
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
Automatic writing
Adam a while ago you brought to me the words "alpha cent", out of the blue. Those words came while I was driving to work. I had no idea what they meant. I thought to google them when I got home.
Some time before that you told me that I'm from the stars and during a light body exercise, around that time period I saw a planet/s and I had the thought and feeling of that it was " home". The colors were a mix or ruddy reddish rusty color and a yellowish brown....
So as on par ( you knew what I would do ) I google searched the word alpha cent, which led me to finding alpha Centauri , which, to my supprise is a star system and the colors coincided.
So what I'm asking now, what does it all mean? Why now? What does it mean to me? Is it where I originate from? What do I do with the information? Am I to share this? If so why? And on top of all that, it's going to sound far fetched to many and I'll probably be ridiculed, so yes, I want to know, all you can tell me, but also make it believable if you can? Be great if I can back this up with facts...
I'm Curious
Know you what you ask?
I think so . I'm opening a can of worms.
Affirmative. This is a given. Many do not understand or theorise the workings of these other dimensions. But you, want to know. How is it so? What is your aim for the knowing?
Peace of mind
Ahhh but will it give you that? To understand the intricacies of that which you know not of?
Well it might give me some answers
It may do, but do you understand the fall out of such? If we ask that you share? so you understand what others may insinuate, in regards to the information we may bring
I'm done pussy footing around. Let's begin this already. I don't mean disrespect. Its just that everything you bring most know already. I think it's time to bring in what I don't know what others don't know
And will you trust dear heart the information we bring? We ask this now before the information comes
I tust you
Others may not
I don't care if others don't . Well that's my aim. I know your not my imagination anymore. I know you will give me truth.
This is a powerful statement dear heart. Are you willing to share what comes ?
If I trust my mind is out if the way, yes. If it rings true for me , yes.
You have come far dear heart. We may begin. We feel your uncertainty. Are you sure?
Yes. The questions keep coming to me. So as unbelievable it may all sound I don't care. I'm ready , bring it, please
We will bring what is appropriate for your state of awareness and that of others that may read this application
We begin now. Be clear . There is no room for error here
Should I trance?
Nay. However you may later, in altered state revisit these questions you ask as the altered state will provide a view that is next to none..
You come from a place that is on the out skirts of humanity's understanding. It is viewed as the orange solar system. A cluster of stars that are not far from your earth. There are the a's and the b's as is stated on your search engines however your search engines do not reiterate the whole of it. We are sending you images. Explain what you are viewing if you will?
I see a cluster of planets . Red orange yellow brown together close by to each other in it's own looking galaxy kinda... I have the sense it has it's own sun but some of the planets are in shadow, meaning some don't get light. Is that right?
Affirmative! You can not know this. Excellent dear heart, your vision your knowing is improving. Patience . There is a method here. We wish to guide your knowing so that you come to your own answers
Tell us what you are viewing now?
Omg! I recall a dream I had of standing in the dessert a yellow dessert, where it's sunny and there's symbols In front of me. There's wind, a breeze, my hair is blowing , and there's like all these symbols in my view like a hologram I'm reading in the dessert, in front of me, like in the air, line after line of symbols. It's a dream I had
It is a memory dear heart. On this plane you speak of information is transmitted in a much alternate way than of the planet earth. When you are wanting information you are only to think it and it then comes into your awareness seemingly like magic in front of your view, as in you say, a hologram. The symbols are information. It is the language of that star system. It is light language. It is as your internet as your information however in this place you are simply to think of what you are needing and it then comes before you to take in. It is a holographic version of your internet
Wow! That makes so much sense !!
It is truth and so it will as you say " make sense"
Wow I'm blown away just from that bit of knowledge you brought.
What about the tunnels? When I travel through them? What do they mean ? The tunnels I travel in my dreams, and the screens of symbols I read in them? I know once I read one screen of sbols I can move forward in the tunnel to the next screen and then move forward to the next. I know somehow I can't move forward till I read each, like I'm not allowed to move forward until I do.
These are travel portholes in time. It is true that you may not move forward until that time that the encodments are taken within. These are keys, doorways to other dimensions. You are not allowed to move forward until these have taken hold. They are a safety mechanism. One is not allowed to move forward until that time that it has been installed, as to move forward in dimensions without the knowledge may be catastrophic to that place, and to the traveller. You may not have conscious awareness of the information being taken in, however it is being absorbed on a subconscious level and In doing so allows the mechanism of the doorways to open up to you. It is a safety net a safeguard to those dimensions you travel on both accounts , for the traveller and the space you travel. You may not be harmed, and the space you travel may not be harmed by you, as you have an unconcious understanding of the ways.
Wow I can see this is going to take ages! Not as quick as an answer I thought to get
Dear heart information can only be gathered in it's appropriate form. It is the way it is understood , layer upon layer . One does not simply regurgitate without placing an understanding a safety net in place
So I time travel ?
You dimensional travel dear heart. There is no time. What you do is travel the realms as do many.
So am I are starseed? And if so which star?
Affirmative. You are seeded from many stars not just the one, as are many
But which ones in particular ?
The pleides , the star systems of Centauri , the orions... These are formost the closer, but they are a drop in the ocean as you say. It is an endless ocean
So if I'm asked what star system, which is the most accurate?
They are all accurate dear heart. You do not see and that is understandable . You have the attributes of all these and more. You can not say you are more one than the other. It is like saying in your system which ocean do you come from? The pacific , the Atlantic ? They are all oceans , it is simply a geographic overview. You as the ocean are all of them.
Wow !! Now I know for sure this is not my mind! It must be you
Again dear heart you are mistaken. You are we and we are you , the same ocean. There is no separation other than in the construct of your mind, in your imaginings.
You have no idea just how deep dear heart. It is a never ending depth and to try to understand the all of it is not possible where you are. We are but skimming the surface
Mind blown
It is so that one may experience this while delving into the mechanics of the universe
So just to understand, I'm not Just pleidian or alpha centaurian or whatever Orion is?
You have been all of them.
Well that burst my bubble. I thought I'd get to have like one major one. Why did you bring the alpha cent to my thoughts then?
To bring one that you had awareness of would not have brought you to understanding, or searching, or your trust in our information you see? We brought you an awareness of one you had no knowledge of, one that many have no knowledge of, so that the process of your investigation may bring you understanding, that in fact the thought was given, and the search would bring you to this very dialogue.
If we brought you an idea a thought of what you already knew, you would have assumed it was your imaginings, your knowledge that has been already attained. That it was indeed that, and not "us" , that brought this to you. In this way we gained your trust and your belief in that. We will write much on this when and if you are willing.
That I'm not sure of
It is a seed planted. The seed will grow dear heart. You need not be aware how this will occur just that it will occur. All takes time and the timing is in accordance to the divine nature of all things
We hear your thoughts. You are not too old and in fact you will live long enough to bring much through that will help the many, if you so choose.
I don't know where to go from here. I could scribe you all day now. The information could be endless
Ahhh but that is the journey dear heart is it not?
You would tell me?
Dear heart we bring through what is needed to bring through peace. In this there is many a pathway. You have had a recollection?
Yes last nights dream
Are you willing to share?
Some of it. I dreamt I had a handful of writing in my hands, like reems of papers with writing on it. They were delicate but heavy. I held onto them carefully. I was in a alley way and to get to the main road I had to enter the back of a shop and walk through it to get to the main st. The shop had curtains hanging from the ceiling of all colours and beautiful fabrics. Like you would see in a harem and carpets of all colors and styles. I walked through the shop having to duck the fabric brushing over me. I thought the owners wouldn't let me through with the papers the manuscripts as that is what I felt they were. They felt sacred and I felt the owners knew that, and I thought they would try to stop me. It was like they knew what I had and might not jet me through. I didn't know where I was taking them just that I had to get them through. I got through , past the occupants and out the front door of the shop holding the papers and then I woke up
Do you know what you held?
It felt like precious. Old but on new, on crisp white paper but the writing was old. It was like seeing old writing but republished on modern paper
Perfect. You understood the complexities of the dream.
Hmmm I had this dream before I went to bed. I had curled up in my chair, ran the light body energies and fell asleep
Your not saying anything ?nothing's coming
We are waiting for your own conclusion dear heart
But I don't know! You tell me things and then you don't , it's confusing!
You have seen these manuscripts before have you not? We bring you a vision now
Ohhh one page! I had a dream, well a vision when I was listening to binaural beats to meditate. It was the week before we connected before I began to channel you. I saw a piece of paper with writing on it in my meditation. At the time I got the thought that it was the beginning of a manuscript
And then we came did we not? What else did you see?
That same vision or was it another that week, I can't recall but I got a vision of a male, a man, with shoulder length hair , wavy, handsome ...
And I got the name Adam!
Smile. The male got your attention ?
Well yes (feeling slightly embarrassed)
Do you imagine if a light was shown. That it would have the same impact on you, even in connection with the name? Do you imagine you would have made the connection of that it being who you would channel? That it would be what you would imagine a guide to be? Your ideas at the time?
Ummm no... I had no idea
This is why we are here dear heart. To
Open the minds of the many. To bring a sense of opening into the possibility that it is not always what it seems. Those that are ready will be attracted to these lines. Those that are not may not, it matters not. All are where they are meant to be and that is ok always.
You dear heart would do well to trust, to open to the possibilities of where this may go, though try not think to much ahead. Be present always, but be open. Be clear as much as you are able. This will become easier for you over time. The more you scribe, the better the clarity the connection. We are you, your connection to the divine source. At times there may be a wavering of trust and of the written word. You are not infallible in the human form however the message as it is written, will be understandable to most that come upon it.
Adam while I'm transcribing your words, in my thoughts, as I'm sitting in my chair with the sun steaming down one on a cold day, I feel warm inside, at peace. I'm feeling so very blessed to be connected with you. Very happy and honoured. Thankyou .... I haven't asked you much, in the past about the bigger things. I guess I felt unsure of myself and of you and I guess I've been wary of what you would bring, knowing i would feel guided to share, knowing it wouldn't be fair to hide or keep to myself such information and yet also worried about what information I would be sharing and the fall out from that. I've stuck to safe topics protecting myself I guess
Such profound openings this day dear heart.
Do you understand what is occurring?
Ummm yeah! That this is a long post!!
We are most humoured. Those that are most interested will not mind the length dear heart. This we promise you. You may see how a book can be easily written, can you not?
I guess so
Adam I slept till midday today and have spent the afternoon with you. I've enjoyed our connection and what's come through ( though not all will agree with what's been written )
It matters not if any are In agreement. Know this.
You have rested and in doing so have much energy this day in connection. We are pleased with the outcome.
Remember what you create now is your future. Be in peace where you are , doing what you enjoy, where you find joy and peace and that will be what is created in your future.
I find peace in you
Then you find it in yourself dear heart. For we are you
Huh... Your not my higher self are u ?
Nay. However we are a part of you, and so what you find in us, you find in you.
Adam ?
Dear heart know you may connect to many in this way. You have simply chosen not to. You may do so at any time you wish to
To who? My higher self? My guides? Angels? Passed ones? Et's ? All of them?
Dear heart do not be so trivialising. These are all relevant. Your belief of them to be real is necessary to connect. You are simply to make the intention and be in no mind and listen.
How will I know ?
You will feel the difference in the energetics
Maybe I'll try
It is an advisment to do so
Really? I mean really can I try in the next few days ? Will it really feel different to you? How will I know
Trust. You will know
How will I know I'm safe ?
You will know this also. You are but to try
Not sure I want to
And that is why you do not. If you were but to try in real intent, in love, you will easily decipher the difference in connection
I may try
We will be there with you dear heart. We cannot not be with you. We will help the connection.
You are tiring. Rest dear heart. Know the possibilities are many , the choices endless. You are just beginning to tap into that realisation and for this we are very pleased.
We are complete for this interaction.
That is all
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