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Monday, 30 November 2015

The Expansion 30/11/15

30/11/15 Abacus
Voice channel Transcribed.
The expansion

We are pleased to be with you again. We are in awe of humanity and where you are expanding into, at this time. You, humanity, are growing beyond a potentiality which is unheard of before. It is exciting these times. If you could see what we see, you would see the beauty and the expansiveness that you are. You are remembering who you are and you are growing beyond what was thought possible. 
Your energy is shifting. You are changing in every moment, every cell, every molecule, with every thought that you think. Every action that you take, is changing you into the magnificence that you are. At times you feel like you are not so special, as if you cannot hold all that we say you do. At times you do not want to expand, but want to simply forget all that you are, for you seem dis-enamoured, as if it is too difficult. But we tell you this, you have grown so fast in such a short time span, and in a short time to come, you will have expanded all the more. We see in you your future you see, for we have been where you are. We have walked the steps, and we know what is possible. We understand all the pitfalls. We understand all you’re doubting. We understand how you feel, but we also understand where you are going, and all that it is possible. We are like the parents that have been before you, and have walked the road, and know all the pitfalls. We know where the stepping stones are. We know the easiest way. We know the struggles, and we know the highs. We do not come to tell you what to do, but we do come to guide you, to give you ideas, to expand on the ideas, so that you may begin to create, begin to remember, begin to be who you came to be. We have been where you are now, and we know that it is possible, the difference being that you have free will, and can choose differently, and still, you have come to the crossroads, and still you are growing and expanding. You have a genetic makeup within you that can do so much. It is as you are sitting in the most intricate spaceship, and you are looking at all the technical tools, all the buttons and screens, and you have no idea how to work them, and yet this is what you encompass, this and more within you. You have so many tools within you that you are yet to use. All these tools, all the equipment requires a key to open a signature, and that is in your frequency. As you lift your frequency you unlock these tools, you begin to have access to certain equipment. The higher you raise the more access you have, and the more that you can do with your equipment, with your faculties, with your body, with your mind, with your energy. As time moves on and as you grow, you will expand into the seemingly unimaginable. You can't comprehend how many tools you have and what you can do, for you cannot know what you do not know. You will begin to know and understand as time moves on, as you learn how to manifest, how to create, had to think a certain way, how to understand your energy structure. All these are coming to you, but first you need to lift your energy. You have two go within. You have to learn how to open your heart, how to be compassionate, for all these are required before the coding’s can be unlocked. The coding’s are energy stamped, and may not be opened until there is enough light to trigger the energy stamp, and as your light increases, these will unlock automatically. Think your submarines. Think when they are below the water, the pressure holds everything together. They cannot open the doors underwater, but as they rise to the surface then they can open the doors. To open the doors under water would be catastrophic.
Our message to you this day is to have patience with yourself. We are very pleased with the way humanity is evolving. Yes there are some hiccups. All is being viewed for what it is, and all these are triggers into compassionate action, for compassion is what grows the heart, and lifts the frequency. Compassion triggers awakening. We come this day to ease your way, to help you to understand. Do not lay focus on what is going wrong, but lay focus on what is going right. Be loving. Be open and kind. Be how you wish to be treated. Understand you’re all connected. None are separate. We end this transmission with love in our hearts, for you, and for all humanity.
That is all

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Channeled Readings 30/11/15

Channeled Readings 

Reading of One
This day we ask the ones, where do you imagine that your joy is found? Where do you imagine that state of being is located? We can tell you the state of being is located within your soul. Your soul knows and understands what it is to feel joy. It is joy. It is love. It is all these things. It has experienced all these things. You wish to experience joy do you not? The way to experience joy is to know thyself, for when one knows thyself they become what they truly are. They become that state of being. How do you become closer to this state, to your soul? By becoming more aware of who you are. In this understanding you begin to experience that that you are. The joy does not come from something outside of you, the state of being comes from within you. It is true that it is triggered from your external environment, but it begins first with the state of being and this state of being attracts that on the external to you. Many go searching for their joy on the outside, they search it in others, they search it in their spouses, they search it in their children, they search it in there doing, but we wish to make clear that it comes from within. It is an allowance of you as your incarnated being, to experience that that is, that is not incarnated. When you become this state of being, this joy that you are then you attract this from your external reality to you as a magnet. Imagine if you will that you are a joy magnet. That you are your joy inside, and by experiencing this joy within you attract this joy on the outside. How to experience this joy within? It is not difficult. Become still, even for a short moment, understand in this stillness you are connected to who you are. Remember if you will in this state, the experiences of joy that you have had. These will help you to begin to feel the state of joy. These feelings come from what you have experienced, what your soul has experienced, and when you begin to be that state, then this state attracts from your external, and brings to you experiences that are joyful. We have said many times that it is your state of being that attracts your outside reality. We reiterate, that it is not from the outside that you begin to be joy, it is from the inside. Yes, doing certain activities, performing these will help you to experience that state of being. However true joy and true peace is something you are already. These triggers simply remind you of how to be in this state. The more that you be in this state, the more that you attract that to you, for if you search for joy on the outside you will always be searching on the outside. Going within might sound cliché, but it is where you find the well that holds love, happiness, joy, peace. If you begin to find what you are searching on the inside first, if you understand this, then you will begin to attract all on the outside that is in resonance to what you are being. This is what we bring for the ones this day.

Reading of twos
For the two is we bring the reference of activity or productivity. Understand when one is being productive one is moving forward. When one is being stagnant one is simply rehashing all that is there to be rehashed from the past more often than not. What we wish to say is to be pro-active means to be active in a way that produces your reality. What you are active in produces more of what you are active in. We wish to ask you, are you enjoying, are you happy, with your pro- acting? Are you enjoying the acting that you are producing at this time? For whatever you are pro-active in, whatever you are active in, you produce more of the same for your future. We say to you if you are not happy where you are acting, where you are producing, where you are in activity, we suggest you begin to choose something that is more relevant to what you wish to experience, and while you are active in what you wish to experience, then the more that experience is magnetised to you. Remember energy flows where attention goes. What you are attending to, what you are producing, what you are proactive in, will produce more of the same for your future. If you are in a place that you are not happy, if you are in a place that you are not happy with what is being produced, then it is a simple change of the path, a simple change of walking a different route, so that you may begin to produce differently than what you are producing now. This is what we bring for the twos this day. Be more observant of what you are acting in, what you are proactive in, what you are producing, and if it is not to your liking then it is time to move on to something which you wish to be producing.

The reading of three
For the three’s we bring a little coherence. Coherence, this one does not understand. This is relevant also for she must learn that she may not understand and still bring through the relevant information. It is a lesson for this one, that she understands that she is connected and bringing through information even though she does not understand it, to trust in the information that comes. The relevance for coherence in this specified reading for the threes is as follows. When one is in coherence in their life stream, then their life stream flows. If one is not in coherence then the life stream does not flow so well. One needs to understand the relevance of this in their life stream. When one goes with the flow but at the same time understands that they are choosing the flow, and that they may change the flow, but they are not in resistance to the flow, but in acceptance of the flow, of the life stream, then one is in coherence. One understands what is occurring, one sees why it is occurring, one does not become in angst, or in anxiety for what is occurring, but simply sees all of what it is, and when something occurs that is not in agreement to what one wishes to experience, then one simply begins to change the course of their life stream by changing their direction, without being in resistance to what is occurring, but simply acknowledging what is occurring, and changing their stream of thought to change the path they walk. While this is occurring, one is not in resistance but in acceptance, of yes, this is what is occurring now, this is in the life stream now, but this does not need to continue to be in my life stream, that I have choices and that I can change the direction, and that I begin to change the direction, while being in acceptance of where I am at present, and where the future is being directed. We speak in riddles to this one, but in the re- listening one will understand what we are referring to. You see when one is living their life stream, and other sudden something occurs that is not to their liking, they begin to rehash on that that is not being liked, and this brings more of that that is not being liked, and then they become stuck, and they become in resistance, and they cannot see how to get out of the resistance, and it becomes a circle of anxiety, of understanding what is occurring but not understanding how they are not becoming out of what is occurring. So what we are saying to you, when you are in coherence, when you are in the flow, you understand all that comes to you has come from past thought processes, has come from past actions, and you also understand that this can be changed, and you do not become in angst at what is occurring, but you are in acceptance that it is occurring because of past processes, and that you see this, and that you are in acceptance to this, and that you think okay, this is what is occurring now, I begin to change my life stream in what I wish to be occurring, and you get on with it so to speak. You do not keep rehashing what is, and you begin to change your direction to that which you wish to be. The idea dear ones, is when you are not liking what is in your life stream, what is in your life in the moment, the idea dear ones, is not to become stuck in the not liking, but to acknowledge that this is where you are, without a resistance, and then choosing to choose something different and to begin to experience, and to act, and to take action, into that which you are wishing, what you are desiring for your future to be, so that you may move beyond what is occurring at the time. Many understand the law of attraction, the law of manifestation and yet when something occurs that is not to their liking they become stuck like a groove in your records, on your record players. It goes over and over and over, looking at what is, rather than understanding that it has occurred for whatever reason, and that all you need to do to move past is to simply begin to be that that you are wishing in your future, rather than rehashing that that has occurred that you are not wanting. Acceptance rather than ignorance, or ignoring, what is occurring, acceptance that it is in your life stream at this moment, but that you choose differently in the next moment, and you begin to be what you are wishing in the next moment rather than rehashing what has been. It is a simple decision and carrying the idea, the picture, of what you are wanting in your next moment, rather than rehashing the last moment. These are the readings for this day. They are interconnected in a way, some will resonate with ones, and some will resonate with others.

The readings are changing as you have become aware. These are aimed at making you think about what you are doing in your life stream, rather than predicting probabilities. We are helping you, guiding you to see from a different angle, from a different perspective, so that changes can be made. We are fine tuning so to speak what is occurring in your life stream. We are fine tuning the guidelines so that you may work on specifics, rather than just having a different general view on what is occurring. These specifics may not mean so much to some, but understand it is one small change, one more understanding that can change your whole life stream once you get it. Once you understand it. We are here to help you to understand, so that you may be experiencing the future, the life stream that you desire.
That is all 

Monday, 23 November 2015

Abacus & Aquaous 23/11/15 Changes ( more on Aquaous )

Abacus and Aquaous (Pleiadian Aspect)
Voice channel after light body exercise

Dear heart we send greetings to all that are listening this day. We wish to begin in an usual way this day. We wish to allow precedence to another aspect, anther energy. This is new to those that listen. This one experienced a change recently, one she has not given voice to. This day is perfect to bring through new introductions. We will allow this now, dear one. Do not be in fear. Allow the precedence to occur. You are safe always dear one. You are safe. Allow the interaction to occur dear one. We step aside.

Aquaous ( Pleiadian aspect )
And so we begin. We begin with a new thread. This is new to you and it is new to others and we enjoy this new interaction. We have been with you many times. We have discussed many eventualities, credulance or not. We are named Aquaous. Aquaous encompass 3. The pronunciation is Ac-way-us. Three in one. We are here to bring through different understandings that are due to be understood with the changing energies. We allow you to feel our flow, a different interface, for you to adjust and so that we may adjust for there are adjustments to be had and they may only be adjusted while we are in the flow with you

( adjustments being made here. Nothing comes through for approx 9minutes. I simply feel energy shifting )

We have been manipulating the energies around your cerebral cortex. We are fine tuning the energy flow around these areas so that we may transmit in a certain frequency so that you may hear directly what we wish to bring through. We are showing you molecules upon molecules, each molecule has a certain energy surrounding it, a certain frequency of tone. We transmit to these tones, so to speak, to these energy bubbles and that in turn is assimilated and you begin to voice that that comes through. It is a different form of communication that you use with your Abacus. We transmit at a different frequency. It is different in nature. We come from a place that is far away by your standards, that is only a blink of an eye away from where you are in reality. We have transmuted travel. We don't use bulky machinery. We use our minds, our energy to move between one place to another. Your world is as close as standing outside of an elevator. We land in your world very quickly. We are disguised because we are at different energy frequency, than what you may see. We resonate at a different length, a different sound, a different signature. If you were to tune into our sound then you could see us. But you are not that evolved yet. We had to fine tune this writers energy, so that she may decipher what we bring through these strands rather than speaking through a aspect, we can speak apart from the aspect by doing this. The first communication was spoken through her aspect.
( note: that was a different channel received on Friday )
Now her aspect stands aside and allows us through. It feels different to you, and so it should feel different for we are at a different band width. We gave you a glimpse of where we are, where we come from, in your meditation only preformed minutes ago. You saw the transportation system, from one place to another in one of our many structures. We may transport in this way. We may move through light frequency, however there are some that may not, and so we use these many structures to transport. This is one of our many facilities where we house those that have been injured or need healing in the cosmos. They can not travel as we do and this structure helps us to transport one to another level. We are still manipulating your energy structure. Tweaking where we need. It feels different to you. It feels surreal. You are not adapted to our communication process. It will come to a time where this will be very very simple. It is only that we are adjusting, and that is why you do not hear us so clearly, that you are not sure. It is why there are the pauses, where you may not usually pause. We send a group of words at a time, rather than one at a time, as does your aspect. For now this is much simpler, that you may understand our words in this way. It is a form of telepathic communication in a sense. We transmit a group of words, a paragraph by your standards and then they are assimilated and understood and brought forth. This feels unbelievable to you. It feels surreal to you. This is understandable. In time you will understand us. This is new.

For now know we are on the horizon watching and guiding. Keep up the work with the creations. We initiate the flow. We initiate the curvature, the messages, throughout the graphics. These are our way of bringing light into your domain. These will become more intrinsic by nature. Trust the flow in the creating. We send packages within the context of the creation. Those that understand the context will be drawn to them. We hear you. You are doubting this communication which is to be expected. We knew this would occur. We know you, we know your stubbornness, for we have lived lives with you before. You have been a part of our entourage, a general. You came to this plane where you are to help and to bring knowledge and we are here to bring remembrance as per directive, so that you may begin the work where you are. You feel the different flow now. We are continually making adjustments. There will be much brought forth over time. The information will be in manipulating the energy with colour and with sound in ways that have not been discovered before. However, there are those that are discovering it now, and so we may bring this information through now. There is much being  discovered on your plane of existence at this time, and more will be discovered as time moves on, and we come to help to manipulate those discoveries, help you to understand them, in a bilateral way. In bilateral we mean, a left brain, right brain, rather than simply using one side or the other. It is in combination in a way, that produces an electric flow that encompasses the way an atom is structured and materialised. It can be manipulated by sound and by colour so that it acts a certain way. It can be trained using colour and sound. Different threads in the colour and different threads in the sound manipulated in a certain way. It is much like when you create your jumpers, your knitting, using your knitting needles. You may create, you may move the needles in a certain way to create a certain pattern and then you may move the needles in a different way, in a different angle, manipulating the yarn in a different manner to create a different pattern. We may help you to learn how to manipulate the different frequencies in these, so that you can create controlled structure. It is fine tuning manifestation, fine tuning it to the minute detail, from the state where it is born, from the very point of creation. It will strengthen the use of your mind, of your imagination, for it is in your imagination, in those threads, in those telepathic sound-waves that creates material form and that also disassemble is material form. You may learn how to dissolve illness, simply by thinking in a certain signature that acts to unravel the frequency that is in imbedded in your physical body, that has the disease within that frequency. We will bring certain guidance in how that frequency is unravelled using sound, and colour, and directive thought. You do not know how powerful your minds are, but you will. We are Aquaous, Ac-way-us. There are three of us. We transmit in a way that the telepathy is combined within the three. The knowledge we send is from three minds combined as one. Not from three separate minds. It is like you have three computers with different knowledge and you upload them onto one main frame. This is what we do. This is our advancement, that we may do this. It is more energy efficient that we may send all our information in one package, transmitting together. It is normal for you to be in disbelief for you cannot know what you do not know, and it is difficult is it not, to understand to understand a concept that you may not understand at all? Abacus is returned. The transmission is complete for today. We will come again soon for further integrations. Thank you. Goodbye for now.

Dear heart, we have surprised you once again. You are a joy to behold. You are becoming less afraid, and more open to change. We understand that you are not in a place of believing. We understand that this is very out of the box for you and for others. Dear heart understand you are here to bring forth change and with the new energy there will be change that will be new. It will be not be believable too many. We understand your strength. You are in the right place and you are the right scribe for this. You forget your strength, but we know it, we know the truth of your strength. You have been reminded these days of your strength, and you may need to pull on that strength for some of what is to come you will question and others will question and the safe place that you have shared with others, may not feel so safe when others question the truth of the message. Be understanding that not all may carry belief, just as you do not carry belief at this moment. It is hard for you to believe is it not, and you are the one that is scribing? So imagine what it is for others to listen to these words. You have had months to be attuned to we, to understand we, to feel the love of we, and others may not have this, and so they will hear the words and not be in understanding and this is true for them, and this is right for them. Dear heart be in a place that is open. You are the scribe and we are thankful for you. Understand  that as you become clearer in these transmissions you will hear us more precisely and you are to bring through that preciseness in a way that others may hear or may not, for the ones that will have the eyes to see will see and the ones that do not will not. It is always been the case and that will not change dear ones. You are feeling our energy dear heart and the energy of Aquaous. It is why your skin is feeling the way it is. You are feeling as if you have much crawling on the skin surface. This is the energies. There are many energies here this day dear heart. There are many changes afoot. The new year will bring much change. You dear one in the next few weeks will go through a bit of a Metamorphous. Your energy will shift to acclimatise to new flows that will come through. Do not overthink what is occurring, simply be present in the moment and bring through the words that come. All will be explained as the time moves on. You may share this or you may not, it matters not, for once the transmissions begin they will be clearer enough. This is what you call your test runs,  so that we may adapt the flow that he's around you. We end the transmission now. Be at peace be in your joy be in your flow. We love you dearly. That is all.

Abacus & Aquaous 20/11/15

20/11/15 Friday (late evening)
Auto writing 
Abacus & Aquaous ( Pleiadian aspects )

I'm doubting this is real. I'm going to take the punt and share with you all what's unfolding. Ive decided it's important to share the channeling journey, the realness of it. I was waiting to see what would unfold, if anything. Aquaous came through again today (Monday). I'm yet to transcribe that channel. This came through last Friday night. 
Friday night 
What can you tell me regarding my new found love of drawing with pens, regarding the symbols and unusual graphics? Curious. I love to draw them but it's not what I expected I'd be creating. Can you expand on this? 

Dear heart may you be still a moment in stillness? You may clear, yes? You are in confusion with a busy mind. Stillness may help you to centre and focus on we. Fine tune the station so to speak. 

Ok. I won't fall asleep? 

Smile. Mayhap it is what is needed to clear the busyness. Allow dear heart, allow what is to proceed. 


As I get still I'm hearing the song "On the wings of love". Then I begin to feel abacus and then the energy began to get stronger, to change, different. Abacus tells me not to fear, to allow. That I was safe. That no harm will come to me. To open my heart. I asked how. I got the image of my pets. My heart opens and I felt a different energy. An old energy. I don't know how it was old, if just feels old. I get butterfly's in my stomach. I ask if the energy was light. It vowed it was of light, and in peace. I sit in this energy for awhile. Then I got the feeling to write. 

Below is what I received, auto writing....

"We have come to this transmission as it is time to bring forth what is to be known. We are your fore fathers. We come in peace, in love. Do not fear us. Your aspect heralds our call. We come to help you at this time. You feel our interface, our energy. You feel the change. We are Aquaous. Correct. The name is sound. Pronounced "ac-way-us". We come to announce ourselves. We are three. You have conversed with us before, in your dreams. You do not believe the transmission? Do you feel our energy? You will be disrupted. We will come again. For now we simply wish introductions. We are pleidian aspect. You know we. We are one of the many aspects of Abacus.
Your creations are light filled. Do not aim for perfection as so much the flow that is generated upon creation. The signatures, the notes contained within the creations, are grounded onto your plane. In the viewing of the creations light is assimilated, grounded. Signatures are recognised at a subconscious level. These will be understood over time and later viewed with understanding. Enjoy the creating. Create what comes to mind. There will be more on this. For now understand nothing is by mistake. The creating is joyful. Light filled. Time is lost in the creating. Much time is lost. Within the creating, in the transmission, you are in another plane. The creating transports you to a space that creates, and draws the codes down into physical form. In the viewing one is transported to where it is drawn. Riddles. It is what we have for now. Enjoy. Create. There will be more to come. We end this transmission, and allow your Abacus to come to the forefront. 
Aquaous "

I got disrupted in the channeling process by family .....

A few hours later I fell asleep in my chair and dreamt I was going up stairs, then the path twisted and then up more stairs. We passed a band of male singers "one direction" on the way up. As we reached the top, I asked where are we going, to the others with me and they said "where we always go to view the next instalment". Then a theatre came into view as we climbed the last few stairs. Theatre number number 9, was on the left. I followed the others into a theatre full of others, sat down with the others, and then woke up in my recliner chair ....
I didn't get to see the next instalment :(

I don't know what this all means or if this channel is accurate. I'll channel on this some more. Please use your discernment. Because it's new I'm doubting it....... But I feel guided to share the realness of my journey. 

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Channeled Readings 23/11/15

Channeled Readings

Reading one
We are here. We bring to these this day something that helps one to grow beyond their wildest dreams. When one reiterates what is their biggest desire then one may seemingly by magic begin to pull out of the ethers the essence they require, the emotion that helps to manifest, to manipulate the energy, the field, into matter. You see you do not understand fully how something that is material in your world is created. Your desires are "created" in a field of unlimited possibilities. Your beliefs, your ego, is what creates  limit. If you believe you cannot, then you will not create your desire. Understand your desire, what you wish to create, the possibility, resides in the field, in the universal field, ready for you to bring it forth, for you are what brings it forth. You, "your" desire. Your attraction. When will you begin to release your limited beliefs and replace them with new beliefs? Rewrite your cd so to speak. Overlay your system. You ask how to replace them? Think the new desire! Ask yourself what limiting beliefs are stopping you from creating this desire. Replace them with new beliefs. Reinforce, not once, but continually reinforce your new belief. Pretend if you must. Pretend well, as an actor pretends well. Speak it loudly. Embrace your new belief, and your desire. Energy goes where attention flows. Have patience. You may stumble. Pick yourself up and begin anew. We are beside you guiding you ever forward.
There is no judgement here only guidance and love.

Reading two
For the twos we bring forth the message of love. Love a four letter word that means so much more that many understand. Love lifts, love heals, love brings joy, love brings peace.  Love brings peace. We repeat this, as it is of great importance. Love brings peace. When you begin to love yourself,  ALL of yourself, including your image, including your  biology, including your colouring, including your beliefs, including where you reside, including your occupation, including your enemies, yes your enemies. When you begin to love all, you will find peace, joy, happiness. You will live not in fear, but in love, with all that you are, and all that you bring forth into your life stream. Love is the key to opening your heart, and when your heart opens so will others that you encompass, that you attract into your world. It begins with you. Do not look outside of yourself for this, for it cannot be found if it is not reflected by the reflector. Do you understand? We think you do. Understand this power, for when one understands, one begins to dissolve the barriers to love, and when the barriers are dissolved, then one begins to attract love because they are love, the reflection changes. It begins with you dear ones.

Reading Three
To these we say this day, there are many of you reading these lines that begrudge their living status. What you do for a living, where you take yourself daily. We say to you, how much time do you spend in your occupation? How many hours? How many minutes? How much of your life is spent in this place you begrudge? We say to you, anything can be changed, any "thing".  Walk into your occupation daily with the intent to experience only what you desire while within the workplace. Begin to see the joy in others around you. Begin to be present in your working environment, really present. Be aware that you have two eyes to see, you have the hands to manipulate, you have the legs to walk on. Be grateful that you have an occupation. Be grateful for the ones that come to you in need, that you may help them.  Be grateful that you may be of service. Be that smile that lights the day of another. Be the kindness that warms another's heart. Be grateful for your time to stop and eat when others may not have food to eat. Be grateful for the peace that you may experience when others do not have peace. Be grateful for the environment that shields you from the external forces. Be grateful for the comrades around you. Be grateful for the air you breathe. Are you understanding? When you begin to be grateful where you are, while fuelling a desire for something more, then you may begin to attract this, but your desire may only be created in your world when you begin to be grateful, and appreciative of where you are right now, in your present moment. You cannot receive when you are not in the space of love and appreciation for where you are. This exercise helps you to be aware of all that you do have in this occupation, while performing your service to others, and in this, what you wish to create begins to take hold. It is a paradox, that you may not have what you love, without loving what you have.

These are the messages for this day.
That is all

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Abacus 18/11/15

Auto writing after light body journey
Current affairs

Dear ones
When you choose to benefit another you benefit yourself. When you choose to see one in hatred, you hold yourself in hatred. Know this. Yes it is so that you see the suffering dear ones, but if your continue to see the suffering, suffering is ALL you will see in your future.

You are a light workers.You must begin to work your light if you wish to see change, if you wish to see a different outcome. Do you not see? Dear ones all you hold in love, will then begin to generate love. All you hold in compassion will begin to generate compassion. These are the times that will test your new found modalities. Be wise in your thoughts.  Be wise in your speech, for what you project contains energy. It is fuel. Be that that you wish to see.

You see the sequence of events as harsh as hard, as not in which you wish to experience. This is old energy wishing to be cleared. It is coming into view to be seen, to be viewed, it has to come up to be let go. It is like a child that holds on to being cheeky. It wishes to continue to be cheeky. It is when it is shown that it will not be tolerated, that in its cheekiness it drives others away, that none wish to be in their space, that it is to no avail, that they begin to see the error of their ways. They begin to see that being in cheeky there is no benefit, and nothing to gain, but more importantly, that the adult sees that when one does not allow such behaviour, that it begins to diminish, to lose its grip, its strength over time.

Dear ones these are having their tantrums. Do you have a tantrum with the child or do you ignore the tantrum until it has passed? You still love the child do you not?  To ignore the tantrum is not to condone it. It simply means you are wishing not to view it, and will not tolerate it. You do not join in the tantrum with the child, even if it causes destruction around them. They may kick and scream but you love the child still. You may confine them so they may not harm another but you do not sit and have the tantrum with them.

We do not condone this. We simply wish you to understand that if you wish for a better world you must imagine, project a better world, and do not keep focus on what is in your world right now. What you hold focus on creates more of. Know this. Do not focus on the terror but on love and compassion. Do not vent words filled with poison, for then you ingest the poison also, you reflect it unto you. Peace, love, compassion. Ingest these. Voice these, be these, and these is what you will all see in your world.
The world is a projection of your reality. What is it you wish to project? Heaviness, heartbreak, or a full heart of Love and joy?

Be. Be. BE what you wish to see. Be what you wish for others. This is how you may help. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Even your enemies. Even those you do not like. Heal with your love and your words and with your compassion. Light the way light worker. Be the example of light. Shine bright.
That is all


Abacus how can we deal with the heartlessness we see, the cruelty. It saddens many, it brings up all sorts of emotions in many, a helplessness. How do we deal with this?

Dear heart you have learnt how to control your emotions yes?

Well I can change them yes though at times it's difficult.

It is as difficult as you imagine it to be. You imagine we sound heartless? Dear heart, dear ones, it is through your strength of purpose that others may find theirs. If you cannot lift yourselves, the ones that work the light, the energy, how may those that do not experience these times? BE the example. You are the leaders. The ones that read these lines. Yes you. You reading these lines have awareness. Be the change you wish to see. Love the enemies. What did the masters do? Did they fight the enemies? They forgave the enemies. They did not condemn, they did not condone. They forgave. In forgiveness comes healing. Let us give scenario. Imagine if you will the many forgiving. Not condoning. Forgiving. It is in forgiveness that you set yourselves free. You send light. You send love. Do you send it to the ones commuting the crimes? Do you send forgiveness? Do you have room in your heart for forgiveness? These do not count on this. They understand the need for revenge is greater than your will to forgive. Light worker you know not what creates true peace. Peace comes from forgiving all, not just the ones you imagine deserve forgiveness. These are hard words to hear we understand. God, is all loving ALL forgiving. Remember this truth. You are God incarnate. To be a master means to be the god you are. When the sinner and the light worker arrive at heavens gate, do you imagine the sinner is not received in love? They are both received equally in love and joy! Heavens gate is an analogy. You understand the meaning. We hear your thoughts. There is complexity here that we wish not to expound on in this transmission, however know that both are received with love.
Can you find it in your heart to forgive? Your will be done dear ones, always.
That is all

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Mix of channels. Mostly personal 11-13 November 15

Mix of mostly personal channels 11/11/15-13/11/15 for those that have an interest...

Abacus any messages for today?

Dear heart for you we say be in your joy for when you are in joy love flows, ideas flow, desires flow. Be in reflection this day in that which you wish to create. Be in stillness. Be in flow. Monitor your thoughts this day as it is a powerful day of manifestation.

You question current events in your life stream. May we say that the actors are being brought forward to play their specific roles in your play that is life. Not all have arrived. Be at peace with the sequence of events. Be at peace and in joy in your daily living. Spend time connecting to your bigger self your connection to source. Tap in. As you recharge your batteries, so may you recharge your soul, your purpose.

12/11/15 ( early hours of the morning)
Auto writing
Personal channel on channeling connection

Is there a message? How can I be closer to you? A better connection that is more fluent. A connection like lee Carroll & kryon. As close as I can be with you but still co creating as you say? Please I would like to be as close as possible, a good clear channel.

Dear child listen to we. Clear you mind and listen. Do not doubt what comes. These words are true.

You are more closer than you can possibly imagine!!! Ohh if you could only see how close!! If we can but show you our mirror, what we see, what we feel! Dear child we are within you! We are inside your flesh, your heart within, deep deep within!! Can you not feel us? Feel us dear child! Feel if you are willing to feel! You mistake much because you do not understand the all of it, not really. You think we are apart from you and come to you when you bid us. You think we come and then attach to you from the outside. You wait and you wait for us not ever realising we have been with you all along! We have never left you! Dear child can you not try to understand? Really understand? You think we come from away. A far away place in a far away kingdom. Ohh we understand you think much! But you do not contemplate the true nature of what we are. When we say we are in all things we literally are in ALL things. You breathe we daily! Let us give an analogy. An easy analogy but before we begin let us reiterate. You are not alone. You are not apart. You feel the sensations now do you not? The tingles? The movement on your skin? On back of your neck? On your arm? On your head? On your knee? You are feeling this now? Yes? This you feel is WE! This you feel, you think is on the outside of you. You think we brush your skin from the outside. Ohhhhh dear heart. This comes from within! From you heart. From your nervous system. We trigger this within you. When you stop to connect. When you still yourself enough to feel the other within you, you begin to feel us. Within your cells. Your cells begin to dance as you quieten, as your lift closer to we. We say lift but we do it mean lift outside of you. We say lift because as you still, your cells become less dense! They rise in vibration. They begin to dance, to remember the joy of that that they are. You think your scalp tingles because we are there, but you tingle because you slow your mind enough to feel us within.
It is much as the wave in the ocean. It rises in height in power and moves forward but it is still the ocean it is a part of the ocean. By rising it begins to move. It rises from a momentum that begins "within it" and without it. The wind.  You are the wave, and the ocean. You have in part separated, lifted from you base, from source, to propel forward as a wave experiencing the moving forward, as separate, but you are still attached to the ocean, to source. Source is within you, just as the ocean is still within the wave. The wave is not separate from the ocean. It is within it. You have much to experience. The wave propels forward to the shore to experience many shores, breaking on the shore, a new experience, but then it is drawn back into the ocean, back to its source, to then build again and propel forward again into another new experience. But the whole time, it does not lose its essence!  It is made up of the essence. This is you. You are the wave breaking into earth, and when you are done you are drawn back into the all of it, into source, but you do not see you are all of it, even as the wave crashes into new shore lines it is still connected to the ocean to source.

You are having sensations now yes? We are within the movement. The energy triggers these. Dear heart we wish you to know, we wish you to know, "you are never alone! "
Rest dear heart rest. You are exhausted. Sleep. Imagine us within your heart within your cells. Do not imagine us on the outside coming to you, but on the inside always. When you connect with we, as you do now, know the connection is always within you. Imagine as your radio. The music waves are there always even when the radio is switched off. To listen you are simply to flip a switch and the music comes, the information comes. It is what you do with we. Simply flip the switch. Intend to hear, and from within you comes we, but we are not gone and then come, we are there always as the radio waves, you have simply to turn your internal dialogue down, and turn our dial up. Dear heart no more waiting for us to arrive because we HAVE arrived! We have never left! It is simply that you turn the dial of your body life, of your busy mind down, and turn our dial up, and then you can hear us, from within just as the music from the radio comes from within, so do we. Your intention is the hand that begins to turn the dial and then you may hear us. As you quieten your mind, as you quieten your surrounds to hear the radio, you quieten, you turn the dial of your busy mind chatter down, and you turn our dialogue our music up. Dear heart trust. When you intend, when you turn the dial of mind chatter down, you turn us up. Do not wait for us to have arrived, because we have never left. In time you will become clearer. Your station less static. It is your belief that causes the static. When you clear the noise in the room, in your mind, then you may turn us up. Use this instruction. Do this if you will, on connection each and every time.

We allow you your rest dear heart. Rest gives the radio a chance to cool down ready for the next interaction, which will be bright and clear with no static. Believe it so and it will be so. With love in our hearts for you we leave you to your rest dear heart.
That is all

12/11/15  6pm
Personal conversation
Auto writing
I feel you. What does it all mean? The symbols?

Dear child there is such expansive universal flow. You are but beginning to touch the surface of a vast ocean of knowledge. You have experienced the symbols many times in your dreams and now? Now you are beginning to bring those downloads, that knowledge into physicality. You are rooting it into the physical, into physical form. We bring these now into form on purpose, not only in you but in many. There is a method to this that may no be verbalised at this moment in time. We say to you draw what comes. no matter how strange it seems . Trust

Auto writing
After light body exercise

As I came out of a light body exercise ( exploring the V ) I had intense scalp tingles, so I began to write.

Dear heart, dear ones
We would like to bring a message, a message of hope. This one has been traveling the realms so to speak, surfing as you say, her awareness of the energies. She sees not as yet, but she feels. Dear ones, as you raise your vibration, as your raise your frequecy, you will feel closer to home. Home is energy, a moving kaleidoscope of colours, of knowingness, a vastness you are not able to comprehend at this time, however you are beginning to skim the waters. You are beginning into dip your toes in. Many delve into these energetic spaces in many different ways, using different forms and modalities. The vechile, the method of transportation may vary, however the destination is the same. Those that travelling in these spaces, are on the leading edge of self discovery. The self is the way into these spaces of awareness. The way in, is within you. Travel is within. The way home is within. Increasing your awareness is from within, in experience of the self, in experience of all the many variances, of all that you may experience, of all that you may accomplish. You are beginning to discover your self, your heaven within you, within your energetic frequency, within your codings. The way to expansion is within you. The heaven within, the kingdoms within, they are all within. Space travel is within you. You imagine you travel the vastness of space, of the multi verses, with a capsule on the outside . Dear ones your capsule is within you, is within your cells, is within your soul, is housed within your spirit. You transcend time and space 'through' you. We are confusing our scribe. She is not there yet. She will be. You all will in time. It is an exciting journey of self discovery you are venturing. The ones led to these lines, are here not by accident, but by synchronistic nuances. You trancend time and space from within . It is a multi task you are developing. You have the tools. You are beginning to fire them up. You are beginning to remember. Patience.  Its a long road ahead. One filled with exciting new discoveries. Be in celebration! Your world is changing . You have front row seats. Let the show begin. The greatest show on earth. Many are watching in expectation. It is exciting for us to watch you discover, to grow and redevelop human existence into one that may be all than it can be. We are beside you, ever guiding you forward, leading you into new waters.

To our scribe we say, trust, trust, where you are, trust what comes to the fore. Create in joy! No creation is wasted time. Not a one. Trust! Trust where you are led. Create your beloved art! Do you think it is an accident that you begin to create now, in a manner unexpected? Dear heart let us say this to you this day. Every stroke, every colour, every image, every piece, is on purpose. Light imbued, that speaks in a way you have not an understanding.
We ask you this, when you look at a beautiful sunset what do you feel? When you look at a depicted piece of art, no matter its beauty what do you feel? Do you become one with it? Creations are imbued with a certain energy, be it song, be it dance, be it a piece art. The energy sings to the soul, consciously  and unconsciously. Understand every stroke, every colour, carries a frequency. It carries information entrapped within its structure. You understand not, however you will begin to understand in time. Trust. We say trust where you are led to create dear heart, trust . It is not wasted time. Ever.

To those that are reading these lines we tell you this, be at peace with where you are. In peace you find solace, you find love, you find strength, you find courage, you find the road to your self, and in that you find who you really are, and what you always have known. You are all that is. You are enough! You are the creator.
I am that I am.

That is all

Channeled Readings 16/11/15

Channeled Readings 16/11/15

Reading One
Greetings. We bring this message to you, if you will listen. Take time to do what you do well, with your energy imprint, in your very own unique way. There is no other like you. Do you understand the profundity of this line? There is NO other like you, and yet you are all there is. Is this clear to you? Is it? Take a moment if you will.
" There is NO OTHER like you,", and yet at your core you are ALL others. It is a paradox. We say to you all, you do what no other can do, quite exactly like you. This makes you unique, in your realm of experience. It means you have a uniqueness that is special, that no other can replicate quite like you, energetically. What is it that you can give that no other can give, quite like you? What to you enjoy? What can you do in your world to add more light? To experience as you may not experience anywhere else, but where you are now? Breeze through the life catalogue. Look deeply within these pages. Herein lies your experience, your path, your journey. You can look forward in excitement, to listen deeply to what excites you. Begin to delve into the mechanics if you will. Over time you will discover your uniqueness in attributes, and then grow it like you do in your "hot houses". You will nourish and feed that uniqueness, and one day over time you will see you have taken shoot and have begun to bloom into the beauty that you are. Others will look upon your beauty, feel the energy within its beauty and it will trigger their own uniqueness, their own beauty if it is not already discovered. Your bloom will be as the bee that pollinates, and the cycle continues. Before long there will be many beautiful blooms. How magnificent when you see your beauty in is all other beauty that surrounds you. All unique and yet from the same seed, the same essence. Have you figured it out yet? The message? The underlying message within these lines? Smile. And so it is.

Reading Two
Here we delve into your mechanics. Dear ones what is it that you realise in yourself? What is it that makes you tick, that gets you moving, motivated? What is it in you that wells a deep excitement within you, that gets you started? What is it that gets you up and out of slumber excited to begin a new day? Is it a prospect of a holiday? Is it the thought of spending time with your loved ones? Is it play? Is it the thought of creating something? Is it the thought of traveling unforeseen adventure? Dear ones you understand the excitement begins with a thought? That trigger that gets you out if a slump and into movability, into action, begins with a thought, and idea? When you have the thought to begin your day on a holiday you wake in excitement, you may even bound out of bed in readiness to begin? Yes? There is method here.
Dear ones can you see that your life, your living IS as a holiday? It IS one big adventure. You get excitement thinking of a holiday because you imagine all the excitement you may feel in discovering new places, in the experience of new activities, of meeting new people, in walking slowly to "smell the roses". This is life.
You came to this earth to experience all of the above and more. You are on an adventure, on a holiday. You may discover all of these things in your daily living. Your perspective is warped in a sense. Much is hidden. We say to you this day. When you place your feet on the ground, walk through life as you do when you are on holiday. Cherish every moment as you would when you are in holiday. Snap your special moments as if you are in a holiday. Experience as you do on holiday. In doing this you create a much different scenario. You begin to experience the richness of life. If you could see what we see. Change your perspective and you change your world.

Reading Three
To those reading these lines we say to you your adventures begin with you. Not another. You. They are seeded from deep within you. Do not imagine another may feel what excites you in exactly the same way. You are as unique as you are same. When you express your ideas to another in excitement, and they look at you as if you have grown two horns on your head, do not be disheartened. Their ideas of an adventure may be very different to yours. Do not expect another to be as excited as you. Do not allow another's views to dampen your excitement. Understand the truth of the matter. At times you share your ideas to receive acceptance or validation, to go ahead, for you do not trust your inner urgings to move in a certain direction, and so you give this newly seeded idea to another, to in essence validate your worth, your creativity. We say to you did the master Jesus ask those around him if it was s good idea to share his seeded knowledge? Whether to do what he did? If he had listened to others he would not have walked his path, and his story would be untold. We say to you, you are your own master. When you know within what you are wanting to do, move forward. You may share with others your ideas, but do not allow others to devalue your spark, your ingenuity. Trust in your self. Be that that excites you, and allow others to be that excites them. Allow yourselves to birth your creations in the manner you wish, in your own uniqueness. We do not say to not throw your ideas to others, to help them to grow and take shape. We simply say do not take another's thoughts to heart when they do not resonate with your own, but rather thank them for their advises in love and gratitude, and then decipher for yourself what is true for you. If their advices ring true for you, wonderful. If not let their ideas go. Know they are simply another's truth being spoken. You all speak your own truth. Ones truth may not be your truth. Know this is ok! Respect another's advises as your would your own. Thank them in gratitude and then move along your path, walk your path in the manner that resonates with your own being. This holds no resentment and with no resentment you walk a life of ease.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

A personal channel 13/11/15

Auto writing
Going Within
After light body exercise

As I came out of a light body exercise ( exploring the V ) I had intense scalp tingles, so I began to write.

Dear heart, dear ones
We would like to bring a message, a message of hope. This one has been traveling the realms so to speak, surfing as you say, her awareness of the energies. She sees not as yet, but she feels. Dear ones, as you raise your vibration, as your raise your frequency, you will feel closer to home. Home is energy, a moving kaleidoscope of colours, of knowingness, a vastness you are not able to comprehend at this time, however you are beginning to skim the waters. You are beginning into dip your toes in. Many delve into these energetic spaces in many different ways, using different forms and modalities. The vehicle, the method of transportation may vary, however the destination is the same. Those that travelling in these spaces, are on the leading edge of self discovery. The self is the way into these spaces of awareness. The way in, is within you. Travel is within. The way home is within. Increasing your awareness is from within, in experience of the self, in experience of all the many variances, of all that you may experience, of all that you may accomplish. You are beginning to discover your self, your heaven within you, within your energetic frequency, within your codings. The way to expansion is within you. The heaven within, the kingdoms within, they are all within. Space travel is within you. You imagine you travel the vastness of space, of the multi verses, with a capsule on the outside . Dear ones your capsule is within you, is within your cells, is within your soul, is housed within your spirit. You transcend time and space 'through' you. We are confusing our scribe. She is not there yet. She will be. You all will in time. It is an exciting journey of self discovery you are venturing. The ones led to these lines, are here not by accident, but by synchronistic nuances. You transcend time and space from within . It is a multi task you are developing. You have the tools. You are beginning to fire them up. You are beginning to remember. Patience.  Its a long road ahead. One filled with exciting new discoveries. Be in celebration! Your world is changing . You have front row seats. Let the show begin. The greatest show on earth. Many are watching in expectation. It is exciting for us to watch you discover, to grow and redevelop human existence into one that may be all than it can be. We are beside you, ever guiding you forward, leading you into new waters.

To our scribe we say, trust, trust, where you are, trust what comes to the fore. Create in joy! No creation is wasted time. Not a one. Trust! Trust where you are led. Create your beloved art! Do you think it is an accident that you begin to create now, in a manner unexpected? Dear heart let us say this to you this day. Every stroke, every colour, every image, every piece, is on purpose. Light imbued, that speaks in a way you have not an understanding.
We ask you this, when you look at a beautiful sunset what do you feel? When you look at a depicted piece of art, no matter its beauty what do you feel? Do you become one with it? Creations are imbued with a certain energy, be it song, be it dance, be it a piece art. The energy sings to the soul, consciously  and unconsciously. Understand every stroke, every colour, carries a frequency. It carries information entrapped within its structure. You understand not, however you will begin to understand in time. Trust. We say trust where you are led to create dear heart, trust . It is not wasted time. Ever.

To those that are reading these lines we tell you this, be at peace with where you are. In peace you find solace, you find love, you find strength, you find courage, you find the road to your self, and in that you find who you really are, and what you always have known. You are all that is. You are enough! You are the creator.
I am that I am.

That is all

Monday, 9 November 2015

Audio Abacus 9/11/15

For those that prefer to listen
Abacus (audio )
Energy Integration

Abacus 9/11/15 Energy Integrations

Abacus (channelled by Helen Salter)

9/11/ 2015

Energy integrations


Greetings. Greetings. We are Abacus and we are here this day to bring through some information that is relevant to the times. This one is very close. Very close with we, intertwined, to a degree that is almost one.

We bring through that at this time that there is much going on, with your physicality, with your energetic structure. There are many systems that are coming online, that are coming into tune, into view. It is much as if the lights are being turned on. They are being switched intermittently on and off, on and off until they are turned on into full power. You are at times turned on, and you are at times turned off. They are not fully in coherence with the mechanics, with the energies at this time, but they are beginning. You are beginning to merge with that that you are. You are beginning to have a more conscious awareness of that that you are, and the intricacies that are you, and your physicality’s that are you are all beginning to merge. This will cause you to feel strange at times. It will cause you to feel as if you are not of this plane and not of that plane. You are much like you are in a mishmash, you are not here and you are not there, but in time you will begin to flow into the new energy and leave the old behind, and then you will one day look back, and think how did you do what you did, for you cannot imagine being where you are now, when you are where you are going.

We bring through this day, that to become more of where you are going, and less of the old, is simply to begin to live from that space. You are moving to the new space, but you are still living the old beliefs even though they do not relate. You work through your beliefs and you work through what is holding you back, and you move forward, and then what do you do dear ones? You keep looking back! You keep looking back and so you become confused as to where you are. We say to you when you make a decision, when you become online, do not look behind you, let it fall away, for it is not who you are anymore. You are the new you. You are living the new energy. You are working in the new areas, in the new fields. Why do you look back constantly? We tell you put an eraser into your hand, and when you look back, wipe out the old. Step into the new. Let the old fall away, for it does not serve you to think back constantly, of what was, of what could have been, of any other modalities that you may be thinking into, what was.

The new energies, the new shifting requires that your physicality is in good working order. It is time to detox, to cleanse your body of what it does not require, what it does not run efficiently on. Much like your vehicles running on dirty fuel. Dear ones, have clean fuel in your bodies. Eat clean food. Eat clean. Drink clean water. Think of what you put into your body systems. To have your body working efficiently, it needs efficient fuel, and we say to you dear ones, rest. It is important, for when you are resting much is being integrated into your system. Much is being downloaded into your DNA. Rest is restorative. It is as a tonic to the body. You are not at a place where you do not need your sleep. You are in a change. You are in a time of change. There is more shifting to be occurring in the current timeframe. When we say shifting, we mean you begin to see more, you begin to hear more, you begin to have a better understanding. You begin to open a bigger part of yourself. You become more expansive. You become more holdable, so to speak. Your container holds more information of a sudden. It is unlocked. It is brought into view. So you will feel a little differently. You will see a little differently. You will hear a little differently. Those that are open, that are being opened to the changes will experience new understandings, new point of views, new ideas and new experiences. It is for those that are willing to open, and it is for those that are not quite aware, but understand that there is something different occurring. They will of a sudden have an idea to try something new, to create something new, and to experience something new, and for those that are working with the energies, they will develop more of what they are doing already, but they will find further uses for the work that they do, and for what they are learning to experience. Those that have the view to see will see more expanded pictures. The pictures will be clearer, more vibrant. You will be more understanding, more intuitive. You will suddenly know what it is you are to do to fix a certain outcome, or to help another. The ideas will keep coming. They will flood your mind, your heart. Many assume that when energies change they will become suddenly a superhero, with unforeseen power to move mountains, and it is so, but it is not as you imagine. Humans have a linear view of what it is to shift, of what it is to integrate a new energy, of what it is to open up a new expansive version of you.

It is what you know, and it is what you understand. What we say to you, is when you reach a level where you may integrate some further energetic structure, some more strands that are come online, that have lighted up, you will simply become bigger than what you are already. You become more able to hold and understand knowledge. You become more able to decipher messages, be able to see more clearly. You will know how to work a puzzle, how to open something that was not openable before. The changes are so subtle that you miss them until you realise that something has changed and you are not quite sure what has changed, but something has changed. These is what we mean by energy shifts. They may be so subtle that you do not even see that there has been a shift, until you realise your view is much expanded, that you see from a higher perspective than you did before, that perhaps your communication skills are easier and more fluent. Do you understand? Do not be disheartened if you feel that nothing has occurred, because within you there are certain mechanisms that click into space, much like a jigsaw puzzle clicks into its spot in the picture where it is placed. It clicks, and then over time from where you are, your piece, you begin to see around you the more expansive view of the puzzle, instead of just seeing the piece that you are, you begin to see the others beside you, the bigger version of you, which is the puzzle that is being formed. Is that clearer? Hmm.

It is so that this one feels floatier this day, more as if she has the back seat, and that is so. We have integrated further. She is merged with we, and yet she is behind we. We are in the forefront in this communication, and she is with us, but also behind, as in not so much in view. We have the bigger expression in this communication. We are expressing more than what she is expressing. She has allowed us full faculties, full awareness, but we have not, we have not taken full faculties, or full awareness, but we have allowed a more prominent communication. This she feels is more accurate, more clear. We aim to please, however, we still co create together. We say to this one now, to our scribe, dear heart understand, for us to use all your faculties is to move back to the old energy. We are the new energy, you and we as one create together. We will become closer, more intermixed, more intertwined in the dance, as your energies increase. It has been but a short time dear one. Patience. Understand we are with you always, even when you are out of state. You have but to intend and to clear, and we come. Yes, in this state we are more in the prominence, we are more in the picture, we are more expansive, it is more we, than you. However, it does not make for better communication. It is just different communication. We have made adjustments to the process. You feel this do you not?

Understand humanity is changing. Each choice you make, each step you take, affects your life stream and that of others. To live consciously means that you are sitting in the driver seat, rather than in the passenger seat. Intend to be aware daily, consciously, to what you are choosing, and what you are thinking. If you are not wanting disease do not think of disease, but think of health. Think of ease. Be grateful in every moment of all that you have. Be in love with yourself, and with others. Open your heart and your mind to all the unlimited potentials, all the unlimited possibilities that you are able to create as the creator, for that is what you are. Know this truth. We cannot express this clear enough. You do not have to understand so much the hows, and the whys, and all the intricacies. You are simply to know it, as you know the colour red is red, and the colour yellow is yellow. You know it. Know you are a creator in the flesh, here on this plane. What is it you wish to desire? What is it you wish dear heart? What is it you wish dear ones that are listening? Begin to live this.

Dear heart we say to when you awake in the morning, when you put your feet on the ground, stand up and be whatever you wish to be. Stand up and be the writer. Embody the writer. Stand up and be the communicator. Embody the communicator. You do not wake up and be in a place that you do not want to be. Rather than berating the day filled before you, see it as an opportunity to open another door into your experience that is your living, in the now. You have so much that you may discover. When will you begin, to begin creating consciously? When you do this for yourself, you do it for others, for what you do as one, you do as a whole for you are all energetically linked, so when you make your life work, you begin to expand the energy that others can make their life work. You help the hungry by not being hungry yourself. Not in greed, do not misunderstand what we say. Be compassionate to yourself, and to others. By fixing your world, you fix others worlds, and your lights will begin to shine brightly, and the more lights that are turned on, the more light that shines for others to see their way, and to be turned on also. It is by the being and the doing that you create. Do not wait for something to come to you, but stand in your power and be that, that you want, that comes to you. It is in the being that one attracts.

This is the message for this day. Being who you wish to be. Shine your light brightly. Be in your dance of your desire, and it will give others the opportunity’s to be that that they desire also. Shine brightly. Shine your lights.

With love in our hearts for all, for humanity, we bid you good day.

That is all.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Channeled Readings 9/11/15

9th November 15

Channeled readings


We begin this day on a thread that is particularly unusual. Not that it is different, it is simply one that you may find as strange. We bring this, this day, for it is time to change things up a little so to speak. It is time to get the ball rolling. We begin this day by request, for the readings, and then we will continue on to bring through information that may begin to increase the pace a little, to begin to take the steps to creating that which you desire, and that which the collective desires. Some interesting notations will be given. Now we bring through the readings. Again we make it clear that they are guidance. It is not fortune-telling per se, simply that we pick up on your energy what is required to help you at this time.

The reading of one.
We say to these, it may be an idea if you will, to look at your beliefs more closely, and see what is really of import, and what is not. We advise you to perhaps for a few moments, physically bring forward your belief systems. What is it that you actually believe consciously? Write these down. Next to each belief ask yourself, is this true for me? Is this actually truth? Is it 100% true? You may be surprised that what you believe, and you may be surprised at what you see in your belief, that it is true or nay. When you can look at a belief in this way, in this perspective, when you become consciously aware, then you may turn these belief systems around, for in seeing, it may be dissolved. In the awareness, conscious awareness, it may be dissolved. It is time to clear the beliefs that do not serve you. This is the message for these ones this day.

The reading of two.
The twos are becoming more noticeable, as in they are realising the duality of their living circumstances. They are seeing what is black and what is white more clearly these days. In seeing the differences, in understanding consciously the duality of all things on your plane, you may then move forward in creating the duality, the opposing affect more readily. For instance if one is not liking their view, the outlook of their living space, one may understand that there is an opposite, and that one may change to the opposite for it is simply a choice whether you live in one space or you live in another. You have a choice, of being in a dark space, or are in a light space. You have a choice in feeling hot or feeling cold. You have a choice in wearing black or wearing white. You have a choice in being happy or being sad. Do you see where we are coming? You are becoming more aware of the choices, the dualistic nature of choices. When you become aware, that such is possible, then you begin to choose more consciously and in the choosing consciously, you begin to create your world. This is occurring at this time. Many are changing their world simply by changing their choices. The message for you this day? Keep taking the steps, keep making your conscious choices. Know that you are able, that there is no distraction, and the only distraction to this is one that you create within your internal mind frame.

The reading of three
To the threes we say to you, to be peaceful one must be peace. To be peaceful, one must forgive. To be in a place where there is no angst within the heart, is to free those that you have entangled within your heart, for when you have entangled ones in your heart, your heart is not free, it is in a prison of entanglement. Are you understanding? Ones that form attachments to the circumstances that have been created by yourself or others, create a prison of sorts within the heart. When one forgives the entanglement, regardless of who was at fault, when one releases the condemnation, the resentment, the blame, then one may untangle that that holds the connection that causes them such pain, that that does not cause them to have peace within their soul, for they are reliving the entanglement daily. It has not been released. Many assume when these are buried, covered, so that one may not see them, that they do not exist. Does a wound exist when it is covered by Band-Aid? It does not make the wound non-existent, it is simply covered from sight. And so we say to you, to feel peace is to let go, is to forgive, is to release the entanglement. It is to lift the Band-Aid away, and allow the wound to heal. Intention, conscious intention, begins to take the bandage off, and love, self-love, is what heals the wound. Isn’t it time to heal your wounds with your own love, with divine love?

These are the readings for this day. To you dear heart, we say be in connection, for there is much to come this day regarding the changing energy structures, and formations.

That is all.