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Sunday, 11 October 2015

Channeled Card Readings 12/10/15

Channeled card readings

The card of one
We say to these, when one comes to a crossroad will you turn left or will your turn right? Does it matter which way you choose? Know that with any decision comes a choice to expand, an experience. We say to you it matters not which you choose! What we say is whichever you choose be that your experience. Do not dwell on what could have been, but rather where you are going. Know if it is not your wish once the path is travelled, simply choose at the next intersection a different route. Being stuck is a perception. You alone may choose to be unstuck.

Card of two
When one  comes to a point in their life that does not bring resonance or clearness of mind we say stop. Simply stop and be aware of what is causing you to feel this way. When one chooses love, one one feels light of heart. When one chooses another route one will feel heavy. It is not wrong to choose heavy. It simply means you have a different experience to grow and develop. Understand we place no judgment on the choices you make dear ones. It is you that places judgment on your selves. You alone. Seek not to judge your choices but rather learn all you may for there will come a time where your choice of seemingly dark will bring you a higher understanding of that, that is light

Card of three
When you have lost and loved you have gained s perspective that is like no other. Only one that has lost can understand the depths of the heart and the soul,  for in this one may understand what it is too feel a deep loss. Through this experience of unforeseen tragedy one comes to a place deep within, that one can recognize to be their true inner wisdom. From this place one can understand what it is to be bereft of their own self, their essence. However from this, one can know their inner self in a way not another can, and through this one may find their own true love within their soul, one that is never lost, can never be lost, and is with you always . Your true love, you. You may never leave you, unless you wish to, and even then your own love will wait until you arrive at that knowing. It will comfort you like no other outside of you can, and it may love you beyond measure of you allow it, if you allow you. It is a choice dear ones a choice. Love yourself.

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