Channeling 17/6/14 11:41pm
Good evening to you,
Today's message, listen, be still, and follow your musings, your thinking can allow ingenious ideas to come forth. This is the space of inventive imaginings, the space where ideas are formed.
When you go into this space of stillness
magic occurs, if you open your heart, and be still, you will hear all your possibilities.
This space is source space, this space is where all is created. Painters, poets, song writers, authors, create from this space.
This space is all there is. All that is, is a space continuum, a capsule of no limitations. The only limitations, ever, are the ones that you create with your mind. Your creations are limitless, only your mind sets up the boundaries, the blocks that limit you from creating.
When you go into this stillness, this space, the field of possibilities is endless.
You are the only one that creates your blocks, your doubts. The space does not say to you, you can't create, it just is, an open corridor of endless possibilities. The door is now open. You are a creator god, one that can create endless experiences. What you choose to create is your choice. Will you let life create for you automally? Or will you create for yourself what brings you joy, what brings you peace . What will you chose to experience when you understand and know that this is who you are? The gateway to these corridors of space, to the endless possibilities , is inside of you, it is not outside of you. look within, not without. When you understand this, the world is your oyster.
That is all.
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