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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective 30/12/14

Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective 30/12/14 4:18pm
Auto writing / Trance

Adam afew minutes ago I felt a really strong surge of energy in my head. So strong I had to stop what I was doing. I don't know how to put into words what I felt. Almost like a huge contraction and then expansion but in my whole head. Like something changed energetically.  In me? Or in the earths energy? I don't know. I'm going to go into light trance so I get a clear answer, from you,  as I feel this is " something "......

Dear child we have worked again on your energy signature, more fine tuning.  Your structure was needing an attunment of chrystslline download and so the way to get your attention was to energetically ring your door bell.  We knew his would halt all activities and bring you into your stillness. And so for the past hour of your time we have energetically tweaked pathways so that you
may develop to the next level, the next stage of your development, you have been wanting of this. You have a weekend coming where you skills will be in demand. You will be processing
much energy and so it was time. Your fear of letting go helped to transverse you to the next level of development also .
Yes there are energies at present that are very  important gateways and this was that adjustment for you. 
We suggest you run the energies that we have just processed daily , if you do this, if you take the time to do exactly what we just did then? Hmmmm, you will see major changes dear heart very quickly. You will have no need of illness any longer, this energy you felt is living energy. Do you understand? It transmutes. Practice this daily dear heart . You will see the results . How do You feel now? Smile .. We understand you so not wish to speak you are still basking in the light ..
So be it
Remember to ground dear heart, earth your vechicle . 
That is all 


Later......11:20pm  same day
Feeling a bit embarrassed Adam!
After typing ( fumbling really ) your words, and I don't even recall what I had typed above, until I just read it now, well after that session I was floating around the house! It was the most amazing trance, meditation, energy journey, ever! It felt like I was in that blissy state for hours and I did not want to come out of it to type your words ( so many typos ).  It was beautiful Adam! Thankyou!
I had energy for hours. 
So, I'm to do that every day? I CAN do that :) I'll be looking forward to it!

You enjoyed it greatly we see (smile)

Adam I typed smile but I do believe if energy can chuckle then that's what your doing. I can feel it

What else can you feel dear heart?

Love, peace, a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart area. Almost alittle like this afternoon actually. It's like I've tapped into that again.

It is energetic changes dear heart. You are " in tune ". We are pleased. We advise you continue daily as today. 

So I run the energy's and sit in trance again? 

We will guide you as today. You listened well. Run your energies, breathe as today, we will work on the rest. 

Adam I just had a thought! Can others do this too? I mean I know the energies , the light body are specific, but the rest of it? Can they apply the rest?

They may do so. Dear heart you are at a certain stage of development, however any can be in their stillness, observe their breath and breathe in light energy. They may also call in their helpers to help with energy changes. All have free will. However if one asks , they will receive. 

Adam the feeling in my head earlier? 

This was accomplished to get your attention. The downloads had begun. You needed the refinement and so we called

No tingles to remind me you calling?

Do you stop all when you feel them?

Ummm no not always ( embarrassed face )

And there lies your answer. It lasted but a few moments. 

May I stop again? I feel to stop and be in the energy for a bit

We are aware dear heart. You may do so.

( here I fell asleep )

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