Abacus ( channeled by Helen Salter )
Abacus ( channeled by Helen Salter )
Trance/voice/light body
A communication on trust
Greetings dear one. Greetings to all that are listening this day. We begin this communication with that of trust
There are many at this time communicating in this way, however they do not trust what they do. They still have ideologies embedded deep within their being, that this in fact is not possible, that it is not plausible that one may connect with the divine, that one may connect with their God, with their essence. This one still has her doubts creep into her being as do many within the circles and throughout your plane. Even ones that have communicated for a number of years will doubt at times what they bring, will doubt their connection is true. It is a difficult imagining to trust the unseen, to trust what one may not weigh within their hands in the realms of the physical. It is on the most part a trust, that you are indeed more than what you see yourself to be. Trust is an essence that lays within you. It is faith that there is something beyond what you see and feel in your physical form. When one begins to trust their connection then all manner of magic begins to occur, for if one trusts their connection then they trust that there is more to their earth living, that there is more to simply this plane of existence that you live and breathe.
One may feel the connection, and in the feeling there is a trusting, there is a bond that begins to occur. One is feeling the connection and one begins to trust. It is in however the message, and the validation that it brings to your existence, where the trust begins to take shape and form. It is in being validated by others that the trust begins to take shape and form, and even then some are stubborn and do not see the truth that lays before their eyes. This one is stubborn in this regard. There are many days that she knows that there is a connection with we. She feels it within her whole being and therein then there is the days that she feels us not, and then she begins to doubt all over again. One must understand that once the doubt is rid of, once the doubt is taken care of, is understood, there is no need to doubt once again.
Understand you are so much more than you see. You are so much more than you feel, for you only see within the modalities that you have, where you are. You see in your three-dimensional faculties. You may even see beyond the three-dimensional, even then it is not all seeing, for that is the experience that you came for. That is the experience, the learning, that you were born into this realm, that you call your earth plane, on purpose, to forget all that you are so that you may re-remember and experience in a different way without the knowing within. So you are like one with amnesia trying to recall, trying to connect to that space that is beyond your reach. You become frustrated, you become unsettled, for you cannot seem to grasp your oneness, your largeness, your true essence. You have a feel of it somewhat, but it is simply a few dribbles, of what you really are, and so our job in the realms is to help you to distinguish this, to re-remember, not the all of it for it will take away from your experience, but to remember some of your essence so that you may begin to create, begin to build the blocks, begin to unlock the codings, the DNA, so that you may begin to lift to more than what you are now capable of. You are capable of so much dear ones, so much. You have not an idea of what you may create. We are here to help remind you of this. We are here to help you unlock that, that is locked. There has been shifting these past months of your earth time. Shifting and integrating and now it is time to begin to explain, to begin to trigger what you have within you, so that you may begin to walk the new living, the new expansion so that you may create all that you may begin to create where you are now, for it is now that you begin to do the work, begin to do the light work so that you lay a path before you, that others may begin to walk. Understand you are here for a reason. It is no accident that you are where you are. It is no accident that you are listening to we. It is no accident that you are beginning to walk the path of enlightenment. You draw all that you need to you. You magnetise all that you require as you begin to open. The more you open the more that comes to you that is needed. You are in essence your own vortex that spins and draws to it what is required. When you think in a manner that creates your desires, when you understand that you create all that is in your field you begin to consciously magnetised to you, draw into you a new way of living, a new way of experiencing the path on this realm, that you are. You are taking the steps dear ones. You are walking the process. It is a process. You may not jump from one path to another without taking the steps to the other. It is all in alignment, all on time, and all on purpose. You are beginning to design a new way of living. You are beginning to design new worlds, for generations that come, when you come again. You will have created a place that is beyond what you imagine it to be now. You create with your thoughts, with your intentions with your desires. You are constantly moving energy, creating matter. You simply do not understand the physics of it yet. Some are tapping into this now, but for the many you are simply beginning to open the puzzle, and all the pieces lay before you, step-by-step you will begin to put the puzzle together, all the pieces are there in your vortex, in your energy, ready to be put into place. The knowing is within you. You draw it to you. There is much that we have delved into in such a short space of communication, and in essence it is not all understandable. We will be writing on these processes when this one begins to make time for the writings.
Understand dear ones when you intend a course in your life stream, begin to take the steps, for when one step is taken and then the next and then the next all will appear, all will appear. If you put the intention, all will appear. Know yourself to be a creator of worlds, to be a creator of your world. You begin where you are, but where you are creates more than what you imagine. When you create where you are, you create beyond where you are, for energy is not still. Energy is constantly shifting constantly moving and constantly changing and so as you create you change your world, and in changing your world, you change all worlds.
Be at peace with where you are this day. Understand, know that if it is not how you wish it to be you have the tools within you to change it. You are responsible for what occurs in your doing and your manifesting. Begin each day with clear intent of what you wish to unfold in your life stream. Make the intent daily, with an understanding that it is possible. Do not simply say the words without believing it so. Make it clear, be strong in the intention, not meek but make the intention with strength.
We say to you now imagine if you will, imagine for a moment if you will, that you are God. Imagine if you will that you are god, and you have landed on your earth plane knowing who you are. Now imagine you as God. If you wished something into your being how would you go about it as God? Would you doubt it? Would you doubt that you are capable of creating anything you desired? How would you imagine God would create? Would God create in love? Know you are this essence. Know that you may create. What do you wish to create dear ones? What do you wish to create for you? For the worlds to come after you, for your generations? What world would you wish to live in? Do you wish to be healthy? Do you wish to be abundant? Do you wish to be in joyful experience? Or do you wish the opposite? You have free will dear ones. Free will to choose without judgement anything you desire. Believe it so. You are creating at present much unconscious creation. You may create with conscious intent. Begin small if you wish, if that is more believable to you. But begin for you are capable. We say this to you in love and honour, for we understand who you are, and what we wish for you, is what you wish for you. We close this communication for this day.
Understand our love for you is deep. Our love for you is great. We extend our love for you now. Those that have the capacity to feel, feel this now. Hold this love within you.
It is your love that you hold, for we are, who you are.
That is all