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Sunday, 8 March 2015

Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective

Adam , Why am I suddenly experiencing tingles on my right side? Lately , last few days when I meditate or channel I feel tingles specifically on my right side, on my legs and hip, almost like I'm being sat on, in this area. Can you explain?
Ohh and why am I suddenly fascinated with the book " the afterlife of billy fingers "? Is there a message in it for me or others?

Dear heart we are here, we are ever here. Never think we are not. We have brought you an image this day upon connection. This is how we may endevour to explain who we are, in terms you may understand as you grasp at straws when you imagine who or what we are. This has a depth of believability does it not? Voice dear heart that you see in your minds eye now. 

Ok .. At the risk of sounding off, I saw when I had my eyes close and beginning to feel that energy I feel when I connect with you, I saw an image begin to play out. I saw a long table begin to emerge . On chairs up against it, tall chairs with really high backs I saw beings of light, silouettes of beings all seated at this long table. I couldn't see the end of the table it was so long. On the other end of the table there is an empty chair with a silouette standing beside it. I had the feeling it wants me to sit there at the head of the table and I had a thought to bring a book or paper with me and that once I sat, the being beside the chair would stand behind me. I saw all this in shades of grey, though the beings were light. 

Close your eyes dear heart and feel for a moment. Do this now 

I felt so much love! The girl in the chair was huddled over crying feeling unworthy, of the love, the being behind the chair came over to my right side, kneeled down beside my chair and put it's arm on my right leg and leaned into me to comfort me. The tingles on my right! 

Affirmative . When you feel those sensations on your right know we are close, comforting and bringing you love, strength and hope. We believe in you, and now, it is time for you to believe in yourself. Know what you do is real. 
The book ( billy fingers )
came to you to give you strength. The writer also had doubts and fears. By you reading her journey, you read your own as all is connected, all is one. You sit before us in doubt not knowing your light, however we know that you are. We sit you at the head at the table for you dear heart we honour. Your human experience. We come to you in love, so that you may know the love you are, and bring this knowledge to others so they may know who they are, that they are same. The tingles you say you experience is our touch our leaning into you, to bring strength, and a reminder that what we are is tangible. Close you eyes again dear heart. 

Again I feel the tingles. The beings at the table radiate light and love, the being beside me grows brighter, it's like they are all connected and the being beside me encompasses the many , and I feel that through the being on the right, through it's touch on me. It's like the beings are the power, the being beside me the tower, the generator that then brings it to me...

Dear heart we are one love, I am simply what you see as the transmitter, as are you. Adam , the collective , transmit our love or light to you, through you, so that you may " pay it forward ". You are a transmitter also, as are many on your plane of existance . You are at this time, acting as the bridge. All are able to be this bridge, but not all believe that they can do so. You are here to show others that they may be that bridge and in fact they are the bridge but do not see. We understand you do not see your worth , you do not see the big picture from where you are, we do however. We see all. We see that you may bring this gift to many so that they may also be the bridge to others knowing. We are the rainbow collective, that , that bridges the gap, between your realm and ours. You are, you could say , one of the many paths that lead others to the Bridge. Their bridge , their connection to themselves . 
An advisement ?

Ummmm, listening 

Dear heart do not have anxiety when we say this to you. 

I have an idea what you want me to do, so yeah I'm alittle anxious!

It is not so difficult as you imagine. You have  been lax in your painting. We wish you to capture the essence of what you see. Your interpretation . 

The table? The bridge? You on my right? 

Paint what comes. It does not require set perfection. Only that you capture the essence. You may do this by being in an altered state and painting with no thought 

How can I do that?  Ohh here goes the scalp thingy again 

Pay no mind to what is right or wrong. Simply allow the brush to move as your heart beats. Concentrate only on the essence you feel and not on the structure. 

That's confusing me

Breathe into the brush, the canvas. Imagine the brush is held by your higher self. Do you recall last nights lesson ? Who are you beyond you mind, beyond your body? Do you recall that state of being? With eyes wide open ? Be that, that which you were last night. Be in that space and paint connected to that part of you that is all knowing. You recall the words you used to describe the state ?


Will you share dear heart?

Beyond my body and mind I was, peace, I was all knowing, I was expansive, I was love, I was connected, I was fearless, I was everywhere, I was beauty , ...... Can't recall the rest

This is a powerful exercise and a credit to the one that brought this lesson to you. Be in this state when you paint and you will paint masterpieces in your own right, for you will paint as the master that you are. Trust this process dear heart. 
We leave you now to your day. Know that when you feel us to your right that we are beside you , bringing you love and acknowledgment that we are there. 

Adam every now and then I feel like a touch , ie on my foot or leg or arm. Is that you also?

Nay These are your guides. 

So your not my guide?

Nay. In a sense we are that but not how you understand it to be

I'm confused 

We are that you call your higher selfs, higher self. We are beyond the guides that are around you and yet we are those too. You, all, have many that guide you, that watch out for you, there is a hei racy of sorts all resonating  at alternate frequencies. You may interact with more than just our energies. You but have to try, and believe. You have chosen , made connection and contact with our energies on purpose. A purpose even you do not understand. Yet. You in a sence have blind sided your guides in order to connect all your energies with ours. This is for reason also. Do not feel a state of guilt for doing so. Your others , understand and acknowledge all behind this

I'm so confused now and I'm so hot! Why am I sweating so much?

It is the energies dear heart. We have conversed much this day 

So can I talk to my guides like properly ? Like I do you

But of course. 

So how do I tap into them? 

You are in essence doing so now. They as well as your higher self help this connection. All are in combination to help you lift your vibrancy enough to converse in this way

Still confused

Do you recall last night ? Our affirmation?

Yes!! Your affirmative 

What is it we affirmed to?

Ohhhh.. Not needing to know how everything works

There are some concepts that are beyond your level of understanding. 
The many that are the collective, your higher self, your guides are all here at this time. None is separate from the other. They act to bridge you to the many and so all the energies meld as one. It requires much energy. It is why you feel warm. Dear heart we will touch on this further. Today you have reached your limit of endurance 
Rest dear heart . All is well and on time
That is all 

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