30/11/15 Abacus
Voice channel Transcribed.
The expansion
We are pleased to be with you again. We are in awe of humanity and where you are expanding into, at this time. You, humanity, are growing beyond a potentiality which is unheard of before. It is exciting these times. If you could see what we see, you would see the beauty and the expansiveness that you are. You are remembering who you are and you are growing beyond what was thought possible.
Your energy is shifting. You are changing in every moment, every cell, every molecule, with every thought that you think. Every action that you take, is changing you into the magnificence that you are. At times you feel like you are not so special, as if you cannot hold all that we say you do. At times you do not want to expand, but want to simply forget all that you are, for you seem dis-enamoured, as if it is too difficult. But we tell you this, you have grown so fast in such a short time span, and in a short time to come, you will have expanded all the more. We see in you your future you see, for we have been where you are. We have walked the steps, and we know what is possible. We understand all the pitfalls. We understand all you’re doubting. We understand how you feel, but we also understand where you are going, and all that it is possible. We are like the parents that have been before you, and have walked the road, and know all the pitfalls. We know where the stepping stones are. We know the easiest way. We know the struggles, and we know the highs. We do not come to tell you what to do, but we do come to guide you, to give you ideas, to expand on the ideas, so that you may begin to create, begin to remember, begin to be who you came to be. We have been where you are now, and we know that it is possible, the difference being that you have free will, and can choose differently, and still, you have come to the crossroads, and still you are growing and expanding. You have a genetic makeup within you that can do so much. It is as you are sitting in the most intricate spaceship, and you are looking at all the technical tools, all the buttons and screens, and you have no idea how to work them, and yet this is what you encompass, this and more within you. You have so many tools within you that you are yet to use. All these tools, all the equipment requires a key to open a signature, and that is in your frequency. As you lift your frequency you unlock these tools, you begin to have access to certain equipment. The higher you raise the more access you have, and the more that you can do with your equipment, with your faculties, with your body, with your mind, with your energy. As time moves on and as you grow, you will expand into the seemingly unimaginable. You can't comprehend how many tools you have and what you can do, for you cannot know what you do not know. You will begin to know and understand as time moves on, as you learn how to manifest, how to create, had to think a certain way, how to understand your energy structure. All these are coming to you, but first you need to lift your energy. You have two go within. You have to learn how to open your heart, how to be compassionate, for all these are required before the coding’s can be unlocked. The coding’s are energy stamped, and may not be opened until there is enough light to trigger the energy stamp, and as your light increases, these will unlock automatically. Think your submarines. Think when they are below the water, the pressure holds everything together. They cannot open the doors underwater, but as they rise to the surface then they can open the doors. To open the doors under water would be catastrophic.
Our message to you this day is to have patience with yourself. We are very pleased with the way humanity is evolving. Yes there are some hiccups. All is being viewed for what it is, and all these are triggers into compassionate action, for compassion is what grows the heart, and lifts the frequency. Compassion triggers awakening. We come this day to ease your way, to help you to understand. Do not lay focus on what is going wrong, but lay focus on what is going right. Be loving. Be open and kind. Be how you wish to be treated. Understand you’re all connected. None are separate. We end this transmission with love in our hearts, for you, and for all humanity.
That is all
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