9th November 15
Channeled readings
We begin this day on a thread that is particularly unusual. Not that it is different, it is simply one that you may find as strange. We bring this, this day, for it is time to change things up a little so to speak. It is time to get the ball rolling. We begin this day by request, for the readings, and then we will continue on to bring through information that may begin to increase the pace a little, to begin to take the steps to creating that which you desire, and that which the collective desires. Some interesting notations will be given. Now we bring through the readings. Again we make it clear that they are guidance. It is not fortune-telling per se, simply that we pick up on your energy what is required to help you at this time.
The reading of one.
We say to these, it may be an idea if you will, to look at your beliefs more closely, and see what is really of import, and what is not. We advise you to perhaps for a few moments, physically bring forward your belief systems. What is it that you actually believe consciously? Write these down. Next to each belief ask yourself, is this true for me? Is this actually truth? Is it 100% true? You may be surprised that what you believe, and you may be surprised at what you see in your belief, that it is true or nay. When you can look at a belief in this way, in this perspective, when you become consciously aware, then you may turn these belief systems around, for in seeing, it may be dissolved. In the awareness, conscious awareness, it may be dissolved. It is time to clear the beliefs that do not serve you. This is the message for these ones this day.
The reading of two.
The twos are becoming more noticeable, as in they are realising the duality of their living circumstances. They are seeing what is black and what is white more clearly these days. In seeing the differences, in understanding consciously the duality of all things on your plane, you may then move forward in creating the duality, the opposing affect more readily. For instance if one is not liking their view, the outlook of their living space, one may understand that there is an opposite, and that one may change to the opposite for it is simply a choice whether you live in one space or you live in another. You have a choice, of being in a dark space, or are in a light space. You have a choice in feeling hot or feeling cold. You have a choice in wearing black or wearing white. You have a choice in being happy or being sad. Do you see where we are coming? You are becoming more aware of the choices, the dualistic nature of choices. When you become aware, that such is possible, then you begin to choose more consciously and in the choosing consciously, you begin to create your world. This is occurring at this time. Many are changing their world simply by changing their choices. The message for you this day? Keep taking the steps, keep making your conscious choices. Know that you are able, that there is no distraction, and the only distraction to this is one that you create within your internal mind frame.
The reading of three
To the threes we say to you, to be peaceful one must be peace. To be peaceful, one must forgive. To be in a place where there is no angst within the heart, is to free those that you have entangled within your heart, for when you have entangled ones in your heart, your heart is not free, it is in a prison of entanglement. Are you understanding? Ones that form attachments to the circumstances that have been created by yourself or others, create a prison of sorts within the heart. When one forgives the entanglement, regardless of who was at fault, when one releases the condemnation, the resentment, the blame, then one may untangle that that holds the connection that causes them such pain, that that does not cause them to have peace within their soul, for they are reliving the entanglement daily. It has not been released. Many assume when these are buried, covered, so that one may not see them, that they do not exist. Does a wound exist when it is covered by Band-Aid? It does not make the wound non-existent, it is simply covered from sight. And so we say to you, to feel peace is to let go, is to forgive, is to release the entanglement. It is to lift the Band-Aid away, and allow the wound to heal. Intention, conscious intention, begins to take the bandage off, and love, self-love, is what heals the wound. Isn’t it time to heal your wounds with your own love, with divine love?
These are the readings for this day. To you dear heart, we say be in connection, for there is much to come this day regarding the changing energy structures, and formations.
That is all.
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