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Friday, 25 December 2015

My Channeling Process 22/12/15 How I do what I do

This piece is my experience of the channeling process. This is for those that wonder how I channel exactly? I've been inspired to share

Before I begin to describe my experience, my way of voice channeling, i wish to say that we are all unique in our way of receiving. One will channel one way and another will channel in a different way. Neither are wrong and all ways are valid. 
I like to voice channel best, even though transcribing the voice channeling into written form is tedious. I just love how I feel in that space, how connected I feel to the energy I channel, and how I can just let go of  "getting it right" and allow them. I love just curling up in my comfy chair ( mostly with legs crossed ) and running the energy of the light-body vibrational centres. It feels like to me that I'm starting my engines up till I get to the space of take off. I feel light, expanded, and loved. I like to voice channel after a light-body journey or even in that space. I don't need to. I can channel without doing this but I prefer it. I find I'm in a higher space when channeling in this state. I am in an expanded state, closer, higher. I feel in this state my "ego" is more out of the way. However when I come down from this state and i spell check and edit I'm then more in my ego and personality state and so I'm hesitant to change anything then. I'm told words hold energy, and vibration...everything is energy and vibration. Even their name. 
Regarding voice channeling. I feel there are different ways of voice channeling. Some get a block of information, a knowing of a concept or idea and then they transcribe/describe it in voice ( voice channeling ) in their own words. Some i know do it this way. They just voice the idea that comes in their very own words. I feel editing then isn't a problem because their using their own words to describe the block of information or knowing anyways..,,whether it's voiced out loud or written or transcribed later....
Then there's voice channeling direct words that come. I do it this way. I get word for word. Word after word after word. Now it's fluent. It wasn't when I first began. It's how it came to me from the very beginning. I struggled with it at first and now am in acceptance. It's my way of channeling. However at times I do get a concept or idea which I describe in my words ( ie in a live reading ) But most of my channeling is bringing their words through. It's not a take over. I allow their words. I put my ego aside, my own thought process or imagination and I allow their thoughts to flow. It's like I turn my tap of thoughts off and I allow their tap of thoughts to open. I choose to allow them. I KNOW when my tap of thoughts leak out because then the sentences stop making sense. I turn my tap of thoughts off and open their tap. This way I don't have to worry about picking the right words. They use my language ( data bank ) but at times words come that I have no idea what they mean. I sound them out and then google search them. They always fit in the contex of the channel which amazed me at first. It was my validation that I was channeling in the beginning.This is why I do not like to edit. However if it's my explanation, my interpretation of an idea, a concept they give me, then in ok with editing. At times I ask them for words if I'm stuck. In the bigger scheme of things, I know I am them and them me, I know we are one energy. I know it's a part of me I'm channeling because we are all one. But I figure when I'm in this higher state & channeling from this state & the words come a from this higher state, then when I come back into my ego my personality I'm hesitant to mess around and edit words that have come from a higher space. If I alter anything I "check in". I know eventually in time I'll embody that state of being & can access that higher info in my normal state more easily, but I'm not there yet. 
When I channel I don't "see" ( though I have on occasion seen them spell out a word in my imagination ) their words or "hear" their words. Their words come as thoughts. Sometimes very loud thoughts. If I ask them a question I get an answer as a thought. At times the thought reverberates in my head from all angles so loud that I can't mistake it as "my" thought. At times now, more often as I channel their words I get concepts or ideas or a knowing as I bring their words. I probably could stop and describe in my own words but I choose not to. I prefer their words, their explanation. I prefer to take s back seat and they have explained that I do. I sit back and allow them to drive the channel. I am conscious. I say the words, word for word what comes in my thoughts. Afterwards after the channel is ended, if I choose I can add my thoughts and ideas. I like this because in a live reading it allows the person to ask my guides directly a question and my guides answer them. I've done readings in this way. They ask, Abacus answers then, back and forth the questions are asked and they answer, right to the nitty gritty. It's takes the pressure off me.. Then after the channel is finished, I expand and tell them what I saw, what I felt in my own words. This is my way. It's taken me 2 years to be ok with it. I just came to a point where I thought, why do I have to struggle to find the right words and info when I can step back and allow their higher view to come forward. Their words. I'm conscious, I'm aware, but I allow them, I allow that higher essence. I allow their words , and so I don't like it edit or mess with that afterwards. Especially when i am back in my ego, my personality. I know this share is long but I couldn't shorten it. I wrote this for a group I'm in and I was guided to share with others on my pages. The guidance resonated & so I share. It took me 2 years to trust my guides ( as some that have been following my channeling journey are aware ). I understand now that that the guides are a part not me, as in we are one, in the larger sense. We are not separate. I have seen that in my light-body journeys. I understand that. They are a higher aspect of me, a piece of me from a higher plane, and this is what I allow, what I am blending with when I channel.. I don't know how this will develop in the future. I trust whatever comes ... 

When I auto write? It's the same process as voice channeling except that I write instead of speak. I don't feel as "High" when I write, though I still feel them. I at times get tingling sensations in my scalp or body. At times when I write, they get me to stop and clear. They have me sit in stillness till I become vibrationly more in sync I'm guessing and then I begin to write again. With writing I still receive their thoughts, it just "feels" different. I personally feel I'm more out of the way in voice channel because I don't have to concentrate on the physical task of writing . The information still comes. 
The drawings I've begun to create ( one is shown in this thread ) are a new development & are channeled. They are created "in the zone". What do I mean by "in the zone"? I get into the same state I do when I channel. I then begin at the centre of the page, blank my mind and allow whatever comes. I never know how it will be created. It's all in the moment. Currently I've begun to channel drawings for others. Here, I think of them. Tune into their energy, while in that state. blank my mind and draw what comes. It's new and I love the spontaneity of it. I love not planning it and allowing it to develop. I'm in awe of the first one I'm creating for another,  that's near completion. Some would call this simply creating from inspiration & maybe that's true. I get inspired thoughts on what colours to use, which shapes to draw etc Where does inspired thought come from though? I feel it's information received from from somewhere higher than my earth self.
For others who are beginning to channel and/or struggling, my advise for what it's worth is channel in  "your"  own way, whatever way feels right for you. Everyone is so unique in this. If it feels right to edit then edit. If it doesn't don't. Do whatever works for you. Your way IS the right way for you. I think it's great to  share all our different ways of channeling, our quirks, our uniqueness. I respect and value everyone's different ways, ideas, and flavours. 
Feel free to share your experiences if you feel guided under this thread. You never know who you may help in the sharing. I for one love hearing of others experiences in connecting :)

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