Oracle/Tarot Card Readings 19/10/15
This is new. I'm mixing it up alittle simply due to time constraints. My life is a whirlwind of new creative endeavours!
The descriptions below are not channeled by myself. They are straight from the book supplied with the cards!
However when choosing the cards I had the intent of those that read my pages in mind. I'm at odds whether to continue in this way, or to continue my channeled version of the readings. Time will tell....
Card of One
Four Of Gabriel
It's time for celebration. You've worked hard and are entitled to some rest and relaxation. Your project has come to a successful completion, and now you can feel a sense of great pride and happiness. Release yourself from situations that feel burdensome. Expand your social life. You deserve to have a little fun! Important events such as an engagement, marriage, on moving in together as a couple is likely. It's a time of stability and peacefulness.
Card of two
You have great strength and compassion! The kindness and understanding that you give to others are a blessed gift. However, it is equally important to show gentleness toward yourself. You may see aspects within you that cause you worry or impatience. But every person is a child of God. It is by balancing all aspects of yourself with love and mercy that you learn to exhibits those same qualities to people around you. You are far stronger than you may believe. This situation you find yourself in requires a very soft and sensitive approach. Archangel Ariel can help you stay strong in the face of any challenge.
Card of three
Ten of Michael
It's finally over! A situation has ended, and you are finally free. You probably saw this time coming and have been welcoming it. New opportunities for happiness will now follow. It's possible that you will have a sense of sadness, but this card more often brings with it a great sense of relief! If you've been struggling, the worst is over now. Let go of what you have been holding onto. Have faith that your angels will walk with you into the beauty of a brand-new dawn.
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