Channelled readings
2nd November 15
Greetings to all that are listening this day. We are jovial this day. We are pleased with all the events that are occurring at this time on your plane. So very much that you do not see with your eyes that we may see with ours. You are developing beyond measure into the wonderful creators that you are. We have much to bring through but we begin with the readings this day. This one wishes to bring through that that is of import to the ones that listen this day to these readings and so we begin.
These of One, we say to you, you are creators. You are the one, and as the one, you may create all that you choose to create in your world. You begin your creating by use of your imagination, and your intent. Many create unconsciously. They do not realise that they are creating unconsciously. It is part of your living to create unconsciously. You simply go about your day not realising what it is that you are creating. You do not understand that all that is around you stems from your creativeness, from your thoughts and your actions. You understand to a certain extent that you are creating, but you do not really understand the all of it. You do not understand the power that you hold within your actions, within your imagination, within your intent. What we wish to bring this day is that perhaps you may try to begin to manifest consciously within your world, to manifest your ideals, your desires, rather than allowing unconscious thought to bring all that is happening around you into your world. You may do this daily. Even for a short moment, intend with feeling, with emotion, what it is that you wish in your world. We say to you if you consciously intend this daily, with your emotion, with your imagination, you will begin to see your world change as if by magic. Isn't it time dear ones? Isn't it time to step into your power, to begin crating your world, in a conscious manner, that that you wish?
For the ones that are reading the two we say to you, be at peace. Be at peace with where you are. Be at peace with your surroundings. Stop, be at peace, simply be at peace. When you are at peace with where you are, then you are at a place that is not of resistance, that you may begin to develop all that you may. You may begin to develop what you are wishing. You may not begin this until you are at peace with where you are, for if you are not in peace with where you are, you create, you propel all that you wish further away from you, you see. When one is at peace with where they are. When one is grateful to be, then one comes from a place of least resistance, one in a manner lets go, and in the letting go, you begin to be magnetised. It is a concept. It is what occurs when one is at peace. One lets go, and in the letting go, all manner of consequences of the letting go, one begins to develop. How may you do this you ask? Simply intend to let go. Be, be at peace with where you are. It is that simple. Be in a frame of mind that is not in resistance to where you are. Where you are now is all there is. Understand that you may change what is, simply through letting go of attachment. Intend! Use your imagination. Create the new and begin to be that you desire.
Ah now we have threes. We say to the threes this is your beginning. This is your time. This is your now. You have arrived. You are beginning to see your seeds sprouting. You are beginning to see the sprouts begin to peek out of the soil, out of the fertile ground. Be in excitement that the seeds have sprouted! Be in excitement that you are beginning to see that that you have been manifesting, that that you have put your attention to. Do you see? Do you see? You are beginning to sprout! Do not stamp all over the sprouts and say that you do not believe it to be true! The sprouts are evident are they not? They are the proof so to speak. It is so that many, when they see their seeds sprouting go into denial. They do not believe that it is so. They begin to make excuses for the sprouting. We say to you dear ones, be in excitement! Be in joy, that you are sprouting, that you are growing into all that you can be, and that you are manifesting your desires. Nourish the sprouts. Nourish the beginnings of what you have created. Do not look at the beginnings and say this can not be happening. This cannot be true. That you don't believe it. Why would you do this dear ones? How can you not see the beautiful sprouts coming through the soil? You are beginning to see that you are indeed beginning to blossom and grow. Nourish this growth. Feed this growth with love. Be in excitement. This is your beginning! This is not to time to doubt what is being grown, but to tend to the sprouting seeds with love and compassion and kindness. It is the wise farmer that shields these seedlings from the frost, from the elements until they have become a little stronger. Give yourself the nourishment that you need. The rest that you need, and rather than degrade what is growing, encourage it, nourish it, protect it. It is a matter of time before you see the sprouts become the beautiful creation that they are. Patience
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