Oracle Card Readings
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The cards


Card Number 1
Three of Gabriel
You have made some good choices and now your ship is coming in! As you wait for it to dock, it's an excellent time to consider your next steps. Long-term planning is a good idea. What is your next adventure? What actions are required in order to make that endeavour a reality? You may need to travel for business purposes. Review your options while you keep your enthusiasm high.The work you have done so far will yield fantastic results, so there is no need to worry if it takes a little while for you to get a return on your financial or energetic investment. Just have patience!
Card number 2
Ten of Gabriel
It is important to live a balanced life! Your determination and sheer will to accomplish the task before you is very admirable, but it is taking a large toll on you. Ask for help from others. Delegate responsibility to those who can do a good job. Reduce stress for the sake of protecting your health. Release feelings of guilt, and remove unnecessary obligations from your schedule. Your current challenges may feel burdensome, but there is a great deal to learn from the situation. This is the time of growth that will make you stronger. Ask your angels and guides to place helpful people at your side.
Card number 3
Three of Michael
You will grow from this situation! When challenging events occur, it is important to take time to heal. You do not have to do it alone. Ask your angels, guides, or human friends for assistance. Forgive everyone involved including yourself for actions or choices you may see as having been unkind or in error. Time truly does heal all wounds. Ask your angels and guides to help you see the reason for the situation in your life. A new perspective could allow you to view things in a different light. Know that you will become a stronger person over time because of this challenge.
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