings about the circumstances the "synchronistic events , that brings about a publisher that has a interest in that writers story , and on it goes.
What a web , what a world , can be achieved if we put action into our intents.
The message is this dear ones, the energy is there to support you at this time to make any change you desire. You but have to take the first step and the stairway will unfold in front of your eyes seemingly by magic.
You are that magic, what are you waiting for?
That is all
THankyou Adam as always grateful for you .
You still have questions you are wanting answers ? Smile
Yes .. Lol I do if you'll answer them? Your message answers some. I understand the action and I feel I'm doing that. I m curious if what I felt last night is really what I felt ?
Yes. This can be explained here. Some readers may appreciate this response , this interaction , if you so choose to share
I'll see where it goes, if that's ok
Dear one, there was a melding an intertwining a refinement of energy flow between your auric energy fields and ours.
We find your feline very amusing at this time. Patience.
It's very difficult when my cat is all over me while I'm trying to channel! It's distracting ...
He is enamoured with the energy surrounding you and that you are expanding. Felines are very sensitive to energetic frequencies.
Hmmm amusing stops for me after afew minutes of him distracting me. It happens everyyyy time
We recommend your private space . You know the answer to this
( cats finally went and perched else where )
So this energy refinement means that I channel you easier?
How is the channeling so far?
I think clearer. I feel more than before
I get into that channel space easier faster
My senses are clearer ..
Yes all of these but there is more. Synchronistic events perhaps? Do you feel lighter in your step? Do you feel a change in your "structure"?
I get more tingles ,
There is much still you do not understand and are not sensing. There are changes made and there is more to come. Know that this continuing refinement will lead to more indepth discussion.
You tire. We shall continue this another time. It Is not necessary you understand the mechanics. Be aware, soul structure is vibrating at a higher frequency which expends more energy.
when you are tired, it is not as efficient.
Sleep is recommended dear one, on the morrow we continue with our story.
The book ?
Yes, it is the reference made. What is referred to
Dear one, you are needing to rest
You have expended much today
We end this here
That is all
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