Channeled Readings
Reading of One
This day we ask the ones, where do you imagine that your joy is found? Where do you imagine that state of being is located? We can tell you the state of being is located within your soul. Your soul knows and understands what it is to feel joy. It is joy. It is love. It is all these things. It has experienced all these things. You wish to experience joy do you not? The way to experience joy is to know thyself, for when one knows thyself they become what they truly are. They become that state of being. How do you become closer to this state, to your soul? By becoming more aware of who you are. In this understanding you begin to experience that that you are. The joy does not come from something outside of you, the state of being comes from within you. It is true that it is triggered from your external environment, but it begins first with the state of being and this state of being attracts that on the external to you. Many go searching for their joy on the outside, they search it in others, they search it in their spouses, they search it in their children, they search it in there doing, but we wish to make clear that it comes from within. It is an allowance of you as your incarnated being, to experience that that is, that is not incarnated. When you become this state of being, this joy that you are then you attract this from your external reality to you as a magnet. Imagine if you will that you are a joy magnet. That you are your joy inside, and by experiencing this joy within you attract this joy on the outside. How to experience this joy within? It is not difficult. Become still, even for a short moment, understand in this stillness you are connected to who you are. Remember if you will in this state, the experiences of joy that you have had. These will help you to begin to feel the state of joy. These feelings come from what you have experienced, what your soul has experienced, and when you begin to be that state, then this state attracts from your external, and brings to you experiences that are joyful. We have said many times that it is your state of being that attracts your outside reality. We reiterate, that it is not from the outside that you begin to be joy, it is from the inside. Yes, doing certain activities, performing these will help you to experience that state of being. However true joy and true peace is something you are already. These triggers simply remind you of how to be in this state. The more that you be in this state, the more that you attract that to you, for if you search for joy on the outside you will always be searching on the outside. Going within might sound cliché, but it is where you find the well that holds love, happiness, joy, peace. If you begin to find what you are searching on the inside first, if you understand this, then you will begin to attract all on the outside that is in resonance to what you are being. This is what we bring for the ones this day.
Reading of twos
For the two is we bring the reference of activity or productivity. Understand when one is being productive one is moving forward. When one is being stagnant one is simply rehashing all that is there to be rehashed from the past more often than not. What we wish to say is to be pro-active means to be active in a way that produces your reality. What you are active in produces more of what you are active in. We wish to ask you, are you enjoying, are you happy, with your pro- acting? Are you enjoying the acting that you are producing at this time? For whatever you are pro-active in, whatever you are active in, you produce more of the same for your future. We say to you if you are not happy where you are acting, where you are producing, where you are in activity, we suggest you begin to choose something that is more relevant to what you wish to experience, and while you are active in what you wish to experience, then the more that experience is magnetised to you. Remember energy flows where attention goes. What you are attending to, what you are producing, what you are proactive in, will produce more of the same for your future. If you are in a place that you are not happy, if you are in a place that you are not happy with what is being produced, then it is a simple change of the path, a simple change of walking a different route, so that you may begin to produce differently than what you are producing now. This is what we bring for the twos this day. Be more observant of what you are acting in, what you are proactive in, what you are producing, and if it is not to your liking then it is time to move on to something which you wish to be producing.
The reading of three
For the three’s we bring a little coherence. Coherence, this one does not understand. This is relevant also for she must learn that she may not understand and still bring through the relevant information. It is a lesson for this one, that she understands that she is connected and bringing through information even though she does not understand it, to trust in the information that comes. The relevance for coherence in this specified reading for the threes is as follows. When one is in coherence in their life stream, then their life stream flows. If one is not in coherence then the life stream does not flow so well. One needs to understand the relevance of this in their life stream. When one goes with the flow but at the same time understands that they are choosing the flow, and that they may change the flow, but they are not in resistance to the flow, but in acceptance of the flow, of the life stream, then one is in coherence. One understands what is occurring, one sees why it is occurring, one does not become in angst, or in anxiety for what is occurring, but simply sees all of what it is, and when something occurs that is not in agreement to what one wishes to experience, then one simply begins to change the course of their life stream by changing their direction, without being in resistance to what is occurring, but simply acknowledging what is occurring, and changing their stream of thought to change the path they walk. While this is occurring, one is not in resistance but in acceptance, of yes, this is what is occurring now, this is in the life stream now, but this does not need to continue to be in my life stream, that I have choices and that I can change the direction, and that I begin to change the direction, while being in acceptance of where I am at present, and where the future is being directed. We speak in riddles to this one, but in the re- listening one will understand what we are referring to. You see when one is living their life stream, and other sudden something occurs that is not to their liking, they begin to rehash on that that is not being liked, and this brings more of that that is not being liked, and then they become stuck, and they become in resistance, and they cannot see how to get out of the resistance, and it becomes a circle of anxiety, of understanding what is occurring but not understanding how they are not becoming out of what is occurring. So what we are saying to you, when you are in coherence, when you are in the flow, you understand all that comes to you has come from past thought processes, has come from past actions, and you also understand that this can be changed, and you do not become in angst at what is occurring, but you are in acceptance that it is occurring because of past processes, and that you see this, and that you are in acceptance to this, and that you think okay, this is what is occurring now, I begin to change my life stream in what I wish to be occurring, and you get on with it so to speak. You do not keep rehashing what is, and you begin to change your direction to that which you wish to be. The idea dear ones, is when you are not liking what is in your life stream, what is in your life in the moment, the idea dear ones, is not to become stuck in the not liking, but to acknowledge that this is where you are, without a resistance, and then choosing to choose something different and to begin to experience, and to act, and to take action, into that which you are wishing, what you are desiring for your future to be, so that you may move beyond what is occurring at the time. Many understand the law of attraction, the law of manifestation and yet when something occurs that is not to their liking they become stuck like a groove in your records, on your record players. It goes over and over and over, looking at what is, rather than understanding that it has occurred for whatever reason, and that all you need to do to move past is to simply begin to be that that you are wishing in your future, rather than rehashing that that has occurred that you are not wanting. Acceptance rather than ignorance, or ignoring, what is occurring, acceptance that it is in your life stream at this moment, but that you choose differently in the next moment, and you begin to be what you are wishing in the next moment rather than rehashing what has been. It is a simple decision and carrying the idea, the picture, of what you are wanting in your next moment, rather than rehashing the last moment. These are the readings for this day. They are interconnected in a way, some will resonate with ones, and some will resonate with others.
The readings are changing as you have become aware. These are aimed at making you think about what you are doing in your life stream, rather than predicting probabilities. We are helping you, guiding you to see from a different angle, from a different perspective, so that changes can be made. We are fine tuning so to speak what is occurring in your life stream. We are fine tuning the guidelines so that you may work on specifics, rather than just having a different general view on what is occurring. These specifics may not mean so much to some, but understand it is one small change, one more understanding that can change your whole life stream once you get it. Once you understand it. We are here to help you to understand, so that you may be experiencing the future, the life stream that you desire.
That is all
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