Abacus ( Channeled by Helen Salter )
Love Unity and Peace
Greetings dear heart.
Greetings to all that are listening this day.
We come with a message of love. With a message of unity, and with a message of peace. We wish to bring through this transmission today, that many are in connection at this time. Many are communicating with an aspect of We. We are an aspect of source and there are many that are communicating as such. Not a one is free of doubt. Not a one. We wish to make clear that it is natural for the human aspect of one's self to doubt what is not in view. We have mentioned this before, but we mention it again, for it is of great value to understand that this aspect that is within you, that doubts what comes, is a natural part of your human experience. If you were to understand explicably, in wholeness that which you communicate, that which you are doing as this one is doing now, you would understand, fully understand, that there is life after earth. That there is a matrix of many universes, of many places that lay before you, and so it is a part of the human experience that you may not know the all of it, in its wholeness, in its fullness, and this is where many struggle to understand why they feel the way they do and we tell you, as much as we say to you to understand, we also understand that you may not understand in its entirety, who we are. You understand the words, you understand the meanings of the words, you understand the feeling of love that we bring, you understand the advices, and the manipulation of the advices, but to encompass what we bring, to encompass us in totality is not possible where you are at this time, and this is what we wish to bring today to relieve doubts in human hearts. To have you understand that you may know us, you may feel us, and you may understand us, but you may not
embody us in totality where you are.
As you progress as a species, as you embody your higher self, your mechanics, your workmanship's of your vehicle then you will come to understand more, you will come closer to your god self, you will see better with clearer eyes, but where you are now, dear one's, it is difficult and we understand this difficulty. However we bring through what we bring through, so that you may begin to delve into the understanding, into the mechanics so that you may begin to pull some binders away from your eyes, so that you may begin to trigger aspects of yourself, to become higher in your energetic vibration, so that you may be closer to understanding, for as you raise your understanding, you becomes more expansive, and you begin to understand more of what you are, and what we are, and you begin to understand more how you may create. You begin to understand more how energy shifts and changes, and may be manipulated. You will understandable in regards to physics. You will understand more in the workmanship, of that that is the human DNA.
You will hear us with better ears, with better insights. You will see us with clearer eyesight. You will feel us more readily. We say to you we hear you. We understand that you cannot understand the all of it at this time, and we understand this. Do not place pressure dear ones on yourselves to know it all. It is a process and you are beginning that process so that others may begin after you. You are the leaders. You are beginning to walk on new territory. You are beginning to explore new territory. You are beginning to manipulate in the new territory. You are just beginning to create a new territory. You are just beginning, as a baby begins to walk, so you begin to walk in these new realms, in this new era of mankind.
So we say to you in your terms, do not beat yourself up when you do not fully encompass the all of it, for until you reach a certain aspect of self you may not. It takes time. Yes they are always differences to the ruling, but in general we say to you, it is a process, and we guide in this process. We are here to help you, so that you may advance most readily, and with least amount of what you call "hiccups.
But make no doubt that you do spread a path before you, and you leave a path behind you, so that others will find that path energetically speaking, and be able to follow you down the yellow brick road, so to speak. It is not a path as you imagine a path to be. As you raise you shift the vibration, and it leaves a trail behind you, as does a plane leave a trail. It leaves a trail that may be adhered to energetically speaking. When others begin to lift they, so to speak, latch on to this energetic trail, which you leave. and are more readily pulled in, into your trail, and it makes it easier for them to lift.
You are doing the harder yards dear ones. It will be easier for those that come after you, but this is what you are, you are light workers, you are working the light. You are making head ways, many headways and we are so very very pleased with these head ways, and so we wish to congratulate your efforts. We are in a most jovial mood these days, for we see the leaps and bounds that you create in your plane. We see the many accomplishments, and we see the many hurdles that you are jumping so quickly. You are surpassing all expectations for ones that do not recall who they are, you are doing so very well, and so we wish you to understand this, and we wish you to feel good about this, to not beat yourself up, but to enbrace who you are, and what you are becoming, and the many steps that you make.
We are as the parent that claps when the child takes another step in learning to walk. You are learning to walk in the new energy. You are learning to walk in the new realms, on new platforms and planes. It takes time dear ones. Not on our plane but on yours. You are a beauty to behold. The many colours that are lighting up on your earth plane are dazzling to we. We see the light sparks here and there, and we understand, and we know, when each one begins to awaken. We know when each one makes progress and takes a step. We know when each one connects to we. We know all, for where we are we encompass all. We see all. There is no reason for you to feel alone, for you are never alone. You are embodied in our hearts. We are one love. One energy. You could say you are on a mission of sorts. A home away mission, to evaluate, to experience, to expand into new adventures, and to bring home your experiences to we. The difference is that we gain your experience as soon as you have had your experience. We do not wait for you to come home, for we experience, as you experience. But you are the pioneers that have amnesia. You are the pioneers that do not realise who you are, which makes it even more celebratorily.
We say to you when you are still, when you open your heart, when you feel your love you are feeling our love. Your heart can feel so much, only so much. As you raise, as you open your heart, as you expand, you will feel is more deeply. Patience dear ones. Patience. Know we are with you always. Always. With love we end this transmission, this day.
That is all.
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