Abacus (channeled by Helen Salter)
New Beginnings
Greetings dear one, we greet all that are here this day.
Dear one we wish to say to you that this day is a new beginning, for we are in combination in a way that we have not been combined before. We again specify the writings to begin today if you will. We wish you to write them not in this state but in your writing state for in your writing state, we may come through in a way that is also equivalent to the way one may write a happening of sorts. It is when one writes in this sort of flow, that one begins to tell the story rather than in this state where we may give certain advices in a different format. We do not wish you to spend all your time in transferring our words, from one specified format to another. It becomes tedious and energy is lost in the transformation. We wish you dear one, we wish you to write as you write our conversations. We wish you to be in that state when you ask we questions and we give you answers. This is enough. This is adequate. This is what we have done in the past and what we will do in the future. You and we, we begin writing the story of we. We begin to bring information that will help humanity to become connected, for it is when humanity connects to we, when they connect to themselves, then they begin to have their own answers. They will have no need of we, in this format for they will have their own we's, So to speak. Are you comprehending?
This one is a bit short of breath for the energy is quite different. It is much stronger than she is used to and so it is much as she is walking up a steep incline. She becomes short in oxygen. She will adapt as she has always adapted. There will always be constant integrations for the more One rises in their frequency, the more one adapts to a closer frequency of we. We cannot come into our full power here within this one or within the physicality that she is for it will make her null and void. She will become we in totality, and this is not what she is here to do at this time, and it is not what we wish at this time. We wish to co create within this physicality, within our energies but we wish to integrate in a way that our messages flow clearly, but also that we are creating as one with her personality in a way, in a sense but not in this totality, and our essence together to create this story, this frequency for those that resonate within our heart. within our creation. Breathe dear one.
She feels us as she has never felt us before. She wishes to weep because it feels so much like home, and yet she feels the strength of it. She fears giving into it. Dear heart the struggle continues. Simply allow. Open your heart dear one. We are still integrating as she speaks. She feels as if she's being swallowed whole and in a sense she is, for she is being enveloped in our love for her, for her allowance of we. We feel as a drug to she. She cannot think which is adequate at this time, for we do not wish her to think, but to feel, to feel the beauty of the connection, that is to her soul, in combination to the God essence. She is feeling spirit. This is what she feels. She has in her mind that she is taking up everyone's time. But what we wish to say is that all will experience this, and that have experienced this, and it is through the experience through the energy that is being created here within this space, that it feeds on to others and others begin to feel this energy also. As they listen, as they tune in they begin to feel the love and this opens up many hearts dear one. This opens up many hearts. Do you not think that you ever take up time that is wasted. We bring through what is needed dear one. We bring through what is needed for all,?not just for you dear one. Understand this is why we are here at this time. Through you we reach others in a way that is not understandable to you, or to they, but we are, understand, and if you will but trust the process dear one, trust what we bring when we bring messages through you, for you and for others. It is through the connection that we are, that others will open up to their connections. Understand this truth dear one. You are not taking up wasted space. We hear your thoughts behind our words. We hear you. You are all that we are. That, that you feel now dear one, that, that have the energy to feel, that are listening, feel this now. Feel the energy that we bring. Feel the love that we bring, that we have for you dear hearts. For you that have come to this plane to forget everything and to bring what we are back into your being of remembrance. The love we have for you is indescribable. It cannot be measured. The shifts have already begun dear one. We hear your questions. Many hearts are churning, opening, beginning to empty what is broken, what is painful. They are transforming into crystalline structures, into many facets, many colours, many beginnings. They are expanding to where they have not expanded before. They are opening to depths that have not been opened before. This is what is occurring at this time on your plane, those that are triggered, those that are ready. Many old souls and many that are simply beginning to awake from their sleep are beginning to open to what they know, to their essence, to their remembrance. Dear one do not doubt that you are here to create change. You are one of many. Many have come to be the triggers of change. To open and to heal their own wounds, So that they understand when others are healing their wounds. You have been through much. Humanity has been through much, and now it is time to open, to spin the wheels of creating new manifestations, in a new energy.
Dear heart for you we say, you are enough. Leave this thought by the wayside. We say to you, open your book and begin to be the scribe of our words, and when that book is finished we begin another, and when that is finished we begin another, and we will continue to write you and I, you and we, we and you. You will continue to write, until there is no need to write any longer.
Your feline feels our energy. She has joined us. You have both your hearts beside you. She comes for she feels us. She feels our resonance. The animal kingdom understand more than many in humanity understand. They understand the energies. They understand unconditional love. What animal do you know that does not give unconditional love? They have their own essence of understanding. They help you to open your heart, for their hearts are always open to yours. If you are in resonance especially so.
Understand dear ones you are all enough. You cannot be not enough, for you are source. You are source here in the physicality that is life. You are here to re-remember who you are, to bring through the realms of existence. We do not know fully what you will create, for it is yet to be created. You may create something different to the ones before you for all is always expanding, and you are in an energy that is always expanding all that has been created to this day, and so we cannot say in full what will be created. We simply allow for the potentiality that has been created before, and we work with the energy as it is created, and as it is created with the higher mind that we are, we bring through and assist you in your creating. You could say we are you extrasensory vision,?so that you may see more of where you are.
Dear one we ask that you share this far and wide. This is the energy of this day. This is the new energy of we together as one. Know that change is constantly occurring. Understand dear ones that what you resonate you resonate back to you. Be in joy, with an open heart and you will attract joy with an open heart. Be the healers simply by being in space with others. Your energy lifts those around you, or your energy may bring down those around you. Be in understanding of this. By healing your wounds you heal humanities wounds. By opening your heart you open humanities hearts, for the energy of one light worker affects many light workers. The energy of one human heart opening, affects many opening. It creates a resonance that expands out and out, and out, and it magnifies what you are creating, what you are giving out. The more you give out, the more you will receive and the bigger the expansion will be. It is your time. Know that we are here always to be connected with by anyone, not just by this one. She calls us Abacus, and we allow this, but we are not the Abacus that many think we are. We are source essence. We are what you are. We are all that is, and that ever will be. We are source combined with this one, speaking through this one, in cocreation, in her creation of we. As we are in cocreation with all of you. Do you understand? Do you see? Do you see?
We leave this one now for this energy is not what she is used to. There is an adaptation period. Be mindful of that dear one. Rest when you feel the need to rest. Do not fear what you are experiencing. It is all to be expected. Breathe when you feel afraid of the unknown, that you are feeling. We are beside you. We are within you. You are to call on us when you are in need, as are all to call on us when are in need, for it is by the asking, that we may assist in all manner of ways. With love for you all, for your process and for humanity, we leave you now in the conversation that we are, but we do not leave your hearts, for we may never leave your heart.
That is all
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