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Thursday, 8 October 2015

Who WE Are Transcript of Video Channeling 6/10/15

Abacus (Channeld by Helen Salter)
Voice Trance Channel (You Tube Video Transcript) 6/10/15
Who WE Are
Below is the whole transcript of the video channeling I did. I’ve left it whole even in its transcription, as it’s the way I’ve been guided to share it.

Hi everybody. I have been guided to video record today. It has been a constant nagging sensation, and so I trust that nagging sensation, and so I decided to go ahead and give it a go. I mean what’s the worst thing that can happen? I can just take it off. I have also been guided to video record going into channel, so, yeah, they have been specific that I channel in this way today, and that I go into trance while the camera is rolling. I’m a little bit nervous. It might take me a little bit longer than normal to get into trance, but, I’ll go with it and see what comes through.

Greetings dear ones. Greetings to all that are listening this day. This one, we smile at this one, as she has made several attempts at this, this day. This is the one that will be shown, for we understand the all of it and we understand what she does not know. She wishes us to bring through something of great value, and so we begin with a simple message, but dear ones it holds great value.
We begin to say that you are all what we are. We begin to say, that what is in you, is we, and what we are is within you. There is no separation. You hold much separation within yourselves. You think you are all separate. You think that it is just you, and you have this little piece perhaps of the creator within you, and what we say to you dear ones, within you is the whole of creation. You hold within you what we are. You are manifesters. You are creators. How do we validate this to you? This one here wants validation constantly, and we say to you, you are your own validation, for when you begin to understand who you really are dear ones, when you begin to understand the truth of the matter, then you create wonderful masterpieces and the masterpieces are the validation, for you will not understand how these masterpieces came to be. You will not understand how they are manifested so quickly. You will not understand how your life automatically changes and becomes all that you wished it to be, and even more than you wished it to be, for it will become greater than you can ever possible imagine. It will come so easily, and it will come as if by magic, for that is what begins to occur when you understand, when you take into your being, exactly who you are. There can be no greater truth. There can be no greater value, than to understand who resides within you, in that space that you feel within your heart. In that space that you go when you tap in, into yourself, when you tap into your inspiration, when you tap into your greater knowing. The meditators, when you tap into that greater consciousness understand it is you that holds this container within you. It is you that it encompasses. It is what you see when you look in the eyes of a newborn. It is what you see when you stare at a magnificent sunset. It is what you feel when you fall into love. It is what you feel when your greatest accomplishment comes into being. That feeling, that essence that you feel is the real you. It is you behind the cloak, behind the covering that you wear, your physicality, your flesh, your mechanics is what houses, this essence, this energy, this love, this god that you are. This one doesn’t like us to use the word “God”, because she thinks it denotes certain beliefs, but we say to you whether you call us god, whether you call us source, whether you call us your guides, whether you call us your angels or your masters it matters not, for we are in essence, in totality the creator. The creator is God. You may name it whatever you wish dear ones, but the truth of it is We ARE. WE ARE. We use this phrase often and many do not understand it. This one does not understand it in its fullness. When someone IS they cannot be a not is. They ARE. We ARE, you ARE, together GOD essence. WE ARE, because we cannot be not here, or not there. All that you put your sights upon. Your nature, your planets, your loved ones, your creations, the air that you breathe, the sun that shines onto you. This is all made of the creator. It is an essence, it encapsulates the all of it. We wish to bring across the true value, the true essence that we are speaking of IS YOU. We say to you that you may connect with us at any time. We are not a separate guide that can only be contacted by this one. We brought through a name for this one, for she needed to call us something. She did not understand the strength of what she felt when she brought us through. She was in fact a little fearful, for she did not understand. She thought that love, that guides, that God, would be soft and gentle, and it is, however, the creator, the essence, the WE, is all powerful also. We have, you have the power to create, to manifest, anything you wish, and so does that not make you powerful? It’s a powerful essence. It’s a powerful love. Love in itself holds great power. You know of this. You understand how it may hurt you when you do not have it, when your heart breaks, when you feel empty of the love. It can be a destroyer, and it can be your salvation.
This value that we bring today is to help you to understand what we are and what you are. We are the Abacus that this one brings into this conversation, this God essence is the “all that is”. It is within you also, and you may speak with we,anywhere, at any time. We are an aspect of source, a facet that is channelled by this one, and we are here from the onset to help bring peace to the human heart, for there are many human hearts that are not in peace. They are in suffering they are in turmoil, they are disconnected. We are here to help ones to be connected to their truth, their essence, their self, for in reality it is not outside of you, it is within you. Many do not understand the word within. What we mean by within, is that space that you feel when you are in love. It is that space that you feel when you are in gratitude, it is that space that you feel when you are in stillness. It is that space that you feel when you are inspired. It is that space that you feel when you are in no time, when you are in expression of your greatest joy. This is the within that we speak of, your connection to your deeper self, and your deeper knowing. Within that container, within that essence you have a connection to your god self to your true self, and within this there are all the answers that you can ever imagine. Through this essence you may create all that you ever dreamed of. You may express that that you have not expressed before. This essence can bring form into the material. It is a powerful substance that that is within you. We have come to the fore to help you connect, consciously with this part of your being for it is time that humanity begins to live in a space of greater expansion. The time for warring is over. The time for suffering is over. We do not take away your free will however. If you wish to be in suffering, then you may be in suffering. However there are many that have had enough of the suffering. The hunger, of the warring. Many have been wishing for a better place to live, a better place to manifest. Many have been wishing to expand on themselves and create all they could not before
Humanity is shifting, it is evolving, and now many are beginning to awaken to this, and this is why many are beginning to bring through we, in many different ways, in many different modalities. We are combined with this one within her personality in a sense. We are not taken her over and yet, she is linked to our higher mind. We are intertwined. We are dancing the dance. It is as the two becoming one. We are asking this one to show what she sees in a way that may be understood. She is seeing, (it almost looks like) the DNA spinning. It spins around, so she and I, we and she, are dancing the dance, around and around as she communicates with us, our essences spin in a sense, and dance, and she may bring through our resonance. As this develops she will be able to reach a higher knowing. As time goes on this will develop into the writings. This one is only just begun and this step that she has taken today in showing you all who we are, has helped to elevate the pace of the dance so to speak. The more she lets go of her inhibitions the more beautiful and faster the dance will become.
We speak in a way that many may not understand, but it is the way of it. It is difficult to express what we are and what she sees, in your language. We ask perhaps that she may paint it for you. We are pushing again, yes. It is by stepping beyond the comfort zone that one expands. Remember this dear one, when you feel a resistance to expanding, understand that if you take the step, you will reach a higher expansion and you will understand that you may do even that that you fear, while feeling the fear, honour the fear and if it does not bring you harm, then take the step. Take the step into all that you can be regardless what anyone may think, for is it not worth your trip to this plane, to be all that you can be. We leave you with that thought, and we close this conversation. We thank you for listening. With love in our hearts for you dear ones, we honour you your journey. That is all.

If you are watching this it means I have bitten the bullet and I’ve shared. Hmmm. I do feel quite peaceful after I’ve channelled. There’ve got a really beautiful energy. Hmm 23 minutes. Hmm I don’t remember the whole 23 min but there ya go. I don’t usually remember all of what I channel. Umm I’m trying to remember what I just channelled on. Wow I can’t. There ya go. I have to listen myself. Hmm thank you for watching. Bye for now

Channeling Abacus 6/10/15 Who WE Are.
First video channel I’ve shared on YouTube.


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