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Monday, 28 December 2015

Abacus 28/12/15 New Aspects

Transcribed voice channel
New Aspects

Greetings dear ones greetings to all that are listening this day. It is We, Abacus. Aquaous is also here on the outskirts. We have much to bring through and so we shall begin without further ado. There is occurrences that are beginning to form in many life streams. One's life stream is beginning to split into more than one aspect. When one begins to experience more than one aspect it can become a little unsettling, for you know not whether you are experiencing one or the other or both incoherently. You may feel as if you are on a boat on a ocean, and it is moving this way and that, and you cannot seem to feel a balance, an understanding which is in fact correct and which is not correct. We say to you when one begins to feel this uncertainty simply breathe. Breathe, be in the flow. Do not allow your heart to beat radically but bring it to calm. Breathe and allow whatever is occurring to occur. Understand what is occurring and be at peace with it. When one breathes into the situation, one becomes calm and with the calm stance one can then experience this new train of development. If one goes into panic then the experience becomes more unsettling and panic may escalate to anxiety in your daily living. We say to you simply breathe through the experience. Do not try to push the experience away but simply allow what is occurring, for this is your future. This is the changing energy stream and it is time to become aware and one with what is occurring. When something feels different one may go into anxiety, and try not to experience the different. What we say to you to not experience the different, is to push away your own magnificence. We say to you embrace the difference, embrace the change unless of course you are not wanting to experience change. Embrace your new attributes. Embrace your new heightened senses. Listen with your new ears, view with your new eyes, and speak with your new voice. These are to be practised and one may not practise when one pushes them away. In acceptance, in the seeing, in the viewing, you become balanced again, and you begin to learn the new energy and to develop it. Rest is required at this time also. Rest when you feel tired instead of pushing against it. Rest is integration, is absorption, of the new light. This is a period of change for many. What we say to you, is take time to discover the changes, to be in acceptance of them, to test them, to play with them, as a child plays with a new toy. The child does not push it aside and say "this is different, I don't like it", and ignore it. The child embraces the new and explores it and tries to figure out which way it works to get the most out of the toy, and so we say to you, when you feel these new energies, do not push them away, but embrace them. Begin to discover what they are, and what you are able to do with them. This is the message we bring this day. Play like children with your new toys dear ones. Be not in fear. These are your gifts. 
That is all. 

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