The Readings
Abacus (Channeled by Helen Salter)
We begin the card readings with a simple quote this day.
"When one seeks their owns answers, the answer will be shown unto them"
We say not that the answers will come within our lines, but that they come within your own self. The messages we bring do not bring you your answers dear ones. They lead you to find your own answers. We do not give you the answers. The answers come within your own deeper knowing, your own wisdom. We guide dear ones, we guide. Our truth may not be your truth, however it may serve to trigger an awareness that leads you to your own. In that the messages that lay within are triggers. You may say they are sign posts that trigger your own rememberance, to your answers. Seek not to make our word yours, but to find in our word, your own. With that we begin the readings this day.
Dear heart, may you simply name these "the readings" for in effect this is their true nature. Let those be guided to which reflects in their own eyes, the guidance that resonates within....
The Readings
The first
The guidance we bring is to say look not outside of yourself, but within. Within you, is the key to all you require. You search to others for your answers but you do not see that only you, can know your own wisdom. Others will have an opinion, but it is you that knows your road to walk. Listen to your hearts yearning, for herein lies your truth. Be still and listen, it will guide you true. We hear your thoughts. You say what of past pain? The pain is not of your heart but of your misconception. The heart knows only love. In absence of love you feel beferet. Know this, when you follow your heart you are "in love", "in joy". It is when you place the ideas of the mind that you begin to devalue the love it holds. To close your heart is to close your self from love. Not all may love you, but your own heart loves you, if you allow it to be open, if you allow it to flow, for what you may not find in another you find in yourself. This is the greatest love story untold. The love of thy self. Your "self", your heart, your own divine that beats within you. Your spark, your flame, home. Home is where the heart is. We speak in riddles and for good cause. We give you a reflection, not your answer.
The second
This day we say to you there is the beginning and there is the end. Then there is the middle. The middle may be lengthy or it may be short. The middle is your living, the space between the beginning and the end. Many strive to find their beginning or they strive to reach for the end. When they finally reach the end, they realise they have wasted their whole life in preparation to strive to be all they wish to be by the end. They rush through the middle not relishing the journey, only to find when they reach the end of their living that they wished more time to be present in the middle. The middle is your life, in experience. Be of mind to relish the middle, for the middle is your growing, is your edge. It is where you spend most of your life is it not? Do you understand to race through the middle brings more of your racing? When you come to the end of your race on the earth plane, you will understand life in the middle is the most import of all. Dear ones we say to you, enjoy the middle for it is where you are right now, and right now is all there is. Enjoy the now for in reality, now is all there is.
The third
To the ones that are guided to the third we say to thee, there is always time to achieve, that which you wish for. You become in fear of not completing your many endeavours and we say to you, is it not time to let go? Let go of all that may stop you from enjoying what is in your now moment. All there is IS now. There is only the present moment.
We say to you, honing into what you enjoy most in the now, creates that in your future. It is better to decipher what you enjoy and to do simply that. It is that simple. When it is not enjoyable any more then you change what you do, you pick something else to do that you enjoy. We say to you when you worry, when you become anxious, because there is not time for you to be in your joy, you attract more time that you are not in joy. It is better to let go of the anxiety of doing, and simply to be in your joy, in the now. This in time creates more joy, to do in the now because this is what you are reflecting. The message herein, is to not worry about your future doing, to not worry about your future joy, but to be doing your joy now, in the present, in this moment, for this attracts more to you of the same, for this is what you are being now. What you are being now, you will be in your future. Begin to be now what you wish for your future.
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