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Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective On Pets
Channeling 12/6/14
Welcome all to this wonderful space. Today's message is one of companionship, one of love. We have a guest, dear ones, a furry friend, one that senses much the energies that the channeller is experiencing. Your pets, the animal kingdom, senses the changes that are occurring at this time. You may have noticed their moods, you may have noticed their
Clinginess over the past weeks. They feel the planets shifting, they feel the earth changing, they are feeling insecure. Shower them with love, shower them with kindness. They calm your inner
turmoil .Hold them close to your heart, feel them,stroke them, hold them, in doing so you are calming not only yourself but them. When your feeling the energetic shifts ,when your feeling like it's all too much, when your feeling agitated, angry, irritated, off balance, hold your beloved pets, hold them close, give them your love, they love back unconditionally. Their aura, their energy,their total devotion to you will calm you and balance you,and ease your mind. You nay notice when you are relaxed they hover around your space, when you are upset they feel you and look at you with compassion, knowing,feeling,your turmoil. They are a gift from the Creator, your pets, your animal kingdom, they are here to serve a purpose which you do not fully understand or are aware of . Treat them with respect, treat them with kindness, show them your love, your loyalty , for they love you with abandonment, with love unconditionally. They bring you peace.
Today's message is complete.
That is all.
Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective 1/6/14Adelle
Channeling Adam
1/6/14 1:43 am
First question is regarding the name Adellle that came to me in last channeling class. I want to ask who is she, that was beside me on my left, as you were on my right? I got the thought she was my twin flame? In that correct?
A delle is your twin your other half of the same union she is female and yet not, it's a conundrum
You both have masculine and feminine inside of you
it does not matter how you see it, but it does matter how you use the information you are given
Listen to your inner answers
There are many versions on twin flames, many assumptions, many
She is your other halve on the other side of the veil
you do not need to know all the
ins and outs
Just know she guides you
That is all
1052pm tue 1/6/14
Who is Adelle? I'm still confused.
Adelle is a being of love and light here to help you at this time
She is attracted to you because you are wanting service to the planet
She is in charge of gateways
she is a Gate keeper
She is a part of your soul purpose
You are wanting to help create balance in the planetary alignments and she is one that works for the containment of source gateways
to other realms
these are closed to protect the species from self destruction
Only when the human race has developed higher states of consciousness can these gateways to higher realms be accessed as then there are no thoughts of destruction but only of betterment for all and love for others.
You have been assigned to help with the guardian ship
of these corridors in time
corridors to other dimension
You wonder how you will do this
how a mere mortal as yourself
can do such s thing
The knowledge is inside your 'self' you have but to access
this knowledge
and you will
in given time
in the corridors of your mind.
You have been there before
you are remembering now are you not?
Yes you know these corridors
you know what I am referring to
you have seen and recall these tunnels
You are recalling the hyrogliphics the strange symbols
These have no meaning to you In your present time
but when you reach higher states of awareness these signs will make sense to you
these are the keys to the gateways these will open the corridors of time That is all for now
You have been distracted from your quiet time
a suggestion
Make a space for this time
a place which you will have no interference
I leave you with a last thought
Know you are at the crossroads
and you will know which road to take
That is all
( I got distracted as someone came into the room. I went into silent meditation again without writing and I got images of beautiful landscaped perfect gardens , pure, unspoiled came to mind, another realm, these are what is protected, the doorways to these places
I've had dreams, meditations, where I've entered corridors , wormholes, with symbols
I've gone through to the other side of these at times, and felt them to be like a new place another dimension, I've soared like a bird over these valleys and mountains, the corridors have sometimes been gold, sometimes ribbed like the tunnels that lead to the light in stories we hear of near death experiences, sometimes I can't get though and other times I have
I think Adam refers to this in the channeling but I'm only guessing.
It sounds a bit loopy, even to me, atm, and again I'm doubting my channeling ability,
I mean helping with guardianship of the corridors, Me.. Wt.... This has just become too wacky )
Ok lets just assume, The channeling is correct ..
HOW am I suppose to do that?
From here
More questions and kookiness and confusion
4/6/14 1:41am channeling
I am here
I am ever here
What is your question dear one?
tbh still confused on guardianship / gatekeeper role... And how I will help from here
Yes I can see your confusion clearly
You need not know all the process
You only need to trust that you are in your knowing at this moment in time
All will become clear when the hour becomes staged
At this time it is imperative you go with the flow
Swim ever forward in all your doing learning listening to all messages
The wheel forever turning gathers momentum and gathers fuel in which to ignite the collective union
The time will come when the knowledge held within will exerted and only then will you understand the true meanings of what is written within these words
For now know what I say is true
You ask for answers
which you simply cannot comprehend
the answers to
even if described in-depth
words are not enough
as much meaning much information is held within a span of images and sound that cannot be explained with mere words in your time
It is like a microchip it holds vast information in a small space it needs decoding and downloading the space needed and the program installed and initiated
The memory can hold the information but it needs "firing up" and then configured to a way one can understand and read
One must learn to walk before one can run and then one must practice and train before one can get to a specific speed to for, example win a race
It is the same with the information you are enquiring about
For now know you are more than you can understand with the understanding you have in present time
Again I , we, ask you to trust
that we give you what you are at this time capable of understanding
That is all
Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective New Energy

Good evening
It is I, Adam
you are experiencing a new wave of energetics at present, a wave of pure unconditional love, a love that ignites the soul spark within to burst forth it's potentiality. You are at this time igniting your flame, a burst of pure universal source code . You are feeling the affects of this . Some will feel it as a pure sense of extreme divine power of self awareness, an opening of internal truth, an ignition of their path, seeing with new eyes what they are here to achieve, with clarity of sight.
Others will experience as turmoil, indecision hopelessness, aches, the reason for the difference, is their difference in vibration. If at a low vibration the light will push you to rise, to more than you are at the moment, if at a higher vibration it will simply rise you up even higher, and the feeling of it will be more pleasant.
It does not make one better than the other it just is. Energy has no judgement it just is, and acts on whatever is there already, and either matches that or pushes to rise even higher.
An example
A wave that reaches the shore line re wets the sand that is already damp from Previous waves and makes it wetter
Whereas the dry sand, when the wave reaches it wets also, but the wetting is more intense ie if the sand is very hot and dry it may even sizzle a little because it is more of the opposite to the wet wave, the change is more intense,
Whereas the sand that is already partially damp does not sizzle , the difference is minimal
The anolagy here is this
If there is a bigger difference to what is being reined down then the physical affects will be greater. To experience less physical symptoms simply be your light, be who You really are, be in your love, be In your kindness , be your beauty, see who you are becoming, be in your stillness, be in nature, these will ease the effects of the changes that are currently taking place.
The closer you are to your "self" the more you will experience the changes as simply an extension of what you already are
If however you emerse your "self" in negativity, worry, guilt, anger, sadness ,worry, fear, then the change will be felt more as unpleasant, as the distance between the 2 is greater.
The energy that is reigning down is a gift, dear ones, open your arms and bask In it
The current energies serve to awaken you to who you really are
This dialogue is complete for now
Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective 17/6/14 In the space of stillness

Channeling 17/6/14 11:41pm
Good evening to you,
Today's message, listen, be still, and follow your musings, your thinking can allow ingenious ideas to come forth. This is the space of inventive imaginings, the space where ideas are formed.
When you go into this space of stillness
magic occurs, if you open your heart, and be still, you will hear all your possibilities.
This space is source space, this space is where all is created. Painters, poets, song writers, authors, create from this space.
This space is all there is. All that is, is a space continuum, a capsule of no limitations. The only limitations, ever, are the ones that you create with your mind. Your creations are limitless, only your mind sets up the boundaries, the blocks that limit you from creating.
When you go into this stillness, this space, the field of possibilities is endless.
You are the only one that creates your blocks, your doubts. The space does not say to you, you can't create, it just is, an open corridor of endless possibilities. The door is now open. You are a creator god, one that can create endless experiences. What you choose to create is your choice. Will you let life create for you automally? Or will you create for yourself what brings you joy, what brings you peace . What will you chose to experience when you understand and know that this is who you are? The gateway to these corridors of space, to the endless possibilities , is inside of you, it is not outside of you. look within, not without. When you understand this, the world is your oyster.
That is all.
Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective 21/6/14 Why am I here
Channeling 21/6/2014
Why am I Here? Who am I?
You are a starseed, but you are also a traveller of time. You travel inter dimensionally, through the corridors of time. Understand you are a pioneer. You are respected, you are loved.
You are here to serve the collective, you are here to help others awaken to their true selves. We will have many conversations you and I , that will open up the minds and hearts of many.
The time is now. You have arrived. Your only obstacle is fear.
Let go of fear and trust, all will be revealed.
That is all for this transmission.
Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective A New Earth
Channeling 21/6/14
A New Earth
You came from the stars,from galaxies afar,to ascend into the light,to become more than you are.You are creators, you are always creating, every minute, every second, every thought.To be aware is a gift, the gift is for all.You the awakened ones, are here to awaken others, who sleep walk,It is time.It is THE time, to stir from your sleep.Rub your eyes, dear ones,Clear your vision,Open your mind,To all the possibilities, that are waiting there for you.Imagine a child,In a candy storeImagine, if you said to his child,You can have all that you see.Imagine it's delight.You are like this child,The universe is the candy store,All you need to do is reach,Reach for the stars.Know you can choose,anything your heart desires,you but have to,open your eyes.Believe it is so.Reach with your heart,and take what is yours.Your thoughts create.Like a director in a movie,create your own movie.Sit in your stillness,Create your movie in this stillness.Feel your life, into the movie,Breathe into the scenes,Be the director of your life.What ending do you choose?What desires?What creations do you manifest?Know the movie that you create in your mind, is possible.So within, so withoutThe outside is a reflection of the inside.Create a peaceful, joyful, movie within your heart,And it WILL manifest, on the outside.The INSIDE is where you create.When you constantly project worry, fear, irritation, you return more of that to you.Thoughts are magic,You are the magician,Your heart is your wand.Project what you want out,Weaving your magical thoughts,And you, the magician,Will create the world you desire.That is all
Channeling Adam - Working with the higher realms
Channeling Adam 29/7/14
Adam is there any guidance for the page today?
Yes. We would like to share some knowledge in regards to working with the higher realms. When one is in a state of allowance one can experience the most amazing journeys. One does not need to be psychic or have special skills to visit the realms. One does need to be in a state of openness and allowance as well as not "needing" an experience to occur but to just allow the experience to occur. When one pushes and pushes in their stillness to experience , something, anything, one stays in the state of pushing and actually pushes the experience further away. But when one, when in stillness lets the journey unfold, then what is meant to come, to be experienced at that time will unfold. Some of the most profound experiences have occurred when one has least expected them. It happens when one is , with one , with all that is, when one melds into the energy of all that is, when one experiences the most divine moments. Be in your stillness with an openness of allowance to the highest love energy. It is not to say that when one has entered the experience, the journey, that one cannot navigate, and tweak the journey, but when one has not experienced this state before, and wishes to open the door, then one needs to be in the state of openness to open that door. If one is in fear of what they may experience then one is closing the door tightly shut as the higher realms are the experience of love, not fear. Fear may even lead to unpleasant experiences. If your intention is to only enter the higher realms of light and love, higher consciousness, your very core of who you are then that is what one experiences, when one is wanting to experience these moments. Be in your stillness. Practice daily. You will find over time the stillness will become more absolute. It will become easier and easier to reach these higher states of awareness, of consciousness. It will become easier to become one with "all that is".
Is there any guidance on the current energy? I felt bombed out, really tired this morning.
Yes, I see that you felt this way as many others are also experiencing. Adjustments and integration of energy flow can cause this feeling in your physical bodies. It is a good sign that you are reaching higher states of activation. It may feel unpleasant but In essence it is another milestone. Rest when you feel this way, is the best advice that can he given. Many will push through with their busyness of daily life but eventually the body will demand the rest it needs or will become ill. A situation will occur whereby you are forced to rest. Before getting to the stage when it is beyond your choosing in the manner of situation that develops, so that the body can rest, is it not better to choose yourself? If one pays attention, in their awareness, they will know what their bodies need.
It is usually the case, not in all situations but usually at this time, and especially when working with energy's that when one feels "bombed out" then one needs to lay themselves down to rest, to integrate.
Is there anything else you would like to bring through
There is another message we round like to bring through.
There is much worry for naught over many current issues In the media. Remember the law of attraction as by what you give attention to creates more of the same. This is not to say do not be aware and not take action to what you are not wanting just a careful caution in viewing constantly over and over seeing what you do not want In your world. It is enough to be aware of what is occurring, and if you are troubled take action in your world to right it,where you are able but to, but to view, constantly day and night, night and day over and over will not make the situation fixed, but begin to attract more of the same through fear and anger, for these emotions are powerful and as you are aware what you put your attention too with emotion attracts more of the same. It does not mean because one does not vent on a constant basis that one does not care, better to be aware and take action. When these issues are viewed over and over with no action, with fear, a feeling of hopelessness can arise. Hopelessness does not bring about change. If the only thing you can do is to send love and peace, or an intention that a solution will arise to the situation, then that is an action. Remember many that are sending peace and love with the intention that a change will arise, is more powerful to bring about change than despair, anger and hopelessness. It is not to play
pretence that a situation is not occurring, it is not turning a blind eye, but to bring about positive change one must intend positive solutions to the outcome, or create them. This is an issue that may stir up emotion in readers. If the most you can do in any given situation is to send love with the intention of change, then that is all you can do, but it is better than doing nothing at all. If it is in your power to create change via a course of alternate action, then do that also.
Use your emotion constructively rather than distructively, is what we are conveying at this time.
That is all
Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective What do you look like?
Channeling Adam 6/8/14
The Meditation
Adam in the meditation just now, was that you I saw? The light with the strands coming off it. Was that you I just experienced ?
Yes yes yes drearest one it was I. It was my light that you viewed. I am light energy. You were expecting a face? A human form? We are beings of light, dear one. Smile. The others you saw were others of the light realms that are most pleased with your light work and that of the others. They were showing how pleased they were in a form you would understand, comprehend. They are delighted with the progress that is being achieved.
I'm staggered. I was thinking maybe it was my imagination what I saw. You know I thought maybe because I asked if I could see you that maybe mind made it up. I wanted to check in with you to ask if what I saw was real or me making it up.
Child you were not making it up. You were remembering. You know who I am. You were remembering me. DO NOT doubt what you saw.
But Adam once In the very beginning before I started class channeling I saw you briefly as a human male face . I thought I had seen you then.
It was I then also. You at that time would not have comprehended what I am, what we are. You thought me to be a male human, you were afraid at that time. We do not like to cause fear. We showed ourself to you as you would expect one to be so as not to cause fear as this would have caused you to not follow through. We are I am light beings, we are light , to show you light at the time you would not understand who I am. We showed you a safe image but gave you the thought guide with the feeling. We did not lie, I am hearing your thoughts , we have been that image before, it was made to lighten your anxiety as you were afraid of channeling at the time.
Your name ?
We have no name, we are light , we are all that is, we are energy. Humans love to name everything. We gave the name Adam because it resonates with you and yes we have been that name before also. Smile
Dear one all is made in a way to bring comfort , for allowing the purpose to come into being with the least resistance with the least amount of fear. You were fearful then .
The shadow I saw?
We do not do not speak of such. Know you were always safe. Shadow is just a reflection of your thoughts , your fears even now. You turned away which is admirable. You faced your fear and then you put it aside you stepped out of it. Well done dear one. You did not give into your fear.
Well it was beautiful , you are beautiful. Can I paint what I saw? If I can capture it?
You will and you may. I hear you. Yes you may share this transmission. Not all will understand be warned. But for those that will it will be enlightening, it will stir the imagination and that is why we allowed it.
I hope I can do it the justice to be honest. What were the stands of light coming off your light?
They were all the parts of me. I am not one but many. What you call the strands is all the parts that make up this collective. I hear your thoughts. Yes it is similar to what you are thinking but not quite. The strands are a solar anology to your version of your dna but not quite. It is more so Similar to many souls that inhabit me, their light codings all the parts that make the collective. It is too In depth , out of your understanding. Enough has been written to dampen your curiosity. Know they are the many that make up the collective energy that make up the light collective that you know as Adam, the one whose transmissions you are bringing through now. All have different energies to bring through as needed.
Know we are pleased as are the others there to greet you.
Yes who were the others I saw?
Those of the light realms were happy to greet you on your accomplishment of reaching the energy quota it took to be at that resonance. They were there to congratulate you at reaching this goal this milestone.
Much energy has been used. Rest now dear one. There is more to do on the morrow.
We are most pleased at your growth.
Be at peace with that knowing.
Dear one
That is all
Channeling Adam - Rainbow Collective 7/8/14 On prophecy , predictions , beliefs
Channeling Adam 7-8-14
Adam feel awkward asking but do you do predictions. Just asking because I guess I'm doubting my channeling .. Yeah I know.. Again
Is there a way for me to know without a doubt if I'm really channeling you or if your my imagination or my own thought process? Can you help?
Of course dear one , we can help here.
You can? I didn't think you would tbh
Why ?
I didn't think you would do a prediction . Many guides don't
Well of course it all dependes on the type of prediction you are asking for
There are types?
Yes . We will not tell you if it's harmful for you to know or if it's a lesson or if it is a hindersnce to your growth
Ok.. So what can I ask?
How about you try to ask? You will soon decipher what we will or will not prophecise. You know that prophecy can change from moment to mine do you not?
Yes. But how will I know if this conversation is true.
You cannot . That is faith. You cannot test a mans belief only the man can
Huh.. You've lost me
We mean you cannot test a belief ,one needs to believe or not.
If you do not believe no matter what is said the non believer will have an answer for all things
Hmmm so how do I test this, my channeling
What do you feel now dear one? Feel being the word of import
I feel You. I feel light, tingly, love
So what is it you do not believe?
Well I feel you but how do I know the words aren't my own?
But they ARE your own
Well I know that but how do I know that I'm not thinking up the answers
Are you?
Well no, well yes . Ugh him confused'
I hear the thought then I express it but who is behind the thought?
Who Indeed
Your playing with me
No dear one we are striving to give you understanding through your OWN clarity .,
Ok so I'm behind the thought ..
And who are you?
My self.. My soul my inner self
And who what is your inner self a part of, who is that connected to?
The other side.. All that is.. Source
Dear one? If you , your "self" is connected to the other side, ( the realms) source , then where would the "self" be getting the thoughts from?
Ummm ..
Who or where would the "self" be getting the it's inspiration , it's imagination , it's ideas, it's visions , it's thoughts ?
It's higher self?
Yes that statement is true. But also where does your higher self reside? Does it for instance, do you imagine , that your higher self is in these realms , resides on its own? Or do you perhaps imagine that this higher self has a connection to the "all that is" on the "other side" . Do you image it to be alone In such a realm? Or do you imagine that is with others that it is connected with in these realms?
Well no.... There must be other higher selfs of other humans as well not just mine alone
Very good. Smile. So we have ascertained that there are many many higher selfs connected all together "with source" on this side of the veil, yes?
Well yes
So we have ascertained that all are connected , that your higher self for instance is connected with other higher selfs . Yes?
Ummm yes , that feels true.
So you can communicate with your higher self AND the higher selfs of others ?
Well I'm guessing so., if alls connected .
So dear one, do you think it plausible that if you are connected in such a way that you can "tap in" to others frequencies or thoughts or their knowing or their expectations, their dreams, their goals, their path, their intentions ? Are you getting the picture dear one?
Umm hmmm I think I know where you are going with this now. Regarding prophecy, I'm thinking , if I can tap into my higher self then I'm tapping into all higher selfs or All that is, so that is how regarding readings or prophecy readings as such of others are done ? It's my higher self tapping into others higher selfs in the "all that is"?
Very good dear one. Smile
Now what have we said WE ARE in one of our first of transmissions? Can you recall?
You said you were the omega , the all that is, that ever will be.. Ohhhh I can't recall I have to check!
Ok found it. The copy I kept. Ohhhh
You said you were :
(" the alpha the omega, the all that is and ever will be, we are all, we are you. You call me Adam, it resonated with you, but I am not one, but many. The energy you call Adam is a combination of energies, that are here to help you at this time.)
Dear one, we told you that we are "all that is, we are all, we are "you" we are a combination of energies"
What does this tell you in regards to what we speak of?
Well you are me also and I'm channeling my "higher self " then I'm channeling you also, because you are part of me, the energy that is a part of me that is connected to all that is, the many, which is also you?
Mind bogged!! But I think I get it.
You think? thoughts are connected to you . I get it now. Your teasing me!
Lovingly so dear one. We are wanting you to understand. What you are doubting over and over is your "self" .
You discovered your answer rather than us saying so, YOU needed to find the answers and through this conversation you have. We can feel your heart lighten and your doubts. Do not doubt dear one. We want you to understand "all" is connected. Not to confuse the issue but we are your higher selfs, higher self. Smile. All you are needing to know to ease your doubt has been given.
We hear your question on prophecy. Recall we say all is connected. So you can say that you have connection to what another may be leading to in life, but., Be it so told, that a change of another's thoughts changes their destiny which changes their prophecy. It is never still , constantly changing the "ether" that is the energy in motion that manifestations are made of is ALWAYS changing.
Prophecy is always in motion so can really never be made, only In the moment is it true, and them there is the issue of "time". That is for another transmission.
Be at peace dear one. All is proceeding to our pleasing. The question needed to be spoken and might we add, shared on your conversation page. Many question this idea. It is to our pleasing that it is shared.
Ohhhh ....again I just thought to share my doubts with you. Ok .. I guess it will help others understand how silly I can be... Ok I'll share
Not silly dear one. HUMAN.
Only if it your will dear heart, to teach.
Well I'm not doing the teaching you are Adam
And who am I ?
Ok..... Ok.., I get it.. LOL,. I do love you :) even when your pushy lol
Dearest a means to an end. One you are wanting as well.
With love in our hearts
That is all
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