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Sunday, 20 December 2015

New Beginnings 21/12/15 Abacus



Voice channel transcription

New Beginings

Greetings dear ones. Greetings to all that are listening this day. There is much that is occurring at this time. Some of it understandable and some of it not understandable. There are many coming to a point in their life stream where a choice needs to be made, of which way they are wishing to walk, whether it be the left or the right road they are wishing to take. There are many options, many availabilities however one becomes overwhelmed when looking at all the many options or all the many paths, that one may choose on the road. In fact there are infinite choices that can be made. One needs to discern what brings them the most heartfelt desire. When you hone on the specifics of what you wish to accomplish in this lifetime, what you wish to experience, then the choosing is not so difficult and the road can be chosen with a peace of mind and a fullness of heart. Do not lose faith that that that is occurring is not occurring, for it is occurring. Do not be blind sighted by what you see on your picture boxes, on your newspapers, for media like to sensationalise. They wish to sell their papers, do they not? They wish to make their money and so they will share with you that that the general populace likes to read about, for they are wishing to allay their fears in the reading, not understanding that in fact it increases their fears. What we wish to say to you, if you are but guided to see only what you wish to see in your lifestream, then this is all you will experience in your life stream, for what you see you will experience. It is not that you do not care for those that are being harmed and ostracised. It is simply you wish to not compel it forward, to make it bigger than what it is, and so do not misunderstand that by not looking it does not mean that you do not care, it simply means that you do not wish to expand that into your life stream or that of earth's.

Dear ones we love you most dearly and when we see you struggle, we feel your struggle deeply. We say to you concentrate on that which brings you happiness. Concentrate on that which brings you joy. Lose time in this, and all will be well, for what you do this day in joy you will also do tomorrow, for what you do today attracts your tomorrow. Remember this truth. There is an ever shifting paradigm occurring at this time. There is an ending of the old and beginning of the new. Life is beginning to change as you know it. To those that are stuck in their ways they will experience being stuck in their ways, they will not change, they will continue to see their hardships for this is all they wish to experience. But for those that wish to change, those that wish something new in their life stream, for those that are wishing to step beyond the step that they cannot see, then these will experience new heights, new sites, new modalities. We have said it before, and we will say it again, do not expect to be a superhuman overnight. You are a superhuman, but what we mean to say is, do not expect to be your superman that flies in the skies in the beginning of the new year. We wish to say to you you will experience new strengths in your abilities. You will see situations more clearly. You will write more fluently. You will channel with more clarity. Your vision will be clearer. You will be able to accomplish your doings within a shorter time span. You will flow. You will be able to begin that that you wish to begin with more ease. You will find that magically things will appear in your pathway that will help you with your doing. It is a year of new beginnings, of putting into place that that you wish to be doing and experiencing. It is a year to begin, to see the first shoots of the crop that you have been growing, of the seeds that are born, and now you are beginning to see the first of the sprouts. Patience dear ones. Concentrate as you have been explained, on which you desire. It is a beautiful time when one begins to see their dreams begin to blossom. Yes there will still be the duality, and there will be turmoil, for that is not finished yet, for you are not finished yet. You are still clearing. You are still learning. You are still transitioning between the one and the other. When you begin to grow, you grow for all of humanity. Do not think it selfish for you to grow and to expand, and to create your future abundance, for what you create for yourself you create for all. You do not help the ones that are suffering by becoming the suffering with them. It is through your expansion that you help those that are suffering. Understand this. You may have empathy, you may have compassion but you do not need to jump into the fire with them, for this does not help them. Understand this is truth. You maybe listen, you may walk beside them, but it does not mean that you jump in with them. You hold out your hand so that they may see it and be guided to climb out of where they are. Dear ones you are all powerful. Understand this. Create that that you wish to create in your world, in your stream, and you create it for others. You bring a path of ease for others that are to follow. Not you but the path.

We finish this by saying be that what you wish to be. Dream that you wish to be, and believe that it is possible to become that that you wish, for you are the creator incarnate.

That is all

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