
We are pleased to be here again. We are Abacus this day. We come to bring a message of hope, of love, of patience. Understand dear ones it is a process this thing you call enlightenment. It is a process of releasing, of undressing all past beliefs, beliefs that cloud your judgement. Beliefs that alter your perception. You see you have been cocooned to believe in a certain way, for this is all that you believed in this way. You knew no other way and your parents didn't know any other way and their parents and their parents before they. It has been going generation to generation to generation and now is the time to strip all the past back, to clear and to open to new ideas, new belief systems, to understand who you really are, to be out of survival, to be into creativity, to begin creating with the imagination all that you wish to experience. You may look at your imagination as an easel or as a multi media project of sorts, with many different modalities of creating. Creating with the modalities may be as simple or as complex as you wish to make it. You may paint with your imagination simplicity, or you may paint intricate detailed creations. There is no limit to what you may create within your imagination. Your imagination is limitless. Yes it is limited to what it knows, but not even so, for in the imagination ideas come. Ideas that you have no understanding of. They come as a impression and and then you build upon the impression. It is much like when you begin a painting and you begin thinking you will paint one thing and then the picture becomes something completely different altogether. This one creates now in this way. She begins in the centre and as she creates outwards the picture becomes something totally unexpected. This is creating mindlessly, allowing that that is the ethers to be manipulated through your imagination and then you create this idea, this imagery. You see you think when you create in your imagination, that it is fairytales, that it is means naught, that it is simply a waste of time, but you see your material world is created from the vortex of the imagination. We show our scribe an image of a vortex of colour and how from within the centre of this vortex comes a creation. It begins right down in the centre and then expands out until it's created into material form. We speak to our scribe in this instant. Dear one it is no mistake that you create from the centre outwards. Do you see? Do you understand how from the centre can be something created so beautiful and intricate? It builds upon one point and then expands out in a multitude of colour. It is limitless, only to the imagination of what you may create, and so now we speak to all. It begins from one point in the ethers. You imagine a creation. It begins from this little point and then you begin to create what it is you wish to create from this point, this dot. It is much like you put your pen to paper. When you place the pen on the paper there is a dot, is there not? The point of creation, the beginning, and from this point then you create the masterpiece. In the energy ethers, in the matrix, it is from this point that your imagination begins to create. So intricate spiralling outwards expanding until it is materialised. You will see in much of your nature the spiral, the vortex, the sacred geometry. It is in a sense mathematical, and again we refer to our scribe. You recall searching the meaning of our name when we brought his name through do you not? You could not understand why we named ourselves Abacus. You are beginning to understand, and there is more to the name that we make reference, but for now we begin at the beginning of the creation, and as you create from the beginning from the point with energy in the ethers you bring it into being, into the physical much more quickly. If you create it in your material form struggling, struggling to create what you wish, you push against resistance do you not, many times? Trying to create and not understanding why it is not being created. There are many that speak of creating through the imagination and this is the way creation is brought forth. Scientists bring ideas through the mind, through the imagination. Children create through the imagination. Painters paint through the imagination. It is where the idea to create comes forth. So we say to you dear ones when you wish to create your masterpiece begin to play with the idea in your imagination. Add colour, and sound. Imagine it becoming beautiful and draw it into the physical world. Begin to be this that you are wishing, that you are imagining. Become the person you would be if you were living this imagination. The essence of what you are imagining. An example, if you are wishing to be a writer, begin to be a writer. Begin to act as a writer. Begin to feel as a writer would feel and so it is attracted to your material form. It is but one example. Understand all that you see and feel and touch was once an idea in someone's imagination. It was brought forth, created into the material. You may create in the same way. You do create in the same way. When you come to this understanding, when you realise the complexity and the simplicity you begin to change your world for you understand the act of manifestation. You are but to believe it is so. It is all around you in nature, in your modalities, in your living spaces. You are creators, known this truth. With love we end this transmission.
That is all
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