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Monday, 23 November 2015

Abacus & Aquaous 20/11/15

20/11/15 Friday (late evening)
Auto writing 
Abacus & Aquaous ( Pleiadian aspects )

I'm doubting this is real. I'm going to take the punt and share with you all what's unfolding. Ive decided it's important to share the channeling journey, the realness of it. I was waiting to see what would unfold, if anything. Aquaous came through again today (Monday). I'm yet to transcribe that channel. This came through last Friday night. 
Friday night 
What can you tell me regarding my new found love of drawing with pens, regarding the symbols and unusual graphics? Curious. I love to draw them but it's not what I expected I'd be creating. Can you expand on this? 

Dear heart may you be still a moment in stillness? You may clear, yes? You are in confusion with a busy mind. Stillness may help you to centre and focus on we. Fine tune the station so to speak. 

Ok. I won't fall asleep? 

Smile. Mayhap it is what is needed to clear the busyness. Allow dear heart, allow what is to proceed. 


As I get still I'm hearing the song "On the wings of love". Then I begin to feel abacus and then the energy began to get stronger, to change, different. Abacus tells me not to fear, to allow. That I was safe. That no harm will come to me. To open my heart. I asked how. I got the image of my pets. My heart opens and I felt a different energy. An old energy. I don't know how it was old, if just feels old. I get butterfly's in my stomach. I ask if the energy was light. It vowed it was of light, and in peace. I sit in this energy for awhile. Then I got the feeling to write. 

Below is what I received, auto writing....

"We have come to this transmission as it is time to bring forth what is to be known. We are your fore fathers. We come in peace, in love. Do not fear us. Your aspect heralds our call. We come to help you at this time. You feel our interface, our energy. You feel the change. We are Aquaous. Correct. The name is sound. Pronounced "ac-way-us". We come to announce ourselves. We are three. You have conversed with us before, in your dreams. You do not believe the transmission? Do you feel our energy? You will be disrupted. We will come again. For now we simply wish introductions. We are pleidian aspect. You know we. We are one of the many aspects of Abacus.
Your creations are light filled. Do not aim for perfection as so much the flow that is generated upon creation. The signatures, the notes contained within the creations, are grounded onto your plane. In the viewing of the creations light is assimilated, grounded. Signatures are recognised at a subconscious level. These will be understood over time and later viewed with understanding. Enjoy the creating. Create what comes to mind. There will be more on this. For now understand nothing is by mistake. The creating is joyful. Light filled. Time is lost in the creating. Much time is lost. Within the creating, in the transmission, you are in another plane. The creating transports you to a space that creates, and draws the codes down into physical form. In the viewing one is transported to where it is drawn. Riddles. It is what we have for now. Enjoy. Create. There will be more to come. We end this transmission, and allow your Abacus to come to the forefront. 
Aquaous "

I got disrupted in the channeling process by family .....

A few hours later I fell asleep in my chair and dreamt I was going up stairs, then the path twisted and then up more stairs. We passed a band of male singers "one direction" on the way up. As we reached the top, I asked where are we going, to the others with me and they said "where we always go to view the next instalment". Then a theatre came into view as we climbed the last few stairs. Theatre number number 9, was on the left. I followed the others into a theatre full of others, sat down with the others, and then woke up in my recliner chair ....
I didn't get to see the next instalment :(

I don't know what this all means or if this channel is accurate. I'll channel on this some more. Please use your discernment. Because it's new I'm doubting it....... But I feel guided to share the realness of my journey. 

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