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Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Integrations A personal Journey 8/12/15


Aquaous and Abacus
Integrations ..... A personal Journey

This is an integration that occurred Tuesday afternoon. I simply had the thought to channel after a lightbody journey. What I thought  to be a simple channel turned into this. It was an amazing experience. The last time this happened I went into fear. This time I didn't because as soon as I realised what was happening I knew what was coming so i went with it. It was lucky I was recording. This time I'd like to share. Why? So if you haven't experienced it, then when it happens to you, even though your experience will be unique to you, you won't be taken by surprise.  I had no idea the first time..... I wish I had of. I wish more channels out there shared their experiences. I have earmarked the recording if anyone wants to listen to it. Listening back I myself was amazed at the changes in my voice and how strong abacus comes through in at the end......

3:50 min into recording 

We are here again. We are Aquaous. We are the three. We are coming in more frequently as we are adjusting to your energy flow. We are fine tuning the frequency. We are making adjustments on entry every time we connect. You find it an undertaking with connecting for we may only do so when we are in transmission, for it is much like you fine tune your radio. You may not fine tune your radio when it is not playing. You must fine tune it while you are trying to listen to the station, and so we are performing a similar concept where we find tune as our scribe speaks we find tune as we transmit and in this way we can judge the frequency with how much it expands and contracts depending on what we bring forth, what we project and as to what the scribe voices with their tone. It is much energy being used at this moment to try to reach the frequency this one is at but as the time moves we will become more level, more unique in the connection. She is thinking she can hear high pitch soundwaves and this is correct. We are levelling our light waves with her waves and we must lift her waves in a sense, to reach ours.
We are asking our scribe not to be in resistance, but to simply allow what is taking place.

(((((Lull)))) 7:30 - 10:40

We ask you dear heart to allow these ones. It is Abacus. We feel you still have resistance. To allow you simply imagine yourself to expand. Expand wide as if you are The whole universe. Large encompassing. We hold the universe within you. Imagine yourself all your cells expanding out in a explosion of light. This is how one allows. You may try this now.

((( lull ))) 11:43-22:30. 
Here I experience energy running down my spine, my heart expanding, internal heat, what felt like something uncoiling at my base chakra and beginning to move up my spine and a mix of other sensations. 

Can you feel us in this dear heart? You are in bodying all of we while being present. This is embodiment of spirit. From this space we bring we with no mind. You allow us to speak from the space. This is close to we. You are encompassed with love, with beauty, with God source. You are so very loved for your commitment to this work. We honour you. We honour you. Fill up with us. Allow us to bathe you, in our love, in our light. The pleidians are here. Aquaous. The 3 are here. Christ light is here. We are all here. Embalming you in our love. Feel us. Allow.

(((Lull))) 24:40 - 25:10

Become one with we.

(((Lull))) 25:10 - 26:14

The message we bring for this day is one off tenacity. When one practices, when one makes time, when one uses all their faculties in surrender for the common good, for the common cause with an open heart, and purity, with love, then all will come to them, for this is what they reflect. Those that communicate with their aspects of self, of source, understand regular practice, commitment, moves mountains. One may not communicate clearly if one does not practice their skills like the master craftsman, that practice and they practice till their become better at it. Practice dear ones. Spend time in stillness. Refine the communication, and you will find over time the communication becomes clearer, your connection becomes on the station. You will have no doubt that you are bringing forth the words of your guides, and to this one we say the time for doubting is over. Your journey will begin with great aptitude in this new year. You will begin new journeys, new pathways. Many will open up to this in the New Year, and many will begin listening to our communications, and so we practice now dear one to become clearer, to become more refined. We leave you now dear heart to rest and to enjoy your evening. We are very happy that we have connected so closely in this way, this day. With love in our hearts for you, for your surrender to we. We love you dearly.

That is all

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