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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective 30/12/14 early hours

Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective 30/12/14 
Auto writing ( early hours )

Dear heart we are very pleased! You achieved a task that you held much fear towards. We guided you to the easier way. We did so by guiding whispers. It was the way of least resistance. We triggered your thoughts much today. You have many questions ?

Yes! Your thoughts were there. I was actually gonna do more writing today, the book, and then I had the thought to search again , for an easy website app. 
Thankyou for your guidance. I did ask for your help. 

Indeed. There were many pleas. (Smile)

Ummm yeah 😊

You succeeded did you not? 

Yes :) and rather happy about it

It is usually how one feels when there is a sense of accomplishment.  It is through hardship , difficulty that at times brings the most growth.  When you achieved a state of affairs easily then it is at times not so valued or cherished. That is not to say that one cannot learn from ease , simply to say that it is usually that one feels a greater sense of accomplishment where there has been a struggle.  It is the way of human conditioning, one that is changing. 

Adam are there others channeling you? I mean when I went to test the web address in the search engine I found your name under others channeling your name. Is it you ? Or is it just a name, and each energy maybe is different ? I'm curious now. I mean I understand you don't belong to me as such, and that your energy is everywhere , and that we are all one etc etc 
Well you KNOW what I mean.

Dear heart does the ocean belong to all? And the  air you breathe? And the sun that brings you warmth? 
Do you swim in part of the ocean and say, this part is mine and that part is yours ? 
We are light frequency. We are love. We are all there is.  We may be channeled by many dear heart. Know this .  Every soul that channels brings through their very own uniqueness. What we mean to say is when you channel our words, they are our words, with your personality , mixed with the collective. There is no other the same, as you are an individualisation of the whole. Unique in evey way. However that is not to say that we may not be channeled through any other soul. Each will be different, even though the energy is the same. Are you understanding dear heart? 
There is no other the same, quite like us, as you and we, and yet we the collective, the energy,  is the same that comes through other souls. We can be, and are, accessed by many souls dear heart. May we add not specifically only human souls.  We are everywhere and nowhere.  
We understand you question, the
fullness, of it. You need not fear legalities dear heart.  We are who we say, and you have not erred in your translation of who we are. Be at peace with this. It is the message that is of import, the gift within, not the wrapping.  We had you extend that which we vibrate to did we not ? To
Include that which we are closest to resembling, knowing In advance what may be questioned. 
All may feel who we are. All may converse with us, and each will not feel the same. Are you understanding ?

Yes I think so.   You know the question was asked more in line to whether i'd be attacked or challenged later, that I'm channeling someone else's guide etc. Well YOU understand what I meant by the question. 

Dear heart we understand more than even you realise. 

Yeah I'd hoped you would. So then there are others are channeling you?

Not in the way your assuming dear heart.  We are channeled by many and every one of those is unique.

Ok I think understand  it now. Thankyou 

Dear heart balance. You will need the balance on the morrow.

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