Abacus (channeled by Helen Salter)
Voice Trance
Refining your connection
Greetings dear one, greeting to all that are listening this day. There are many questions that have come to the fore and we will begin with what is of the most import as this will help many to connect.
When one is searching to fine tune what they are, so to speak. When one is searching to bridge the gap between consciously combining with their essence, one may need to take a step back so to speak. When one is struggling to try. When one is pushing to make a connection, to experience their essence. When one is, pushing, pushing, pushing, they seek to push the essence away. Now let us make clear, the essence that we speak of, that is within you, that we spoke of not long past, cannot not be within you. It is you. It is your make up. It cannot be separate from you. It cannot be separate, however many live their life without this conscious understanding, that they have an essence. That this essence is what they create with, what they dance the dance of life with, so to speak. They walk about their day blinded to what they are. This Magnificat being that they are this God essence, and that they may create whatever they wish to create. That they may connect to find all the answers.
They are so busy being and doing the dance that is life, that they forget that they have that conscious connection, that knowing within, to manifest life in a more simpler easier way, rather than and struggling and fighting the dance and pushing. They may glide with the dance if they were to consciously combine their understanding with their inner knowing. So many are asking how do we consciously connect with this? We tell you, it is being aware that there is something more than you realise to your being. It is when you realise you are bigger than what you thought you were. When you are understanding that there is an essence, then, that is understanding that is consciously being aware of the awareness that is you. When you are not conscious of the connection, when you are not conscious of this essence, you seemingly go about your day blindly not knowing, and at times struggling to bring things into your being. Not understanding why you cannot make things work. Where as if you simply stepped back, and understood that all that is created outside is within, and you intend with this inner essence, you become aware that it is there, and you create with this by intention, and by understanding the way you work, by consciously taking steps within you, in your being to live your life path, then you are connecting with this essence and you will find that your daily living begins to flow, that that you are looking for suddenly appears before your eyes without you having to forcefully go search for this that is before your eyes. Are you understanding?
Being, intending, with your essence, with your god self, creates what you are wishing much more quickly than if you were to be disconnected, and struggling the battle that is life. Of course you may manifest the way you always manifest, for this is still using the essence. It is just that you are not using the essence in a conscious constructive way.
At times much happens in your life that is hard, that is not to your liking, and you try to shift it and you may not, because you are trying to shift with the outside, with those around you that are physical, rather than consciously intending within your being, within your knowing, that the answers will come and will help the situation, that will elevate the situation, for if you intend in this way and work with that that is you within, you will find many problems simply begin to disappear, for they are not an energetic match to your intending. They are different resonance, you see.
We will delve into this more closely within the writings, however we wish to make some clearing of understanding. Understand that this essence, that is you, is you in totality. It is you. When you intend to perform an activity, and you intend to combine with your essence, and you become one with your essence consciously, before beginning the activity, you will find that the activity will have a different resonance, will have a different flow, and will produce a much higher outcome, than if you do not make the intention to connect with your inner knowing, and work from a space of unconscious connection, for then you are not consciously steering your creativity. Your allowing the outside to affect. Whereas if you intend, and you create when you are consciously connected to this essence, when you are feeling this deeply within your being, you will find what you create is of a much higher calibre, that it is resonating at a higher resonance, and it will attract much more abundance than if you were to creative it haphazardly.
For instance we say to you, as an example if you were to sit in a chair, and read a chapter from a book as you would on a daily basis, you understand what you have read. You understand the chapter. However before reading the chapter, if you sit still for a moment and connect to your inner knowing, and intend that this chapter that you are about to read will bring you your highest understanding of the chapter, in more than say linear ways, but say in a whole writers experience of the chapter. Ask for the chapter to be understood at all the levels it can be understood. Intend with your knowing and with your connection to the creator, that this is so. Understanding that you may take this chapter in within many different levels of your being, that you may have a deeper understanding of what the writer intended to create in the one that read the words, and then try sitting with the chapter dear ones, and reading the chapter with the conscious intent, with your awareness connected to achieving the best possible outcome from the reading, and you see once the chapter has ended, you will understand in a much different resonance, that that you read beforehand
When you are consciously aware, when you are present of who you are, and you create from that space, the outcomes dear ones, the outcomes can be so far outweighed by anything that you may do without the conscious awakened state, for you see when you operate in this God force, in this connected state, you understand that you are the creator. You understand that all is possible, and this begins to open up many avenues, more than what you had before in the unconscious state.
We do not say that those that are not awakened, that are not conscious to their essence may not create, but you will find that the ones that create the masterpieces, the painters that paint the wonderful renditions, are the ones that are connected with their essence, that they understand that they have something within them that wishes to be born, and they work from that space
It is a simple exercise to try dear ones, if you are willing to take the step. It is a simple experiment, and we leave you with that experiment this day. We wish you well in your creating, for we love when you create for we are expanded along with you.
We leave you in love.
That is all
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