Channeled Readings
We are here once again. We will bring to this transmission that which relates to the energy of this day and in the coming days.
The Ones
For the ones that read the one, we say to you, it is a good time to align with your higher purpose. When we say align we mean that which means to become balanced within your desires, and that that is not a desire, but a necessaty in the daily living. We understand in your earthy lives there are attributes that are required. There are a certain structures in place so that you may eat and pay the utilities. However, is there not also time to smell the roses, stop within your day to balance your busy with silence? With grounding with nature? You take the time to wash and to clean? You take the time to fix your fair and brush your teeth? You take the time to shop and to watch your picture boxes? Yes? Perhaps it is an idea, if you will, to make time in your day to connect with the self. To stop and go within. To stop and reflect. To stop and be present. You will find more value in your day if this is achieved, for it serves to fill you up so that you have more to give yourself and others throughout the day. We tell you, do not to simply take our words as truth, but perhaps to explore this avenue and see for yourself if it brings you value or nay. Test the theory we bring. We never mean for you to accept blindly our message, but to test it for yourself.
The Twos
For the two we say be not in resistance. When one is in resistance one is not flowing easily with the stream of life. When one flows with the stream they are in acceptance of all that is in their daily living. What we mean by this? See what is in your space, in your living. Acknowledge what is in view, rather than looking at the view but wishing it gone. Fighting against what is, serves to create more of what is, even though you are not wishing it so. Rather than looking at your life and wishing it out of existence, be in acceptance and gratitude for what is. Look to see the value it brings to you in the moment. Look to its essence in acceptance and love. See why it is so and what it serves you in being so. Be in gratitude of this for in the gratitude you may begin to see the bigger picture. This brings a focus of the now. Rather than seeing what you are in resistance to as the villain, see it as the hero that comes to save you, from a life of further resistance. Thank it for what it brings and then release it from your world. Remember what you resists persists. Be not in resistance, but in acceptance and then begin to take the steps that brings to you what you are wanting to change and begin to take the steps to change your present. One step in acceptance is far greater and powerful, than one step with resistance.
The Threes
The threes made look up on this day as a time to begin to attract more of what they wish to experience in their life stream. Begin by asking yourself what is the essence you are searching for in your life stream? Is it that of peace? Is it joy and laughter? Is it freedom? Think about this if you will. If peace is what you are seeking, begin this day, to allow time for peace. What brings you peace? Is it watching the sunset? Is it meditation? Find your way to peace and make time each day for peace. If what you are wanting is more laughter or joy think about what triggers this in new and begin to make appointments with yourself daily, for joy and laughter. How may you experience laughter? Watch a funny movie. Think of funny experiences. Watch something comedic. Simply laugh for no reason. Do you see where we are going with this? When you make time, make an appointment with yourself, you begin to create a habit. Once you begin to "be" this that you desire, you will create more of this in your life stream. May you begin this day?
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