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Monday, 16 March 2015

15/3/15  (11:11pm)
Sunday night
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
Auto writing

Adam I've had such an amazing weekend! It was so much more than I thought it would be. Is there anything you would like to share? Or that you can tell me in regards to the weekend and the seminar?

Dear heart we wish you to close your eyes if you will. 

I won't fall asleep? I tried to connect with you last night and fell asleep

Nay. We wish to advise. You will not fall into slumber child 

I felt a warmth in my heart

Indeed. You have experienced a heart opening these days dear heart. It is good is it not? The feeling of laughter, the joy that was to be had? You fell into love with the energies. You experienced a lightness of heart. Yes? 

A lightness of heart. That is a good description Adam.

Of this we doubt not. You experienced what it is to be open of heart. Was it not asked that you drop your shield, your ideas? That you open your heart to the words that came? 

Yes! When  lee first brought through kryon, just before the break. I surrendered to that. I asked my "self "'to drop anything  that was blocking me from receiving anything from the seminar that day

You opened your heart. This is what it is to release. You opened to joy, to love. You felt as a human feels when they first fall into love did you not?

Yes! That's it! That's exactly how I felt. I was happy and we were laughing so much. I had a case of the giggles all weekend!

Smile. We are so pleased. You experienced another opening did you not?

I'm not sure what you mean

You have  the thought dear heart. We know you are hesitant to describe what you fear is maybe incorrect. We telll you it is due to the heart opening. The heart is a powerful conductor of energy. Of light. Please explain

Well at first I couldn't see lee, beganing channeling. I had other peoples heads in the way so I closed my eyes to listen instead. I tuned in to kryon and i opened  up to the energy. So very loving. I was on a high and I opened to that love. When I opened my eyes I could see as the channeling was coming to the end , lee through a space , in the crowd.
It was then  I noticed everyone's auras. Most of the auras I saw around people's heads and shoulders were green. I saw a sea of green. It's the first time I've seen green in auras. I've only seen white & yellow. 

Dear heart do you understand the significance? We have sent you a knowing 

I think so. Everyone's hearts were open? Ohhhh. Green is the color of the heart isn't it? Healing ?

Affirmative dear heart. There has been an opening. This is what you experienced. The joy the laughter, the sense of upliftment is due to a dropping of that which served to protect the heart, that which 
disallows the joy to enter, the protective wall one puts around themselves. You allowed dear heart. The love was always there, however so was the wall. You dropped your wall dear heart and allowed love.  We are so very pleased. This is the first step to your healing. You allowed the gift of light to be fully embodied within you. 

It felt good!

Of this we have no doubt ( smile )
We suggest a time whereby you can be fully in an altered state so that you may better feel what we wish to bring through. It is advisable to make some time for this dear heart. 


It is good. We suggest regular scheduled times that this may occur. It is time dear heart. We know you understand the implication.

I can feeel it

So be it. The message is delivered for today. Know the energies support this, dear heart. Trust. 
That is all 

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