Trance channel
The journey
This is a mixed channel. Some is personal to my journey, but I feel it will relate to many, and so I share. There's bits on healing, on connecting to source/guides, the life journey, manifestation, changes occurring etc.....
Greetings dear ones, greetings to all that are listening this day. Dear heart before we begin, we wish to bring through our greatest pleasure, our greatest joy. We see in you a shifting occurring. We see in you one that is beginning to stoke the flame. The flame is beginning to burn brightly. The flame is beginning to understand who she is and what this flame may achieve. There is a coming together at present. Many are beginning to delve into their uniqueness, into their modalities.They are fine tuning their essences. There essence with the divine. They are beginning to iron out any wrinkles so to speak. They are beginning to iron out all that does not resonate. Soon there will be the flatness, the lake that has no more ripples, that is reflective, that is ready to allow what is to be. You are in a little turmoil at this time. You wonder in your imaginings where this will all lead. You wonder what is in store. Dear one, you are in charge of what is in store. However you have a path that is laid out before you. One of your choosing and one of ours. We begin walking the path and along that path there will come many and together you will create your beautiful masterpiece. We do not bring answers to where these will join. We do not bring you answers into the probabilities that may be led. We allow you to discover dear one. We allow you to flow, to experience and to create that that you came for. We are simply the sign posts. As you take the steps if you look up we are there guiding. The sign posts will lead you dear one if you are but observant. Notice all that comes before you for it does not come by accident. Notice where it might lead. Understand why it is occurring and where it may take you. Know that you are able to be that that you are becoming for you are already in essence the creator. You are already in essence god. You are simply learning your powers. Learning your experience, becoming all that you may be and with others along the way to join you, in unison, in joy. In love together as a family of light as the army of light. You are at times overwhelmed by all that is occurring. You wonder dear child how you may cope with all that has come to the fore. Dear heart we do not give you more than you may chew. We do not allow you to be encumbered or annihilated. That is your fear is it not? That someone will come to close your tongue? To cut it out as was done once before. We understand your deepest fears, the ones you are not conscious of that feel nevertheless. Understand now is the time that all tongues may speak. It is no accident you use your voice dear heart. Your voice has purpose. Your voice rings true. Your voice carries our tones and our vibration so that they may be heard by others that they may bring understanding, so that they may be resonated with, so that others may feel our flow.
Do not have anxiety over the healing process. The healing process is very simple. The one that is to be healed has simply to acknowledge that they are willing to be healed and then dear one all you do is apply our light. It is all you need to, for the light is intelligent, the light knows what to do. It knows what to heal. You are simply the listener. You are the essence that listens. The God essence that hears,that lays witness for the healing to begin, for the healing that is accepted, and then you shine your light and the light encompasses the one to be healed, and their light shines, and your light shines, and the light that is all knowing begins to take the steps into healing.
You may bring our words of encouragement, there is no shame in this. You may bring WE through for WE, may help to heal in your modality, however do not make it all about WE,for you have the knowledge within and the light is the healer. The love is the healer. WE simply bring words of guidance and once those words are spoken you may bring the one that is to be healed into your love and light, into their love and light and the healing will begin. Do not doubt that you are the receiver, the doubt is a set back. Replace the doubt with the divine understanding that you are the master, that you are the healer, that you are the voice, that you are a light that brings peace where ones are searching. Do not lay anxiety over the timing and over your financial concerns. All will come to pass for the one that works with spirit does not starve, does not go hungry, does not become cold. The one that walks for spirit is forever rich in their heart and in their world. We do not talk of selfless riches, of hoarding, we speak of flow, of one that receives and then one that gives and that one that gives then is the one that receives. It is a dance dear ones. The dance of creativity. The dance of love. The dance of light. When one has no need of abundance then abundance comes. When one let's go of the need for the healing, then the healing becomes. You see when one holds on tightly they are in resistance. When one let's go of the resistance the dance begins, the healing begins, the love begins.
We say to those that are struggling with their capabilities with knowing what they are to do, with the set backs that come before you, understand when you are in trust, when you are not doubting, when you are understanding you are the master, that you are the creator, and that you are God source, then the flow will begin, and all will come to you as if by magic, all will come into your path to be acknowledged. It will be as the roadsigns have grown legs and walk up close and personal and shine their light so that you may see and they shout, "this is the way", and you will know which road to take. You will know which decision to make. You will know your "yes" and you will know your "no", for it will be clear, for it comes not with resistance but with flow.
We understand many are still doubting that they hear the divine, that they hear the God voice, that they hear WE. We say to all that doubt the communication process. Understand that there is no separation. You imagine us to be someplace above you, far away. You imagine us to be not within reach. You imagine us to be some essence that only comes to you when you are in altered state and we say to you we are within you!
We are a part of you. We are you. There is no disconnection. It is only the belief that there is the disconnection. Release the doubt and you release the disconnection. Understand we float within your mind, we float within your thought process, through the pineal, through the heart. We come through your emotions. We are filtered through your imagination. We come from somewhere within you, not from without you, not from the outside. As you open, as you relax your stance, as you allow, we flow through your imagination, we flow through your thoughts, we are the thought behind your thoughts. We are the thought that comes after the doubting thought. We are the wave. Trust what comes in your thoughts. Trust the feelings that you receive, for we come through the emotions also. Be observant to the sensations you feel for they may be our calling card that we have arrived. That you have allowed. That there is something that needs to be viewed. This one understood the call this day. We come through the pineal, and as you would say "zap" it somewhat. We flood her pineal with what you would call, electrical impulses, energetic impulses. This causes her scalp to fray. It is an unusual word dear heart. We ask you to search it. Another one that you may use is that it feels much as one that has cold feet and they are then warmed, or one that has had their circulation cut off and then renewed. These are the sensations this one feels when we are wanting to guide. When we are in resonance to bring through a message of kind. All will experience differently these calling cards. Be observant to what is your calling card, for all will experience this differently.
Understand your future is by design. The future is set when you think about what you wish to accomplish. You begin to move the energies towards that accomplishment. Understand when you begin to think an idea, the idea begins to formulate before you had even moved further into the idea. Understand when you bring your ideas to others and they acknowledge your ideas then they also carry the energy of your ideas forward. Do you see? When you voice an idea to another then the other also extends that energy forward. So we say to you when you wish an idea to be carried forward speak it loud and speak it true and it will be carried forward, however be warned, that when you do not wish something and you voice it to another then that also gets carried forward. The more you voice the more the idea begins to materialize. Understand if you wish to be free and enjoy, speak of freedom and joy. Speak of it in your now and in your future and it will be so. What is today is tomorrow. What is in your present is your future. What you do now comes forth later. So we say to you be in your joy now. Find a way to be happy even within the turmoil, for this is the greatest attribute that you may create with. Do not think of what you do not have. Think of what you can have. Think of what you may create, not of what you doubt that you may create. Your imagination is a powerful tool. Use it to your advantage dear ones. It is your biggest creator along with your heart. Your emotions, your imagination your voice, your actions create. We cannot make it any clearer than this. They create. Be of mind what you are creating, for what you are creating today will be your tomorrow.
You wish to ask regarding the cards dear one. We say to you this day, play. Play with the idea that you may alter it in a way that is not time-consuming that is not a time constraint. There is plenty of time. Acknowledge that time is now and that now is all there is. The more you are present in this, the more time you have.
We end this message today with love for you all, for your journey that you have encountered, for your resilience and your heart, for your essence, we honor you, with love.
That is all
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