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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective A New Earth

Channeling 21/6/14
A New Earth
You came from the stars,
from galaxies afar,
to ascend into the light, 
to become more than you are.
You are creators, you are always creating, every minute, every second, every thought. 
To be aware is a gift, the gift is for all.
You the awakened ones, are here to awaken others, who sleep walk, 
It is time.
It is THE time, to stir from your sleep.
Rub your eyes, dear ones, 
Clear your vision,
Open your mind, 
To all the possibilities, that are waiting there for you. 
Imagine a child,
In a candy store 
Imagine, if you said to his child, 
You can have all that you see. 
Imagine it's delight.
You are like this child,
The universe is the candy store,
All you need to do is reach,
Reach for the stars.
Know you can choose,
anything your heart desires,
you but have to,
open your eyes.
Believe it is so.
Reach with your heart,
and take what is yours.
Your thoughts create.
Like a director in a movie, 
create your own movie.
Sit in your stillness,
Create your movie in this stillness. 
Feel your life, into the movie, 
Breathe into the scenes,
Be the director of your life.
What ending do you choose? 
What desires?
What creations do you manifest?
Know the movie that you create in your mind, is possible.
So within, so without 
The outside is a reflection  of the inside.
Create a peaceful, joyful, movie within your heart, 
And it WILL manifest, on the outside.
The INSIDE is where you create.
When you constantly project worry, fear, irritation, you return more of that to you. 
Thoughts are magic,
You are the magician,
Your heart is your wand.
Project what you want out,
Weaving your magical thoughts,
And you, the magician,
Will create the world you desire.

That is all

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