Auto writing after light body journey
Current affairs
Dear ones
When you choose to benefit another you benefit yourself. When you choose to see one in hatred, you hold yourself in hatred. Know this. Yes it is so that you see the suffering dear ones, but if your continue to see the suffering, suffering is ALL you will see in your future.
You are a light workers.You must begin to work your light if you wish to see change, if you wish to see a different outcome. Do you not see? Dear ones all you hold in love, will then begin to generate love. All you hold in compassion will begin to generate compassion. These are the times that will test your new found modalities. Be wise in your thoughts. Be wise in your speech, for what you project contains energy. It is fuel. Be that that you wish to see.
You see the sequence of events as harsh as hard, as not in which you wish to experience. This is old energy wishing to be cleared. It is coming into view to be seen, to be viewed, it has to come up to be let go. It is like a child that holds on to being cheeky. It wishes to continue to be cheeky. It is when it is shown that it will not be tolerated, that in its cheekiness it drives others away, that none wish to be in their space, that it is to no avail, that they begin to see the error of their ways. They begin to see that being in cheeky there is no benefit, and nothing to gain, but more importantly, that the adult sees that when one does not allow such behaviour, that it begins to diminish, to lose its grip, its strength over time.
Dear ones these are having their tantrums. Do you have a tantrum with the child or do you ignore the tantrum until it has passed? You still love the child do you not? To ignore the tantrum is not to condone it. It simply means you are wishing not to view it, and will not tolerate it. You do not join in the tantrum with the child, even if it causes destruction around them. They may kick and scream but you love the child still. You may confine them so they may not harm another but you do not sit and have the tantrum with them.
We do not condone this. We simply wish you to understand that if you wish for a better world you must imagine, project a better world, and do not keep focus on what is in your world right now. What you hold focus on creates more of. Know this. Do not focus on the terror but on love and compassion. Do not vent words filled with poison, for then you ingest the poison also, you reflect it unto you. Peace, love, compassion. Ingest these. Voice these, be these, and these is what you will all see in your world.
The world is a projection of your reality. What is it you wish to project? Heaviness, heartbreak, or a full heart of Love and joy?
Be. Be. BE what you wish to see. Be what you wish for others. This is how you may help. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Even your enemies. Even those you do not like. Heal with your love and your words and with your compassion. Light the way light worker. Be the example of light. Shine bright.
That is all
Abacus how can we deal with the heartlessness we see, the cruelty. It saddens many, it brings up all sorts of emotions in many, a helplessness. How do we deal with this?
Dear heart you have learnt how to control your emotions yes?
Well I can change them yes though at times it's difficult.
It is as difficult as you imagine it to be. You imagine we sound heartless? Dear heart, dear ones, it is through your strength of purpose that others may find theirs. If you cannot lift yourselves, the ones that work the light, the energy, how may those that do not experience these times? BE the example. You are the leaders. The ones that read these lines. Yes you. You reading these lines have awareness. Be the change you wish to see. Love the enemies. What did the masters do? Did they fight the enemies? They forgave the enemies. They did not condemn, they did not condone. They forgave. In forgiveness comes healing. Let us give scenario. Imagine if you will the many forgiving. Not condoning. Forgiving. It is in forgiveness that you set yourselves free. You send light. You send love. Do you send it to the ones commuting the crimes? Do you send forgiveness? Do you have room in your heart for forgiveness? These do not count on this. They understand the need for revenge is greater than your will to forgive. Light worker you know not what creates true peace. Peace comes from forgiving all, not just the ones you imagine deserve forgiveness. These are hard words to hear we understand. God, is all loving ALL forgiving. Remember this truth. You are God incarnate. To be a master means to be the god you are. When the sinner and the light worker arrive at heavens gate, do you imagine the sinner is not received in love? They are both received equally in love and joy! Heavens gate is an analogy. You understand the meaning. We hear your thoughts. There is complexity here that we wish not to expound on in this transmission, however know that both are received with love.
Can you find it in your heart to forgive? Your will be done dear ones, always.
That is all
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