Ebb And Flow
Abacus (Channeled by Helen Salter)
3rd October 2015
Voice Trance Channel
Greeting dear ones. Greeting to all that are listening this day.
Do you feel it dear ones? Do you feel the shifting within your heart? Do you feel the resonance that you are increasing? Do you see that, that is in view differently? There has been shifting. We have explained that the shifting may be so subtle that it may escape you. However in subtlness comes great change, for when one becomes soft of heart, when one begins to open their heart, when one releases the old, in favour for the new, then it creates a series of ripples, a series of changes. These changes do not come into effect on the onset. They begin to take effect over time. Some will move quickly and some will take more time. The ones that are in resonance to the energies, the ones that are working the energies, will feel a difference. They are understanding that there is a shifting and are in excitement for the new. We wish to bring today to be patient with the ones that are not open to change. It is not that they have not shifted within, it is simply that they do not understand what it is, that is occurring. Over time they will begin to become slowly more aware to the changes, and to the different views on certain outcomes. Understand when there is shifting to shift, in an increase that is large, it can cause chaos and destruction. It can send people as you would say, a little crazy, and so the adjustments have been monitored. They are ebb and flow.
They come as a series of undulating waves, and so there will be a small opening, and then there will be a lull, and then there will be another small opening, and then there will be a lull, and over time many will adjust and open to new discourse. They will open to what they have not opened before. These occurrences take time dear ones. Be patient. We say to you, be where you are to be, in joy, in gratitude for the space that you are.
Awaken each day in excitement to what you wish to achieve, what you wish to be in joy of, what you wish to create, what you wish to love. Begin each day with a smile, with a love in your heart, and with a resonance to what you wish to create and you will see your world change, for it has no option but to change, for that is the nature of it.
We hold you all in love. Know that you are powerful creators. Understand you may not see the all of it. Sometimes change may occur and you have no understanding that it has. We tell you this, there is the time for knowing, and there is a time for being. At this point simply be, dear ones. Enjoy, be, love. Your knowing will come from within to unlock as you are being in your joy. It will unlock as you are being in your love. It will unlock as you are being in compassion. It will unlock while you are being, from within.
That is all.
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