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Monday, 28 December 2015

28/12/15 Abacus Transform Evolve/Manifest (My Journey)

Transcribed voice channel after light-body journey
Transform Evolve/Manifest
A personal channel to my journey

I feel guided to share because I feel others may relate to this....

I asked Abacus what I am to transform, evolve or manifest in the new year. This is what came. 

You wish to understand what it is you are to transform. Dear heart what have you been working on all this while? The transformation is your self, is you. The transformation is your physicality, your body structure. This has been the aim all along has it not? You brought to yourself illness, so that you may transform it. You brought yourself illness, so that you may lead this path in healing and awakening. You are transforming now as we speak, and you will continue to do so. Transformation of you. You dear heart. That is the first step. Evolving is the transformation. The two are combined into one. As you transform your physicality, you evolve yourself and all those around you, for as you shine your light, you shine theirs as well. The one and two, are intermixed in this regard dear heart. You are evolving your HUmanity. Your manifestation in this regard is your art. You create beauty and beauty is to be seen within it. Where one may not listen to your words spoken, they may energetically be absorbed in your creations of art. The manifestation is your art. It always has been, you simply have not understood it. You have done so as a child and you continue to play with colour. In your career you play with it on the humans fingernails and on the humans face with the powders and the pencils. When you make your beady creations you play with colour do you not? When you begin to live in your dwellings you begin to play with colour in the surrounds. You are always playing with colour dear one and so it continues with your art work and it will continue in your healing modalities. You are simply not yet aware of it, but it will come to pass that you will use colour to heal another. You will understand the reference as you evolve. As you transform. Understand this. It is a part of your growth and a part of the process. You ask how you may do this? Transforming and evolving? You are already doing this dear heart. You are already transforming. You are in the process and although it is a long road, patience is heeded. One step at a time dear heart. Be at peace when you are. Have patience with others. They do not understand your process. Love them and send them love and light. There will be many changes in your life time. Be at ease with the change. Allow and let go. Understand you must walk your path as others walk theirs. Courage, faith dear heart. Use this time for rest and play. We bid you good day....

Abacus 28/12/15 New Aspects

Transcribed voice channel
New Aspects

Greetings dear ones greetings to all that are listening this day. It is We, Abacus. Aquaous is also here on the outskirts. We have much to bring through and so we shall begin without further ado. There is occurrences that are beginning to form in many life streams. One's life stream is beginning to split into more than one aspect. When one begins to experience more than one aspect it can become a little unsettling, for you know not whether you are experiencing one or the other or both incoherently. You may feel as if you are on a boat on a ocean, and it is moving this way and that, and you cannot seem to feel a balance, an understanding which is in fact correct and which is not correct. We say to you when one begins to feel this uncertainty simply breathe. Breathe, be in the flow. Do not allow your heart to beat radically but bring it to calm. Breathe and allow whatever is occurring to occur. Understand what is occurring and be at peace with it. When one breathes into the situation, one becomes calm and with the calm stance one can then experience this new train of development. If one goes into panic then the experience becomes more unsettling and panic may escalate to anxiety in your daily living. We say to you simply breathe through the experience. Do not try to push the experience away but simply allow what is occurring, for this is your future. This is the changing energy stream and it is time to become aware and one with what is occurring. When something feels different one may go into anxiety, and try not to experience the different. What we say to you to not experience the different, is to push away your own magnificence. We say to you embrace the difference, embrace the change unless of course you are not wanting to experience change. Embrace your new attributes. Embrace your new heightened senses. Listen with your new ears, view with your new eyes, and speak with your new voice. These are to be practised and one may not practise when one pushes them away. In acceptance, in the seeing, in the viewing, you become balanced again, and you begin to learn the new energy and to develop it. Rest is required at this time also. Rest when you feel tired instead of pushing against it. Rest is integration, is absorption, of the new light. This is a period of change for many. What we say to you, is take time to discover the changes, to be in acceptance of them, to test them, to play with them, as a child plays with a new toy. The child does not push it aside and say "this is different, I don't like it", and ignore it. The child embraces the new and explores it and tries to figure out which way it works to get the most out of the toy, and so we say to you, when you feel these new energies, do not push them away, but embrace them. Begin to discover what they are, and what you are able to do with them. This is the message we bring this day. Play like children with your new toys dear ones. Be not in fear. These are your gifts. 
That is all. 

Abacus 27/12/15 A written channel reg the drawings I'm creating

Auto writing
Regarding the symbols, their meanings in my drawings...
Some have begun to ask me what the symbols in my drawings mean. To be honest I don't know what the symbols mean exactly or even if I'm drawing them right. I simply draw, write what comes in that zone or altered state. I decided to ask again today about the drawings/symbols ....The following is channeled automatic writing. Please use your discernment ....

You wish to understand the symbolism yes? 


Be clear. Allow what we bring 

We shall begin
We come to you to help you with your journey, to help you to understand who you are, to grow into your self, that that you are, at a higher energetic flow. The energetic flow is made up of energy frequency waves, of sound that pulsates at a certain frequency. All frequency is ever changing, altering, constantly moving, shifting. All you see and feel is an energetic vibrancy, that changes at a whim, dependant of your though patterns and your actions. The symbols are also energetic in nature. When you create any structure, it vibrates at a certain frequency. ALL you create vibrates at a certain frequency. When you create in love, the vibration of love is embedded in the creation. When you create in fear, it also is embedded in the creation. The symbols also hold a certain frequency. The frequency of your creating, of love, light and joy, that you are "being" in the "creating" of such, is imbedded "within" the piece, and within the symbols. When one holds the piece it is effectively felt. If one views the piece it is also felt, as one understands energy is everywhere. It is not separate from you. It has no distance. However when one is close to the energy structure, it is felt more readily. It is more powerful in its essence at the place of creation at the source. The piece holds the energy of its creation within its space, however one may tap into this space or frequency with their own intention to do so, and become in tune to it, meaning placing their focus upon it. The symbols themselves hold an energetic frequency, from whence the symbols come, at their original point of creation. The symbols encapsulate the energy in its structure. You wish to understand what the energy within these symbols pertain to. We say to you, these come from a source beyond your understanding at this time. They are not always precise, as you are still learning to encapsulate them to relay our encodement into the material form, however, simply the act of trying to transcribe the encodement we transmit is enough for "We" encapsulate the same energy "within" its structure. The intent is held within the symbol during the transmission and its creation. We give an example....
Your children when they learn to write may not form the letters of your language perfectly, however, one may read what they are sending forth in their writing. If a child writes, "I love you", even when the letters are not perfection, when one reads the sentence one feels the love of the child, one understands the meaning. Not only this, the love of the child is imbued within the sentence, the creation, and the energetic thumb print so to speak, is then transferred to all who read those words. The energy is felt especially by those who resonate to its frequency, and the frequency of the child. In this example, love is activated. Even when the letters are not perfectly formed, the intent, the energy held within the structure act as a trigger to those that read and especially those that are energetically intertwined with the child. The energy is held within the pigment, within the intent, within the matrix. We are trying to have you understand the symbolism. It is not so important to achieve perfection, but flow. We have explained to our scribe it is more important in the creation of the pieces, to be in her flow, in the joy that she feels in the creation process, in the peace that she feels, in the love for creating, for this is imbued within the creation. The symbols then add their facet of triggering, or activating ones attributes. Those who look upon the pieces, hold them, or meditates upon them, will then feel this and be activated. Just as the mother that reads the " I love you", from her child's written creation gets triggered, by feeling her child's love for her, so to others may be triggered by viewing the creative pieces. Psychometry, where one holds a piece of jewellery, or a photo works in a similar fashion. One may feel the energy within the piece physically. The symbolism will improve as you begin to trust your inner knowing. Again we bring to the forefront that flow is more important here, than perfection. The transmission is embedded in the creative process. Colour also holds frequency as many are aware. Colour created in a certain manner, causes energetic changes to one that views the colours for a time. You understand that colours changes the way you feel yes? These are also created in a way that forms patterning . It is in sense a structured mix of colouring. A little bit of this and a little bit of that, mixed with a certain energetic flow, creates a timely injection of vibrancy, one that may heal, calm, soothe or create joy. It may also trigger an inner frequency of knowing. You understand if one walks into a room that is coloured a certain way one may feel calm or energetic? One may not colour a child's room red, as one knows this would not create peaceful rest for a young child. You instinctively understand this. This is the message we bring this this day. 
Dear heart, be at peace, in joy, and in love in the creating. Be instinctive, without pressure to do it right it by anothers standards, and all will be perfection. You think creating your art, your pieces, is not earth saving, that it is not helping the "all". All you do affects the whole, for you are all connected, and so when you create in joy, the joy is transmitted to all and contributes to the joy of all. When others view with joy it also contributes to the whole. All one creates affects the whole.

Be in joy dear ones doing what you love, for when you are in this space it is expanded to all, it is transmitted to all. When you begin to be in peace it is then that there begins to be peace all around you. It begins with you.
That is all

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Oracle Card Messages 28/12/15

Oracle card Readings


Cards used are "The Spirit Messages by John Holland"

Card 1


Your body mind & soul are urging you to take time out for some much needed cleansing. Just as you wash your car and clean your house your body also needs care and attention. It's some time for some spiritual and physical cleansing. Spirit is reaching out with this card to help you cleanse and detoxify your body mind and soul. Spiritual cleansing is an excellent way of extracting destructive emotions that if left untreated can cause depression anxiety and even addiction. Make a pact with yourself to commit to rejuvenating your mind by practising positive affirmations every day. One by one you will purge the negative thoughts which will allow you to return to harmony. Drink more water & cleanse by reducing toxins such as alcohol caffeine nicotine sugar and other substances. Take salt baths and get into nature so you can breathe fresh air. Allow the natural world to infuse your spirit with its healing properties as you cleanse and rebalance. You are a spiritual being as well as a physical being - honour both 

Card 2


You are a kind and loving soul who constantly reaches out and gives to others but now it's time to receive. Just as the ebb and flow of the tides, the art of giving and receiving is the natural law & order of the universe. This card is given to you at this time by spirit because we see the love strength and guidance you give to many - but now it's long overdue that you allow others to give back to you. We understand you may struggle with the act of receiving, even though life is one big continuous circle of giving and receiving energy. As a soul you are a energetic being, an intelligent source of spirit energy that guides you on your path towards happiness prosperity and well being. Let others feel your joy in giving to you- the same happiness you feel when your giving to others. They also need to give back to keep the balance. You might have asked a question on obtaining something in your life & not accepting or receiving from others could block the flow of abundance in all areas of your life. When someone gives to you a kind thankyou in return is all that's needed. Keep the natural flow going. The more you learn to accept & receive the more the blessings in your life will appear 

Card 3

Let go

Once you let go of the outcome you will be able to release all the emotional constraints that have held you back in the past. Trust in the higher good & guidance of spirit. By letting go of your

preset  outcomes, it's sometimes necessary to take an alternative route to your destination in life. Equally as you navigate your new route you may find that the ultimate destination changes to one that's for your higher good. Don't ignore signs and symbols that are presented to you at this time as this is spirit providing directions & pointers to guide you along your journey. Be brave and let go of the plans and ideas that are not working. Trust and follow the energy that is guiding you in a new direction. Energy is like the ebb and flow of the tide and through higher awareness you can tap into that energy and flow with it. Trust that spirit will guide you where you need to be. 

Friday, 25 December 2015

My Channeling Process 22/12/15 How I do what I do

This piece is my experience of the channeling process. This is for those that wonder how I channel exactly? I've been inspired to share

Before I begin to describe my experience, my way of voice channeling, i wish to say that we are all unique in our way of receiving. One will channel one way and another will channel in a different way. Neither are wrong and all ways are valid. 
I like to voice channel best, even though transcribing the voice channeling into written form is tedious. I just love how I feel in that space, how connected I feel to the energy I channel, and how I can just let go of  "getting it right" and allow them. I love just curling up in my comfy chair ( mostly with legs crossed ) and running the energy of the light-body vibrational centres. It feels like to me that I'm starting my engines up till I get to the space of take off. I feel light, expanded, and loved. I like to voice channel after a light-body journey or even in that space. I don't need to. I can channel without doing this but I prefer it. I find I'm in a higher space when channeling in this state. I am in an expanded state, closer, higher. I feel in this state my "ego" is more out of the way. However when I come down from this state and i spell check and edit I'm then more in my ego and personality state and so I'm hesitant to change anything then. I'm told words hold energy, and vibration...everything is energy and vibration. Even their name. 
Regarding voice channeling. I feel there are different ways of voice channeling. Some get a block of information, a knowing of a concept or idea and then they transcribe/describe it in voice ( voice channeling ) in their own words. Some i know do it this way. They just voice the idea that comes in their very own words. I feel editing then isn't a problem because their using their own words to describe the block of information or knowing anyways..,,whether it's voiced out loud or written or transcribed later....
Then there's voice channeling direct words that come. I do it this way. I get word for word. Word after word after word. Now it's fluent. It wasn't when I first began. It's how it came to me from the very beginning. I struggled with it at first and now am in acceptance. It's my way of channeling. However at times I do get a concept or idea which I describe in my words ( ie in a live reading ) But most of my channeling is bringing their words through. It's not a take over. I allow their words. I put my ego aside, my own thought process or imagination and I allow their thoughts to flow. It's like I turn my tap of thoughts off and I allow their tap of thoughts to open. I choose to allow them. I KNOW when my tap of thoughts leak out because then the sentences stop making sense. I turn my tap of thoughts off and open their tap. This way I don't have to worry about picking the right words. They use my language ( data bank ) but at times words come that I have no idea what they mean. I sound them out and then google search them. They always fit in the contex of the channel which amazed me at first. It was my validation that I was channeling in the beginning.This is why I do not like to edit. However if it's my explanation, my interpretation of an idea, a concept they give me, then in ok with editing. At times I ask them for words if I'm stuck. In the bigger scheme of things, I know I am them and them me, I know we are one energy. I know it's a part of me I'm channeling because we are all one. But I figure when I'm in this higher state & channeling from this state & the words come a from this higher state, then when I come back into my ego my personality I'm hesitant to mess around and edit words that have come from a higher space. If I alter anything I "check in". I know eventually in time I'll embody that state of being & can access that higher info in my normal state more easily, but I'm not there yet. 
When I channel I don't "see" ( though I have on occasion seen them spell out a word in my imagination ) their words or "hear" their words. Their words come as thoughts. Sometimes very loud thoughts. If I ask them a question I get an answer as a thought. At times the thought reverberates in my head from all angles so loud that I can't mistake it as "my" thought. At times now, more often as I channel their words I get concepts or ideas or a knowing as I bring their words. I probably could stop and describe in my own words but I choose not to. I prefer their words, their explanation. I prefer to take s back seat and they have explained that I do. I sit back and allow them to drive the channel. I am conscious. I say the words, word for word what comes in my thoughts. Afterwards after the channel is ended, if I choose I can add my thoughts and ideas. I like this because in a live reading it allows the person to ask my guides directly a question and my guides answer them. I've done readings in this way. They ask, Abacus answers then, back and forth the questions are asked and they answer, right to the nitty gritty. It's takes the pressure off me.. Then after the channel is finished, I expand and tell them what I saw, what I felt in my own words. This is my way. It's taken me 2 years to be ok with it. I just came to a point where I thought, why do I have to struggle to find the right words and info when I can step back and allow their higher view to come forward. Their words. I'm conscious, I'm aware, but I allow them, I allow that higher essence. I allow their words , and so I don't like it edit or mess with that afterwards. Especially when i am back in my ego, my personality. I know this share is long but I couldn't shorten it. I wrote this for a group I'm in and I was guided to share with others on my pages. The guidance resonated & so I share. It took me 2 years to trust my guides ( as some that have been following my channeling journey are aware ). I understand now that that the guides are a part not me, as in we are one, in the larger sense. We are not separate. I have seen that in my light-body journeys. I understand that. They are a higher aspect of me, a piece of me from a higher plane, and this is what I allow, what I am blending with when I channel.. I don't know how this will develop in the future. I trust whatever comes ... 

When I auto write? It's the same process as voice channeling except that I write instead of speak. I don't feel as "High" when I write, though I still feel them. I at times get tingling sensations in my scalp or body. At times when I write, they get me to stop and clear. They have me sit in stillness till I become vibrationly more in sync I'm guessing and then I begin to write again. With writing I still receive their thoughts, it just "feels" different. I personally feel I'm more out of the way in voice channel because I don't have to concentrate on the physical task of writing . The information still comes. 
The drawings I've begun to create ( one is shown in this thread ) are a new development & are channeled. They are created "in the zone". What do I mean by "in the zone"? I get into the same state I do when I channel. I then begin at the centre of the page, blank my mind and allow whatever comes. I never know how it will be created. It's all in the moment. Currently I've begun to channel drawings for others. Here, I think of them. Tune into their energy, while in that state. blank my mind and draw what comes. It's new and I love the spontaneity of it. I love not planning it and allowing it to develop. I'm in awe of the first one I'm creating for another,  that's near completion. Some would call this simply creating from inspiration & maybe that's true. I get inspired thoughts on what colours to use, which shapes to draw etc Where does inspired thought come from though? I feel it's information received from from somewhere higher than my earth self.
For others who are beginning to channel and/or struggling, my advise for what it's worth is channel in  "your"  own way, whatever way feels right for you. Everyone is so unique in this. If it feels right to edit then edit. If it doesn't don't. Do whatever works for you. Your way IS the right way for you. I think it's great to  share all our different ways of channeling, our quirks, our uniqueness. I respect and value everyone's different ways, ideas, and flavours. 
Feel free to share your experiences if you feel guided under this thread. You never know who you may help in the sharing. I for one love hearing of others experiences in connecting :)

Monday, 21 December 2015

Abacus 21/12/15 Voice channel transcription Prudence, Responsibility & the current energies



Voice channel transcription

Prudence, Responsibility & the current energies

We will bring through dear one what it is that is needed. Do not have fear.

We wish to explain, you wish to understand your attributes, the ones that are that have been explained as prudence or responsibility. We will expand on this. Clear if you will. Do not be misled by your thoughts that still roam, but clear them, let us bring through what is needed. There is a fear at times of expressing that that one believes. The fear is that they are afraid of what others may think of them. They are afraid that they will not be led into the right arenas of choice. They are afraid that they may not be accepted in the circles, in circles they think highly of, in circles where their passions lie. They are afraid if they show their true self, that they show all of they that others will think them inferior, will think them not worthy of being in such a place of high standards. They think that others will look at them as not being up to scratch so to speak, as inferior. They feel that if they bring through what they have connected with, if they bring through their knowledge that it will not be good enough for others, and so then they will not be listened to or viewed as one that is deserving to be where they are, and what we wish to say on this is that it matters not your skill, it matters not whether you are a clear channel or not. It does not matter whether you have experience or not, you all deserve to be where you wish to be. You all deserve a place, for you are all from the kingdom of heaven. You are all made of the universe. You are all the same and so you all deserve to be where you are regardless of the name of where you are.

Your indecision, your editing, or checking of your voiced thoughts, or of the channelling process, is simply a need to be responsible. You wish to get it right so that you do not lead others off the beaten track. This is commendable. It is not something we wish you to let go of. The one that spoke these words was correct in the guidance. We wish you to turn things inside out, we wish you to discern whether something is true or nay, we wish you to do it with our words and with the words of others, until you find your truth. Discernment is always key, especially in this circumstance. It is not a bad thing to check over your work to make sure that it is correct. You do not wish to share something that is incomplete, that has many grammatical errors within it. We wish to share something that is fluent. We give you permission to alter the sentence structure if needed, so something is more understandable however we wish not that you edit that that comes through us, that forms an understanding. We do not wish you to edit out what feels uncomfortable to you, but is clear that belongs within the channel, for when you begin to pick out all the pieces the channel becomes unstable. It is much as as a house is stable and strong with all its bricks and mortar in place, and then you begin to pull out this brick and the brick because you do not like the brick, and so the house crumbles does it not? It loses its strength, and so we say with the words we bring, you may smooth over where you need to make it readable to the viewer, however do not alter its structure dear heart. You have been good in this. You have done this and we respect and honour that you do this. It is always your will dear heart however we appreciate that you keep our words intact for they are the words of God. They are the words from a place that contain energy and the words do contain an energetic value. To omit a word here and there is not disastrous, however to omit a lot of sentence structure ........ You understand.

Many are asking regards to the energies at this time. You are being shaken up to awaken. As we have said once, shaken to awaken. This is a new time. It is the end of the old and the beginning of the new. You cannot take the old into the new, you must let go and so you are being shaken to let go. Your ego selves, the ones that are in survival do not like this, being shaken up. They hold on for dear life. They like being where they are. The ego serves you dear ones, however it does keep you in survival, and it does keep your world in a certain perspective. When you begin to shift your perspective, you shift the world you live in, and so the ego self, the personality, will go into resistance. At this time it is best that you do what you love to do, no matter how simple, joy, pleasure, rest. Become immersed in these and the symptoms that you feel at this time will not be so in pleasant for you will be in the flow of joy and love, and this is what you will experience in the mainstay

That is all

Sunday, 20 December 2015

New Beginnings 21/12/15 Abacus



Voice channel transcription

New Beginings

Greetings dear ones. Greetings to all that are listening this day. There is much that is occurring at this time. Some of it understandable and some of it not understandable. There are many coming to a point in their life stream where a choice needs to be made, of which way they are wishing to walk, whether it be the left or the right road they are wishing to take. There are many options, many availabilities however one becomes overwhelmed when looking at all the many options or all the many paths, that one may choose on the road. In fact there are infinite choices that can be made. One needs to discern what brings them the most heartfelt desire. When you hone on the specifics of what you wish to accomplish in this lifetime, what you wish to experience, then the choosing is not so difficult and the road can be chosen with a peace of mind and a fullness of heart. Do not lose faith that that that is occurring is not occurring, for it is occurring. Do not be blind sighted by what you see on your picture boxes, on your newspapers, for media like to sensationalise. They wish to sell their papers, do they not? They wish to make their money and so they will share with you that that the general populace likes to read about, for they are wishing to allay their fears in the reading, not understanding that in fact it increases their fears. What we wish to say to you, if you are but guided to see only what you wish to see in your lifestream, then this is all you will experience in your life stream, for what you see you will experience. It is not that you do not care for those that are being harmed and ostracised. It is simply you wish to not compel it forward, to make it bigger than what it is, and so do not misunderstand that by not looking it does not mean that you do not care, it simply means that you do not wish to expand that into your life stream or that of earth's.

Dear ones we love you most dearly and when we see you struggle, we feel your struggle deeply. We say to you concentrate on that which brings you happiness. Concentrate on that which brings you joy. Lose time in this, and all will be well, for what you do this day in joy you will also do tomorrow, for what you do today attracts your tomorrow. Remember this truth. There is an ever shifting paradigm occurring at this time. There is an ending of the old and beginning of the new. Life is beginning to change as you know it. To those that are stuck in their ways they will experience being stuck in their ways, they will not change, they will continue to see their hardships for this is all they wish to experience. But for those that wish to change, those that wish something new in their life stream, for those that are wishing to step beyond the step that they cannot see, then these will experience new heights, new sites, new modalities. We have said it before, and we will say it again, do not expect to be a superhuman overnight. You are a superhuman, but what we mean to say is, do not expect to be your superman that flies in the skies in the beginning of the new year. We wish to say to you you will experience new strengths in your abilities. You will see situations more clearly. You will write more fluently. You will channel with more clarity. Your vision will be clearer. You will be able to accomplish your doings within a shorter time span. You will flow. You will be able to begin that that you wish to begin with more ease. You will find that magically things will appear in your pathway that will help you with your doing. It is a year of new beginnings, of putting into place that that you wish to be doing and experiencing. It is a year to begin, to see the first shoots of the crop that you have been growing, of the seeds that are born, and now you are beginning to see the first of the sprouts. Patience dear ones. Concentrate as you have been explained, on which you desire. It is a beautiful time when one begins to see their dreams begin to blossom. Yes there will still be the duality, and there will be turmoil, for that is not finished yet, for you are not finished yet. You are still clearing. You are still learning. You are still transitioning between the one and the other. When you begin to grow, you grow for all of humanity. Do not think it selfish for you to grow and to expand, and to create your future abundance, for what you create for yourself you create for all. You do not help the ones that are suffering by becoming the suffering with them. It is through your expansion that you help those that are suffering. Understand this. You may have empathy, you may have compassion but you do not need to jump into the fire with them, for this does not help them. Understand this is truth. You maybe listen, you may walk beside them, but it does not mean that you jump in with them. You hold out your hand so that they may see it and be guided to climb out of where they are. Dear ones you are all powerful. Understand this. Create that that you wish to create in your world, in your stream, and you create it for others. You bring a path of ease for others that are to follow. Not you but the path.

We finish this by saying be that what you wish to be. Dream that you wish to be, and believe that it is possible to become that that you wish, for you are the creator incarnate.

That is all

21/12/15 Oracle Card Readings (Archangel Power Tarot Cards)

This week I'm using "Archangel Power Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine"


Card 1

Knight Of Gabriel

It's time to take action. This situation needs your full and undivided focus and quick attention. Fortunately, you probably can't wait to get started. Think things through and then act with speed and certainty. You will instinctively know what direction to move in because you will feel such great passion for the cause. 

Card 2

Two of Michael

It will all feel better if you make a choice! You are struggling with a decision, either over analysing  the situation or hoping it will just go away. Your heart is in conflict with your mind, so you are avoiding making a choice. This can be exhausting and create unnecessary stress. Trust your ability to make a wise and intuitively sound decision. A solution is quite possible, but compromise will be necessary. Search for middle ground. Even a temporary fix will get things moving again. 

Card 3

Leap Of Faith

Encouragement to take a leap of faith. You are fully empowered to follow a new path in life that is full of excitement and wonder. The opportunities for evolution and growth are truely unlimited if you will just have faith in yourself and believe in your dreams. You have only to take the first step to find yourself on the way to a happy new life. Your angels and guides will send helpful people to assist you as you go along. You are encouraged to be pro active in researching whatever information is required. Do not let a lack of experience, or self-confidence hold you back. You are meant to have the joy you seek. 

Monday, 14 December 2015

My Drawings 14/12/15

have been guided to share the drawings I have been creating of late. I draw them in an altered state. Are they channeled? Is any art channeled? They are inspired from somewhere deep within me. They begin with a dot, usually in the middle of the page, but not always, and it takes off from there. I allow the pen to go wherever the flow takes it. They are created using gel pens, and some added glitter for effect. 

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Oracle Card Readings 14/12/15 The Spirit Messages

Card Number 1 - Soul Power

Always remember you are a soul that comes with a body, not a body that comes with a soul. Your soul is your true essence and you have an unlimited supply of Soul Power at your command whenever you need it. You drew this card to be reminded of how powerful you are as a soul. You're outside physical world right now might be hectic, and you may be pulling away from what your soul is trying to help you with at this time. The answers you seek may not be forthcoming from the outside world, but wise wisdom and guidance can be found within. Your soul will often try to get your attention through your dreams, or those synchronistic, intuitive nudges. When you feel these, close your eyes, breathe calmly and deeply, and ask yourself for guidance with any situation you are experiencing at this moment in time. You may see a picture or a symbol, or you may experience a feeling or hear a whisper in your mind. Trust what you receive. Even if the answer is not immediate, your soul will know how to guide you at this time. Be open to its wisdom and honour how powerful the real you really is!

Card Number 2 - Hope

Your loved ones in in the spirit world know when to reach out if they see you are at a low point. Whether you are caught up in a difficult situation or struggling with someone specific in your life, there is always hope. Spirit has brought this card to the forefront for a reason. Even though there is a fine line between despair and hope, this card is validation that hope is always there. It is always inside you, and you have the free will to tap into its positive affect at any time. Hope provides a positive mindset to believe, to instil a sense of inner confidence, and to know there is a  happy and satisfactory outcome to any given situation. Use this card as a mirror to see yourself for all that you are, all the good things, the beauty you bring to the world, the love you offer, and encouragement you give to others. Believe in yourself, and know that you can overcome any situation. Hope will be your source of energy with all your achievements, so start trusting your instincts to see your life differently. When you tap into hope, you can transcend the restrictions of the past.

Card Number 3 - Embrace The Moment

Embrace this day, this very moment! Think positively today and repel those negative thoughts. Try not to judge yourself or others. This may be harder than you think. What is actually happening is that you are changing your energy. We are placing this card in your hand, for we can feel the negative thoughts you are having about others, as well as yourself. We understand that life can get you down, and all the hard work you do every day to support yourself and others can be challenging. Do not let the outside world tarnish or dilute your brilliance. Remember, all thought creates reality and the situations in your life. Even thoughts are made up of energy, whether they are positive or negative. When you think of thought, your aura will amplify it with energy and put it out into the universe. But monitoring your thoughts, you will have conscious control in shaping your day as well is your future. Learn to embrace the moment. If you are having a cup of tea, just drink your tea. If you are enjoying your meal, they just eat your meal. If you are walking, then just walk. Appreciate, focus, and be in the moment of what you are doing. By doing so, you will remain in the powerful present.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Integrations A personal Journey 8/12/15


Aquaous and Abacus
Integrations ..... A personal Journey

This is an integration that occurred Tuesday afternoon. I simply had the thought to channel after a lightbody journey. What I thought  to be a simple channel turned into this. It was an amazing experience. The last time this happened I went into fear. This time I didn't because as soon as I realised what was happening I knew what was coming so i went with it. It was lucky I was recording. This time I'd like to share. Why? So if you haven't experienced it, then when it happens to you, even though your experience will be unique to you, you won't be taken by surprise.  I had no idea the first time..... I wish I had of. I wish more channels out there shared their experiences. I have earmarked the recording if anyone wants to listen to it. Listening back I myself was amazed at the changes in my voice and how strong abacus comes through in at the end......

3:50 min into recording 

We are here again. We are Aquaous. We are the three. We are coming in more frequently as we are adjusting to your energy flow. We are fine tuning the frequency. We are making adjustments on entry every time we connect. You find it an undertaking with connecting for we may only do so when we are in transmission, for it is much like you fine tune your radio. You may not fine tune your radio when it is not playing. You must fine tune it while you are trying to listen to the station, and so we are performing a similar concept where we find tune as our scribe speaks we find tune as we transmit and in this way we can judge the frequency with how much it expands and contracts depending on what we bring forth, what we project and as to what the scribe voices with their tone. It is much energy being used at this moment to try to reach the frequency this one is at but as the time moves we will become more level, more unique in the connection. She is thinking she can hear high pitch soundwaves and this is correct. We are levelling our light waves with her waves and we must lift her waves in a sense, to reach ours.
We are asking our scribe not to be in resistance, but to simply allow what is taking place.

(((((Lull)))) 7:30 - 10:40

We ask you dear heart to allow these ones. It is Abacus. We feel you still have resistance. To allow you simply imagine yourself to expand. Expand wide as if you are The whole universe. Large encompassing. We hold the universe within you. Imagine yourself all your cells expanding out in a explosion of light. This is how one allows. You may try this now.

((( lull ))) 11:43-22:30. 
Here I experience energy running down my spine, my heart expanding, internal heat, what felt like something uncoiling at my base chakra and beginning to move up my spine and a mix of other sensations. 

Can you feel us in this dear heart? You are in bodying all of we while being present. This is embodiment of spirit. From this space we bring we with no mind. You allow us to speak from the space. This is close to we. You are encompassed with love, with beauty, with God source. You are so very loved for your commitment to this work. We honour you. We honour you. Fill up with us. Allow us to bathe you, in our love, in our light. The pleidians are here. Aquaous. The 3 are here. Christ light is here. We are all here. Embalming you in our love. Feel us. Allow.

(((Lull))) 24:40 - 25:10

Become one with we.

(((Lull))) 25:10 - 26:14

The message we bring for this day is one off tenacity. When one practices, when one makes time, when one uses all their faculties in surrender for the common good, for the common cause with an open heart, and purity, with love, then all will come to them, for this is what they reflect. Those that communicate with their aspects of self, of source, understand regular practice, commitment, moves mountains. One may not communicate clearly if one does not practice their skills like the master craftsman, that practice and they practice till their become better at it. Practice dear ones. Spend time in stillness. Refine the communication, and you will find over time the communication becomes clearer, your connection becomes on the station. You will have no doubt that you are bringing forth the words of your guides, and to this one we say the time for doubting is over. Your journey will begin with great aptitude in this new year. You will begin new journeys, new pathways. Many will open up to this in the New Year, and many will begin listening to our communications, and so we practice now dear one to become clearer, to become more refined. We leave you now dear heart to rest and to enjoy your evening. We are very happy that we have connected so closely in this way, this day. With love in our hearts for you, for your surrender to we. We love you dearly.

That is all

Monday, 7 December 2015

Aquaous 7/12/15 Pluggin In

Aquaous 7/12/15
Plugging In
(I am still adjusting to Aquaous energy. The channeling reflects this in its flow. It's different to channeling Abacus. I'm used to Abacus. At times its disjointed, or I struggle to grasp their words)

We have arrived. We are Aquaous. We are the three. We are here. We bring much greetings, and understanding. We come on purpose. We are here to create change in the communication process with our scribe. There will be a new way that she begins to communicate in. A way that she is more lifted and yet able to watch and to intercept, to learn, but to also allow the many complex concepts that we will bring, for she doubts what she brings, and so we wish to help to clear her misconceptions, so that she may know that integrity of our words and our systems, for we wish to help humanity to evolve forward into freedom, into new energy systems, into healing. We wish to help you understand your mechanics, your make up, your strengths. You see you do not really understand what your body is capable of. When you are unwell you go to the doctor to fix you. Your future is about fixing yourself. You will not have need of a doctor. There may be healing chambers that you may be going or taken to in the extreme, however they are not very often used even in our world. They are more used for outsiders that come. We are as you understand it from the future, but we are also from your past. To try to explain the time is difficult for you, with your understanding. Many of you have experienced what we know, but you do not understand it now, for you have been in essence unplugged. It is much as you have a brand new computer, top of the range, that has very many capabilities, and then you unplug it. It does not know how to function with all its many capabilities for it is unplugged from the electricity. When you do plug it in, it needs to be reloaded.  Dear ones you are beginning to be plugged in. It will take some time to reload all the programs, as your energy uptake increases, as you charge up like the computer being charged up, as you charge up your programs, your codings will begin to run, will begin to open again. You will begin to remember all that is in your hard drive so to speak. Patience. You are in a place of experience, enjoy the experience, for in the enjoyment your vibrancy shifts. Being in a happy place is much more conductive to your frequency then being unhappy. If you are unhappy take different steps, new steps, that make you happy once again. It is not selfish to want the best for yourself, for when you have the best for yourself you allow others to have the best for themselves for you reflect what you are being.

Symbolism has many faces dear one. Our scribe asks in regards to the symbols we bring. She wants to know their meaning, their connotation. We simply say to this one, is it not enough to simply be in the flow without having expectation, of having to know what everything means? You are wishing to know what the codes mean. We will explain briefly. You are seeing in your minds eye a code at this moment. The spiral. The spiral means infinity. It is never ending. It is constantly creating, spiralling as a vortex of energy, Infinity. Any symbol that has this spiral within it, around it, has the connotation of a never ending cycle, never ending spinning. Now we are showing the many what you call dots, whether they be thick or small, filled or unfilled. The dot represents the circle. The circle also is infinity. It is with no start and no end. It has many connotations. You may ask in your language what does the circle entail? What we wish to make clear, it is not as you see your language. You look at language in a linear way do you not? You look at language meaning from start to finish, meaning a certain thing, labelling a certain way. The language, the codes we bring, it is not that one code means one specific thing. The code has much entailed within the structure. It is not like your word "salt" for instance. Salt can mean sea salt, it can mean table salt, it can be land salt. It can be a name. It can be many different things. Our symbolism does not mean one or two or three things. It holds thousands of different essences and meanings throughout the centuries. It is much like your program codes on your computer, that have lines and lines and lines, however on a shortcut it is called program X, and yet that program contains many many files within it. This is so within the drawings and the lines. It is not that one drawing, one line, has a certain word meaning. It has programs attached within it. If you are wishing to know a general idea, we will tell you the pieces are light filled. They are Energy. When one looks upon the pictures for an extended period of time one may begin to feel the energy within the picture. The energy helps to trigger awakening, memory, akashic memory. When we say memory we do not mean you have a memory of something that occurred. We talk about your internal cellular memory. They are energy light filled. Do you understand what energy light filled entails? You are in a constantly moving energy stream. Anything that you create is constantly moving also. You cannot know what you do not know. These in the codes are moving strands. They trigger moving strands within you. It is very complex and your mind is not ready for this. We simply say to look upon them in a meditative form and they will help you in ways beyond your understanding. If that does not feel adequate, if that does not feel good to you, then you may choose not to view them, or for the scribe, you may choose not to write them or to draw them. It is your will, whether they are look upon or not. We say that they are triggers for awakening, triggers for change, triggers for codings is the bodily system. If one meditates on the imagery, if one stares at the imagery for long enough one will begin to feel what is within the moving matrix of the creation. The only way you will understand this is to experience it. Begin by simply looking at the centre of the diagram, of the creation, of the picture, and look at it as if looking from a distance. Hold that space for as long as it is comfortable. You will begin to feel and see with clarity what we mean. We are showing this one now. Although you see the drawing, the creation of the 3-D piece, or a 2-D piece, we are showing this one now, not in a linear way, we are showing her the drawing at a multi dimensional level. That is correct. She thinks of it as one of your children's toys called a slinky. Imagine this slinky all bound up tightly, and then pulling at it from each end and the multitude of the length of the slinky is in-between the two ends this is as the creations as the pictures. When it is all tightly closed you see one picture. In multi dimensional ways, it is much like the picture is outstretched like a slinky and you may see within all the embedded ink in-between. This is what we bring this day, not to confuse. It was asked if we will explain the symbolism and for now wish to say that the symbolism might not be explained in a way that is of understanding. We explain that it helps to trigger awakening within one that views. One may only understand this in the viewing, if one looks at it for a certain time in a certain way.
That is all

Abacus 7 Dec 15 Manifestation


We are pleased to be here again. We are Abacus this day. We come to bring a message of hope, of love, of patience. Understand dear ones it is a process this thing you call enlightenment. It is a process of releasing, of undressing all past beliefs, beliefs that cloud your judgement. Beliefs that alter your perception. You see you have been cocooned to believe in a certain way, for this is all that you believed in this way. You knew no other way and your parents didn't know any other way and their parents and their parents before they. It has been going generation to generation to generation and now is the time to strip all the past back, to clear and to open to new ideas, new belief systems, to understand who you really are, to be out of survival, to be into creativity, to begin creating with the imagination all that you wish to experience. You may look at your imagination as an easel or as a multi media project of sorts, with many different modalities of creating. Creating with the modalities may be as simple or as complex as you wish to make it. You may paint with your imagination simplicity, or you may paint intricate detailed creations. There is no limit to what you may create within your imagination. Your imagination is limitless. Yes it is limited to what it knows, but not even so, for in the imagination ideas come. Ideas that you have no understanding of. They come as a impression and and then you build upon the impression. It is much like when you begin a painting and you begin thinking you will paint one thing and then the picture becomes something completely different altogether. This one creates now in this way. She begins in the centre and as she creates outwards the picture becomes something totally unexpected. This is creating mindlessly, allowing that that is the ethers to be manipulated through your imagination and then you create this idea, this imagery. You see you think when you create in your imagination, that it is fairytales, that it is means naught, that it is simply a waste of time, but you see your material world is created from the vortex of the imagination. We show our scribe an image of a vortex of colour and how from within the centre of this vortex comes a creation. It begins right down in the centre and then expands  out until it's created into material form. We speak to our scribe in this instant. Dear one it is no mistake that you create from the centre outwards. Do you see? Do you understand how from the centre can be something created so beautiful and intricate? It builds upon one point and then expands out in a multitude of colour. It is limitless, only to the imagination of what you may create, and so now we speak to all. It begins from one point in the ethers. You imagine a creation. It begins from this little point and then you begin to create what it is you wish to create from this point, this dot. It is much like you put your pen to paper. When you place the pen on the paper there is a dot, is there not? The point of creation, the beginning, and from this point then you create the masterpiece. In the energy ethers, in the matrix, it is from this point that your imagination begins to create. So intricate spiralling outwards expanding until it is materialised. You will see in much of your nature the spiral,  the vortex, the sacred geometry. It is in a sense mathematical, and again we refer to our scribe. You recall searching the meaning of our name when we brought his name through do you not? You could not understand why we named ourselves Abacus. You are beginning to understand, and there is more to the name that we make reference, but for now we begin at the beginning of the creation, and as you create from the beginning from the point with energy in the ethers you bring it into being, into the physical much more quickly. If you create it in your material form struggling, struggling to create what you wish, you push against resistance do you not, many times? Trying to create and not understanding why it is not being created. There are many that speak of creating through the imagination and this is the way creation is brought forth. Scientists bring ideas through the mind, through the imagination. Children create through the imagination. Painters paint through the imagination. It is where the idea to create comes forth. So we say to you dear ones when you wish to create your masterpiece begin to play with the idea in your imagination. Add colour, and sound. Imagine it becoming beautiful and draw it into the physical world. Begin to be this that you are wishing, that you are imagining. Become the person you would be if you were living this imagination. The essence of what you are imagining. An example, if you are wishing to be a writer, begin to be a writer. Begin to act as a writer. Begin to feel as a writer would feel and so it is attracted to your material form. It is but one example. Understand all that you see and feel and touch was once an idea in someone's imagination. It was brought forth, created into the material. You may create in the same way. You do create in the same way. When you come to this understanding, when you realise the complexity and the simplicity you begin to change your world for you understand the act of manifestation. You are but to believe it is so. It is all around you in nature, in your modalities, in your living spaces. You are creators, known this truth. With love we end this transmission.
That is all

Oracle Card Readings 7/12/15

Oracle Card Readings
Pick a card number before scrolling down

The cards


Card Number 1
Three of Gabriel
You have made some good choices and now your ship is coming in! As you wait for it to dock, it's an excellent time to consider your next steps. Long-term planning is a good idea. What is your next adventure? What actions are required in order to make that endeavour a reality? You may need to travel for business purposes. Review your options while you keep your enthusiasm high.The work you have done so far will yield fantastic results, so there is no need to worry if it takes a little while for you to get a return on your financial or energetic investment. Just have patience!

Card number 2
Ten of Gabriel
It is important to live a balanced life! Your determination and sheer will to accomplish the task before you is very admirable, but it is taking a large toll on you. Ask for help from others. Delegate responsibility to those who can do a good job. Reduce stress for the sake of protecting your health. Release feelings of guilt, and remove unnecessary obligations from your schedule. Your current challenges may feel burdensome, but there is a great deal to learn from the situation. This is the time of growth that will make you stronger. Ask your angels and guides to place helpful people at your side.

Card number 3
Three of Michael
You will grow from this situation! When challenging events occur, it is important to take time to heal. You do not have to do it alone. Ask your angels, guides, or human friends for assistance. Forgive everyone involved including yourself for actions or choices you may see as having been unkind or in error. Time truly does heal all wounds. Ask your angels and guides to help you see the reason for the situation in your life. A new perspective could allow you to view things in a different light. Know that you will become a stronger person over time because of this challenge.