Abacus (channelled by Helen Salter)
9/11/ 2015
Energy integrations
Greetings. Greetings. We are Abacus and we are here this day to bring through some information that is relevant to the times. This one is very close. Very close with we, intertwined, to a degree that is almost one.
We bring through that at this time that there is much going on, with your physicality, with your energetic structure. There are many systems that are coming online, that are coming into tune, into view. It is much as if the lights are being turned on. They are being switched intermittently on and off, on and off until they are turned on into full power. You are at times turned on, and you are at times turned off. They are not fully in coherence with the mechanics, with the energies at this time, but they are beginning. You are beginning to merge with that that you are. You are beginning to have a more conscious awareness of that that you are, and the intricacies that are you, and your physicality’s that are you are all beginning to merge. This will cause you to feel strange at times. It will cause you to feel as if you are not of this plane and not of that plane. You are much like you are in a mishmash, you are not here and you are not there, but in time you will begin to flow into the new energy and leave the old behind, and then you will one day look back, and think how did you do what you did, for you cannot imagine being where you are now, when you are where you are going.
We bring through this day, that to become more of where you are going, and less of the old, is simply to begin to live from that space. You are moving to the new space, but you are still living the old beliefs even though they do not relate. You work through your beliefs and you work through what is holding you back, and you move forward, and then what do you do dear ones? You keep looking back! You keep looking back and so you become confused as to where you are. We say to you when you make a decision, when you become online, do not look behind you, let it fall away, for it is not who you are anymore. You are the new you. You are living the new energy. You are working in the new areas, in the new fields. Why do you look back constantly? We tell you put an eraser into your hand, and when you look back, wipe out the old. Step into the new. Let the old fall away, for it does not serve you to think back constantly, of what was, of what could have been, of any other modalities that you may be thinking into, what was.
The new energies, the new shifting requires that your physicality is in good working order. It is time to detox, to cleanse your body of what it does not require, what it does not run efficiently on. Much like your vehicles running on dirty fuel. Dear ones, have clean fuel in your bodies. Eat clean food. Eat clean. Drink clean water. Think of what you put into your body systems. To have your body working efficiently, it needs efficient fuel, and we say to you dear ones, rest. It is important, for when you are resting much is being integrated into your system. Much is being downloaded into your DNA. Rest is restorative. It is as a tonic to the body. You are not at a place where you do not need your sleep. You are in a change. You are in a time of change. There is more shifting to be occurring in the current timeframe. When we say shifting, we mean you begin to see more, you begin to hear more, you begin to have a better understanding. You begin to open a bigger part of yourself. You become more expansive. You become more holdable, so to speak. Your container holds more information of a sudden. It is unlocked. It is brought into view. So you will feel a little differently. You will see a little differently. You will hear a little differently. Those that are open, that are being opened to the changes will experience new understandings, new point of views, new ideas and new experiences. It is for those that are willing to open, and it is for those that are not quite aware, but understand that there is something different occurring. They will of a sudden have an idea to try something new, to create something new, and to experience something new, and for those that are working with the energies, they will develop more of what they are doing already, but they will find further uses for the work that they do, and for what they are learning to experience. Those that have the view to see will see more expanded pictures. The pictures will be clearer, more vibrant. You will be more understanding, more intuitive. You will suddenly know what it is you are to do to fix a certain outcome, or to help another. The ideas will keep coming. They will flood your mind, your heart. Many assume that when energies change they will become suddenly a superhero, with unforeseen power to move mountains, and it is so, but it is not as you imagine. Humans have a linear view of what it is to shift, of what it is to integrate a new energy, of what it is to open up a new expansive version of you.
It is what you know, and it is what you understand. What we say to you, is when you reach a level where you may integrate some further energetic structure, some more strands that are come online, that have lighted up, you will simply become bigger than what you are already. You become more able to hold and understand knowledge. You become more able to decipher messages, be able to see more clearly. You will know how to work a puzzle, how to open something that was not openable before. The changes are so subtle that you miss them until you realise that something has changed and you are not quite sure what has changed, but something has changed. These is what we mean by energy shifts. They may be so subtle that you do not even see that there has been a shift, until you realise your view is much expanded, that you see from a higher perspective than you did before, that perhaps your communication skills are easier and more fluent. Do you understand? Do not be disheartened if you feel that nothing has occurred, because within you there are certain mechanisms that click into space, much like a jigsaw puzzle clicks into its spot in the picture where it is placed. It clicks, and then over time from where you are, your piece, you begin to see around you the more expansive view of the puzzle, instead of just seeing the piece that you are, you begin to see the others beside you, the bigger version of you, which is the puzzle that is being formed. Is that clearer? Hmm.
It is so that this one feels floatier this day, more as if she has the back seat, and that is so. We have integrated further. She is merged with we, and yet she is behind we. We are in the forefront in this communication, and she is with us, but also behind, as in not so much in view. We have the bigger expression in this communication. We are expressing more than what she is expressing. She has allowed us full faculties, full awareness, but we have not, we have not taken full faculties, or full awareness, but we have allowed a more prominent communication. This she feels is more accurate, more clear. We aim to please, however, we still co create together. We say to this one now, to our scribe, dear heart understand, for us to use all your faculties is to move back to the old energy. We are the new energy, you and we as one create together. We will become closer, more intermixed, more intertwined in the dance, as your energies increase. It has been but a short time dear one. Patience. Understand we are with you always, even when you are out of state. You have but to intend and to clear, and we come. Yes, in this state we are more in the prominence, we are more in the picture, we are more expansive, it is more we, than you. However, it does not make for better communication. It is just different communication. We have made adjustments to the process. You feel this do you not?
Understand humanity is changing. Each choice you make, each step you take, affects your life stream and that of others. To live consciously means that you are sitting in the driver seat, rather than in the passenger seat. Intend to be aware daily, consciously, to what you are choosing, and what you are thinking. If you are not wanting disease do not think of disease, but think of health. Think of ease. Be grateful in every moment of all that you have. Be in love with yourself, and with others. Open your heart and your mind to all the unlimited potentials, all the unlimited possibilities that you are able to create as the creator, for that is what you are. Know this truth. We cannot express this clear enough. You do not have to understand so much the hows, and the whys, and all the intricacies. You are simply to know it, as you know the colour red is red, and the colour yellow is yellow. You know it. Know you are a creator in the flesh, here on this plane. What is it you wish to desire? What is it you wish dear heart? What is it you wish dear ones that are listening? Begin to live this.
Dear heart we say to when you awake in the morning, when you put your feet on the ground, stand up and be whatever you wish to be. Stand up and be the writer. Embody the writer. Stand up and be the communicator. Embody the communicator. You do not wake up and be in a place that you do not want to be. Rather than berating the day filled before you, see it as an opportunity to open another door into your experience that is your living, in the now. You have so much that you may discover. When will you begin, to begin creating consciously? When you do this for yourself, you do it for others, for what you do as one, you do as a whole for you are all energetically linked, so when you make your life work, you begin to expand the energy that others can make their life work. You help the hungry by not being hungry yourself. Not in greed, do not misunderstand what we say. Be compassionate to yourself, and to others. By fixing your world, you fix others worlds, and your lights will begin to shine brightly, and the more lights that are turned on, the more light that shines for others to see their way, and to be turned on also. It is by the being and the doing that you create. Do not wait for something to come to you, but stand in your power and be that, that you want, that comes to you. It is in the being that one attracts.
This is the message for this day. Being who you wish to be. Shine your light brightly. Be in your dance of your desire, and it will give others the opportunity’s to be that that they desire also. Shine brightly. Shine your lights.
With love in our hearts for all, for humanity, we bid you good day.
That is all.
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