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Sunday, 27 December 2015

Oracle Card Messages 28/12/15

Oracle card Readings


Cards used are "The Spirit Messages by John Holland"

Card 1


Your body mind & soul are urging you to take time out for some much needed cleansing. Just as you wash your car and clean your house your body also needs care and attention. It's some time for some spiritual and physical cleansing. Spirit is reaching out with this card to help you cleanse and detoxify your body mind and soul. Spiritual cleansing is an excellent way of extracting destructive emotions that if left untreated can cause depression anxiety and even addiction. Make a pact with yourself to commit to rejuvenating your mind by practising positive affirmations every day. One by one you will purge the negative thoughts which will allow you to return to harmony. Drink more water & cleanse by reducing toxins such as alcohol caffeine nicotine sugar and other substances. Take salt baths and get into nature so you can breathe fresh air. Allow the natural world to infuse your spirit with its healing properties as you cleanse and rebalance. You are a spiritual being as well as a physical being - honour both 

Card 2


You are a kind and loving soul who constantly reaches out and gives to others but now it's time to receive. Just as the ebb and flow of the tides, the art of giving and receiving is the natural law & order of the universe. This card is given to you at this time by spirit because we see the love strength and guidance you give to many - but now it's long overdue that you allow others to give back to you. We understand you may struggle with the act of receiving, even though life is one big continuous circle of giving and receiving energy. As a soul you are a energetic being, an intelligent source of spirit energy that guides you on your path towards happiness prosperity and well being. Let others feel your joy in giving to you- the same happiness you feel when your giving to others. They also need to give back to keep the balance. You might have asked a question on obtaining something in your life & not accepting or receiving from others could block the flow of abundance in all areas of your life. When someone gives to you a kind thankyou in return is all that's needed. Keep the natural flow going. The more you learn to accept & receive the more the blessings in your life will appear 

Card 3

Let go

Once you let go of the outcome you will be able to release all the emotional constraints that have held you back in the past. Trust in the higher good & guidance of spirit. By letting go of your

preset  outcomes, it's sometimes necessary to take an alternative route to your destination in life. Equally as you navigate your new route you may find that the ultimate destination changes to one that's for your higher good. Don't ignore signs and symbols that are presented to you at this time as this is spirit providing directions & pointers to guide you along your journey. Be brave and let go of the plans and ideas that are not working. Trust and follow the energy that is guiding you in a new direction. Energy is like the ebb and flow of the tide and through higher awareness you can tap into that energy and flow with it. Trust that spirit will guide you where you need to be. 

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