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Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
(In Trance)
(First trance channel since attending  Kryon seminar in Sydney. It's lengthy but I make no apologies for the length, as they had lots to say, and it took ages to transcribe from the audio. 😊) 

Dear heart
We are so very proud. You have come a long way In just a few short days. You have begun to develop what we were aiming to teach in a much shorter time span than even we could imagine. 
You acclimatised to the energetics and dropped all your barriers, something we we were not expecting you to do so quickly. Dear heart, you do not know what you have done.  It is an enormous task to drop barriers that are taken lifetimes in the making, and yet we saw, we felt you drop all those that you were. You wished them to be free of you, and in the energy, of that moment, in that space, where this being, you went to see, in this space, in that energy, that was so powerful, the structures melted away, and you took into you the very teachings we have been endeavouring to bring to you this while. We are in awe always. We are so enamoured with humanity but especially in the tenacity, in the passion, of the ones that are finding it most difficult to wade through the old , that they held so close to their heart. Not only you dear heart, but many that day, decided to shed what was not needed, and in that moment there was birthed a new energy , one that helps to propel much forward. You do not know what you do not know, as was said that day, and you still do not know what you do In the space that you create this day. 
There is so much to bring forward and so structured a time. One needs to make more time for this dear heart, for there is much to come, and there is much teaching to be done. Much has changed in this space since we last came. So much and yet it is ever changing. You ask how you can help others to connect more fluently dear heart. It is not for you to make their connection. It is for them to make their connection. You can not do their work for them dear heart. You must let go of the need to do something for another , for it is for them to do, not for you to do. Remember this, what we say to you. If they are wishing to connect they must do the work that is required. You can give them the tools. You can give them the knowledge, but if they do not pick it up, if they do not open the book. If they do not listen, it is not for you to do for them. Are you understanding dear heart? When they are ready they will do the work. When they are ready, when they are passionate enough, when they are needing this what they are searching for enough, they will do the work. They will release what needs to be released to connect, it is not that they are not able. It is not that they do not have the connections. All is there for them. It is for them to allow, for them to get into that space, and only they, dear heart, only they can do this. You supply the space. You supply the tools, you supply the instructions and then they find within themselves what they need to connect. We understand your feelings of not being good enough to be the teacher, however you are not the teacher so to speak, for the teacher is themselves. For the teachers are their guidance symptoms. You simply provide the space and the tools that is needed. You create the light. You hold the light, and with your light and their light, the lifting is made easier, for you see, they can do this for themselves  however by the space you hold, by holding your light, the connection is made easier.

Do not be disgruntled wirhin yourself dear heart. There is no blame or judgement there. You are doing what you know to do and there  is no else for you to do but to hold the space, and the tools, and then it is they that requires the practice, they that requires the letting go, and they that requires the no mind,  to make the connection. Understand this. There is no fault here. There is no blame to be made. Let go of this judgement for it is not sound for you to do so. Are you understanding dear heart? It is good. You are here to hold light. You are here to lead by example. You are on your own path your own journey and by following that journey and that path you will be led to where you are to be. Do not give thought to where you are to go for when you are following your path when you are following your joy when you are following what feels true for you, where you are to be will come on its own legs, on its own manner and you will meet together head on to bring, what is needed to help the many and the many will continue to help the many, and so it gets paid forward and we bring in the new way of living the new humanity, for you understand this is your greatest passion, it has always been your greatest passion you understand this do you not? You understand from when you were a babe that you have felt  this passion with in, you have felt this, you need to remember where you are to be, where you are to go, what you are to develop, you wonder where you are from and today you remembered that you are from everywhere , you remembered that you are a part of the all of it , you made the connection that it does not matter that if you are from a certain place because you have been everywhere , and so you understand that your home is where you are now , for when you move on from here , you will go to another place but you have made the connection that "you" go to the other place so in affect your home is within you not where you go, but where you are , where you are being is your home. You have finally made the connection and we were so very pleased that you did so.

It was a moment of clear thinking. It was a moment of no mind. It was a moment of remembrance.
This brought joy to our hearts, for  you remembered that you are. 
This is why you are here. To help others remember that, that they are. 
You ask if you were successful in triggering your cellular structure, and dear heart we tell you that you felt the confirmation of this did you not? Do not doubt what you feel. You may doubt your mind, you may even doubt us, in your mind, however do not doubt what you feel, for what you feel does  not lie it never lies it cannot lie, your feelings are your truth. Your feelings are not able to lie. For they are the opposite of what you are thinking. They are opposite to the lie, they are the truth. Your feelings are your true guidance system. Remember this dear ones. Your feelings are your true guidance system. It is not your mind. It is your feelings. It is your emotions. It is heart. Your heart,  you feel. 
You will come to understand this truth. If you simply lead  your life by the way you feel, you would lead a different life. So many live with the way they think, and  not with the way they feel and this is the mistake. This is the error of the way. But it is changing the new energies are shifting. There will be an accumulation of change this coming year. There will be much moving forward for many and the more that move forward, the more that will move forward , it is like the Rolling Stone, gathering the moss. The more that move,  the more that gather.  
Clear Dear heart. 
We will bring through what you need to express. Know that this journey was chosen by you. Do not judge others for the journey that you bring to yourself. They are not to blame. You are always in charge no matter how the picture looks on the outside. Know that you are what runs the inside and the inside is what changes the outside. So many try to change the outside first. So many try to change their life from the outside through others. The changes are made with in first. No change comes from without you.  No change comes from the outside first. The change always begins within. Always. 
If you want your life to change dear ones you must change on the inside. What do we mean by this? We mean the way you think,  the way you feel , the way you speak to yourself, the way you speak to others, the way you move in your daily living.  The way you react to others. The way you think about others. It all begins with you. Do not look to others to make you feel better. Do not look to others to make your life change. You are the one,  you are the ones,  dear ones that make the change first. 
All that you see with your eyes all that you do in your daily living was first a thought in your mind,  a belief that you held within yourself. If you're belief is that you are successful, then you will be successful. If your belief is that you can't to anything right then you may not do anything right. If your belief is that life gives you a hard living then life will certainly give you a hard living. You are the projector of your world. What you believe is what you will begin to act out in your day. When you come to understand this when you come to know this  and then when you decisively take action,  then your world will change. 
This one is not going to like what we have to say next but she is an example. 
Clear dear heart. 
Do you trust us? Then clear.
This one has made changes and yet still there are changes she must make. She is aware of this. She does not try to change too many things at once,  she makes tweaks here,  and little tweaks there, so that they are easy changes and they are easily adapted. She knows not all that she must work through, but she is aware that there is many beliefs that she still has to change, and  yet she goes within and asks for those to be made aware those to be cleared so that she may move forward so that she may integrate these changes into her life. She changes the structure of her living of her beliefs constantly, she is constantly searching what she needs to adapt with in her own self to bring the changes on the outside she understands she is always creating she forgets at times but then she is reminded and she tweaks what she has discovered that she needs to change and then the next comes and then the next. She understands now that it is a process and this weekend these days past she has found a new lightness of being, she has begun to laugh again,  she has begun to feel joy where she could not find it before. She has begun to understand that it is when the walls are allowed to be dissolved, that is when the joy and the love  is allowed in. But she also understands that it is made with in herself and not from those outside of her. She understands that this seminar she attended, even though  it was from the outside, she brought it to herself from the inside from the yearning,  from following the synchronistic events that came to the fore. She took one step and then the next and then the next and brought them into her living. They did not just happen by magic. They did not happen from the outside, you see , these occurred from within, and she is starting to begin to connect the dots. She is starting to realise that she's worthy she has a way to go, but the ball has begun to roll. 
She continues to study but she understands that it is not in the study,  the changes, the life. 
That change is in the application of the study,  the changes, the life, and in the application  of study, she changes others, because she brings to the fore the energy that she is working, and that energy touches others you see. She is connecting all the dots, finally understanding. It is a process.  The cogs in the wheel are beginning to connect, and move in unison. 
She has gained much understanding,  from others these past days, not only from the other energetics in the room, but also from other friendships. When more than one gather in the same mind the energy expands dear ones. It  becomes so much stronger and this affects greater change, it is why we say to you to find those of like mind. Gather together to create the changes. Seek support where you may not find it within yourself. It is good practice to be still. It is good practice to find that space within to find that inner guidance that may lead you to your next course of action, however sometimes, an individual may find this difficult may find it difficult to find the pieces that will help them connect to this, and so when one is in a group, with others that are seeking to connect also, it increases the energetic vibrancy, it increases the strength  and when the strength  is increased when the signal is increased, it is more powerful and in that energy it is easier to see, it is easier to make the change,  it is easier as this one discovered to drop the walls. 
She surrended herself, these past days, to her soul purpose. She surrendered herself and dropped all the walls. She still does not know the magnitude of what has occurred these days. She has felt the lightness she has felt the joy. She still does not understand or has felt the majority of the change, and this is the beauty of it, for now she gets to discover and see on the outside of the world, as it begins to shift and change. 
We are smiling for she is only allowed a glimpse of this, she can see the energy shifting she can feel and see light, but she does not see and we will not allow her to see, the changes that will come from this change that she has brought within herself. 
The gift , the gift is, that not only she will change, that she's creating a space for others to change. 
All those that are around her, and all that she comes across. 
We are allowing this to sink deep within, for you see when one  seeks to create change , they do not understand the magnitude of it. The space that was created is palatable. It was felt by all that were there, many,  not just this one, not just she,  but many that day made that change, made the  connection dropped the walls, in that space, and now they also go out and create change. Do you see how powerful the gathering like this can be, when it is of light and love and for the good of all humanity in love for humanity? 
There will be much change in the energies these days. It is a powerful time on your realm and that of others , for when your energy changes so does others. What you do effects so much more than you have understanding of. This is only the beginning. Yes there may be some turbulence as was mentioned and as you will hear about however, we speak not of this now , for we wish you only to have your attention on the light. If you do not veer your attention from that, then that is what grows brighter. Remember dear ones what you put your attention to creates more of that. What do you wish to create into your world dear ones? We speak to all that are listening and all that are reading these words now. What do you wish to create in your world? Give your attention to that. And only that. For if you give your attention to anything other than that, then it is the other that you will wish that you create. Are you understanding? If you give attention to your pain,  if you give your attention to your illness,  if you give attention to the news , to all that is happening that you are not in line with, that you are not wanting , if you put your attention to that, then that is what you will see.  Think about  that dear ones, put your attention to what you wish to bring into your space and only that. We are not telling you to be blinded  dear ones. We understand that you live in a world of duality. We understand that you see all with your eyes and you hear all with your ears however it is what you focus on what you pinpoint your energy on and continue to spin over and over is what you will create.  If you spin constantly how ill you are,  if you spin constantly how awful that person is being to you , if you constantly, spinning what is going wrong, then that is what you will continue to bring into view into your world. Stop the spinning if you wish to create better change, if you wish to create the wonderful space for living that you are wanting. This is the message for today. 
Dear heart to you we say,  do not give attention to what can go wrong in teaching, hold the space and hold the participants in love and in light and this will help to lift them and then they will be able to connect themselves. You do not do for them dear heart , remember this, they do for themselves. The best you can do is to hold the space, bring in the tools and let them seek for themselves. Are you understanding? 
We are so very pleased with the developments of these past days. It has escalated even beyond what we imagined. We understand all probabilities.  We understand what you are capable of, however we are also surprised at the way that you do so. Know that you are on track. You are beginning to heal. You have made the changes. You have made the connections. Do not doubt this and it will be so. Do not doubt your worth you are enough, we are very pleased with today's affirmations,  with today's connections. 
The past days you dropped the barriers. This was the aim all along dear heart. The energies of those days supported the melting of those barriers. You allowed yourself back in, and for this we are pleased. We honour you for what you do always. Be guided by your intuition, be guided by your feelings, be guided by what comes to the fore, and the doors will open. Know you are enough. 
That  is all

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