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Saturday, 21 March 2015

21/3/15 Saturday
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
Regarding light body energies
Part 1

Adam I have some questions. You know what they are. So before we begin, am I to share this or keep it private ? You know what the questions relate to....

Dear heart, we ask you to continue to share your journey. There may be some that have not an interest and that is ok. However there are some that learn from our transcriptions , that proceed to travel a similar path so we say to you proceed as has been done before. If you will. 

Hmmmm ok 

Dear heart the questions?

Well they are to do with light body. I was asked to get guidance. Your my guidance, so I'm wondering if you will answer?

We may not answer the questions if you do not ask them dear heart. You are afraid of the answers are you not? We feel your apprehension, you fear that we tell you not which you wish to hear?

You could say that

You fear that which you can be. Dear heart we do not take you where you are not ready to venture. Trust. 

You throw me in the deep end constantly! Of course I'm worried about the answers, 

Dear heart ask the questions 

So the questions are..
What is my unique purpose for light body?
How does it fit into my life purpose? How can I develop it best?

(Smile) wonderful. Dear heart we wish you to be still a moment. Put down your apparatus. Instructions will be given. Do this now. If you will. 


Hours  later......

What happened? I was on such a high that I didnt to write or record! 

(Smile) it was pleasant yes?

Very much so! Pleasant doesn't cut it. I felt like I was on a high. I curled up on the couch for hours afterwards, I felt so good. You had me run the energies. Why?

We will endevour to explain. Dear child you were running on empty these past days. What time is it now dear heart? Humour us this while. 

It's nearly 3am! 

You are feeling rejuvenated yes? 

Yes I'm not tired at all. 

We wish to emphasise that running the energies gives you exactly that it's named. Energy. You were depleted and so first and formost we wished you to learn that the energies are beneficial in elevating your power house , your energy. You ran the energies differently did you not?

Yes! Much differently to class, I was guided by you

Affirmative. We endevoured to show you a way that you may use the energies to " power up " so to speak. It is much more beneficial than your slumber. Have you become aware that you are living on a less structured slumber pattern? 

Sleeping less , yes 

And you are still functioning without dis ease , yes? 

Ohhhhh yeah I am

Dear heart inform the readers how many hours of slumber you average on a daily basis

Ummmm... Looking embarrassed now...... 
Around 4 to 5 hours a nite

Dear heart you are changing. Note this in your class journal. That the energies uplift as well as rejuvenate. You have noticed more have you not? 


You expect to look haggard with little slumber, yes

Ahh yeah

Do you look haggard. Does your demeanour your physical body resemble that of resembling beinghaggard ?

I don't think so...

Dear heart you have been acknowledged in this, that energy has you beaming, yes?

Ahhh yeah ..

You do not approve of our questioning? We feel your hesitation. Dear heart we are aiming to answer the questions but also we seek to reach the many of the use of the energy body. There is a method here. Be at peace with it dear heart. It means  you no harm and may in fact prove  to be beneficial to share, to expose some of the energies attributes. 

Ok, understanding 

It is good. 
Now we understand you felt the energies , the upliftment. There was also something else you experienced, a melding. We have again intertwined more deeply on a etheric countenance. We were able to interlock our energy with yours for much  better coherency. We are very close now dear heart. We have energetically signatured with you and so much clarity will come forth. You asked it to be so, so that you may speak our message with much clearness. It has been done dear heart. To be any closer is for you to be in the background. We do not wish this. It is so that you felt some slipping did you not?

Yes! And I didn't care.., it felt so good I didn't care

Dear heart it is not the way. We meld together, we come together to work together. It is not so much a partnership  when one disappears with no sense that is occurring. We wish this union to be complementary, so that you may experience and know our message fully. The ways of channeling , of communication is changing. This is the new energy, to work in partnership in unison. You feel our love, your love while bringing the message. You feel our mind, our heart. We were clear to express this particularly so, so that you may experience and share with others the beauty 
You felt our love our connection and for this we are pleased. Slumber now and intergrate dear heart. The morrow holds more revelations 
Be at peace . 

Next morning .......
So can you answer the questions this morning? Please 
What is my unique purpose for light body?
How does it fit into my life purpose? How can I develop it best?

Good morning dear heart. ( smile ) you feel well this day do you not?

Yes I do 

You feel balanced yes?


It is good. The energies of last day served you well. 
You ask what is your unique purpose, however it is not so unique. The goal, the purpose to for light body is to balance. To bring your self back to balance with your " whole" with who you are. Running light body energies brings balance between all your bodies. When you run these energies, all those that encounter you will begin to balance also. It is not that they , that you are,  healing per se, or that you are projecting to another, this healing,  but rather in the coming together you begin to balance your self, and that of others. When you are in balance there is no dis ease. Light body energies brings you equanimity within your structure. It brings balance, and by doing so heals , lifts you into your self, so that you are working, creating within your power more completely. You will run on your fullness, rather than half empty. It is much more than even this, However for now the explanation will suffice as you are limited in your time structure this day dear heart. 

Hmm I want to know more but yeah have a busy day today. I have the idea to do this transcription is parts?

Affirmative. The subject is in depth one dear heart. A good plan. We will continue on this when you are able. Today dear heart practice the use of the energy body within your daily living. See how you may  manipulate the centres in different ways. Be guided by your intuition as to how they may benefit or heighten your experiences this day. 

Thankyou Adam 

Be well dear heart. Know your worth this day. You are able. We are always there to guide when requested. You have free will. Remember this. We may not guide, where we are able, without your consent. It is the way of it. It is in the asking, the requesting that you may receive what you are needing at the time. 

That is all

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