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Tuesday, 10 March 2015

10/3/15 ( early hours )
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective

This is a bit "out there"....

Adam I'm reading a book and it says that we are the universe. That we have it within us. Now I've heard this term before but what does it actually mean. Really mean? Like I know we are made from the same stuff as the stars and earth but really what does the " universe is within you " really mean? And how does that help me here in the now?

Dear heart to help you with clarity imagine sitting at the table with our energies if you will?

Like last channel? 

Affirmative. It helps to raise you to our level and is a place with minimal distractions 

Umm ok
I'm feeling overwhelmed

You are feeling our love. You will acclimatise.  ( smile ) do not cower, sit tall, you are worthy 

Am I sharing this? This is getting weird. If feels too personal to share now

Ohh ok I'm there ... 

Smile. You wish to enlighten the readers? 

Really? No one going to believe this! I'm not sure I do

You wish to keep this experience to yourself? 

I guess id like to but it's not mine to keep to myself is it? 

You always have a choice dear heart 

No I dont think I do 
So I'm sitting at the table and I ask the collective to please explain my question regarding the universe. So then in the centre of the table all of a sudden appears the uinverse, hovering over the table like some magical hologram. Then it expands and the whole table, the light beings, and me, are hovering in space in the universe. There's no walls no roof no floor . The table is see through. The beings are see through and so I can see the universe in them, through them, and me, I'm like just energy and I realise I am the universe, it's me and I'm it, that there's no separation literally. 
It sounds weird I know!
But in my minds eye I'm floating in space, a huge hologram and feeling like at any moment we would , could just meld or melt into it and it would be absolutely normal!

Wonderful dear heart. Exactly! This is your normal state. You are at present personified, made into form, materialised. You are what we are a part of the whole. We aim for you to remember who you are in it's entirety. 

Well not all will believe what I just wrote, but I'm now beginning not to care. It was beautiful Adam! I'm alittle anxious but also ok with this. So how does this help me here, now? 

Close you eyes and be again at the table

I see lots of people , some looked ragged, some sad... I couldn't keep looking, I opened my eyes

You became afraid. Dear heart what did you feel for these? 

Compassion. Sadness . I felt dizzy

Close your eyes , feel

They have chains on them. 

They are in form , bound by laws. What do you think they would feel would change if they understood who they were? 

That the chains would drop away? They would understand there are  no chains in the universe. 


Next morning 11/3/15

I fell asleep Adam! Why? During such an amazing experience did I fall asleep :(

The energies were great dear heart. You used much energy last day, and so you drifted off. It is the way of it when the body can only take so much energy download. You are working the energies in a different way. This takes aclimatisation. 

That makes sense as I slept without waking at all. So are you saying that when we realise who we really are the chains fall off and we become free?

We say to you that once you embody your divinity, once you truly understand that you are the whole, that none, no thing, is separate from you, that indeed you are free of the chains that bind you to misery, to suffering. The chains fall away.

How do we really know that? I mean I am beginning to understand but how do we bring that to a state of knowing that really makes physical changes ?

Be in that experience of who you are. You begin by daily stillness exercises. The more you do this the more it begins to permeate your conciousness, your reality. You become so busy in daily living it is forgotton for the most part. When you incorporate this knowing , when you treat every living thing with what you know to be true, when you live this knowing in every moment , with every breathe is when the chains fall away. It is a process. For when you open your eyes from your stillness the memory of what you are the knowing begins to fade. You become again enmeshed in your daily living. The key dear heart is to remain in that state, that knowing, while you are living. That is being the master. It is not so difficult to accomplish this knowing, where there are no distractions, where you are alone in seclusion, however, the test, the lesson, the paradox , is to live this knowing in your busy ness, in the care of rearing your children, in the transactions of your business, in the daily activities of your living. When you be who you are, carry that knowing forth, moment to moment, ahhhh, it is then all falls away, the misconceptions of who you are. In all your transactions and transgressions. 
It is a process. The mind is like an elastic band. When you are in stillness, in meditation it is stretched into it's knowing. When you leave that knowing, that stillness, the rubber band snaps back to where it was before. The more it is stretched , the more it can continue to be held in that space , the more it will begin to hold. Over time it is less likely to return back so quickly. It is a metaphor. Eventually the band will snap, and the mind will lose it's hold over you and you become free.

You mean when the band snaps you lose your mind? You become insane? That's what I'm thinking 

Nay dear heart . When the band snaps you become sane. Not insane. 

Hmm I've heard when you lose your ego mind you become insane

Dear heart you in a sense lose your mind, you do not become insane however as you put it. You become no mind. 

That is insane isn't it

You are looking at this from your limited view point. You are thinking as your society believes to be true. We tell you this, it is a very difficult process for most to reach the point that the band snaps. But when you do, eventually as a humanity reach the point, that the band snaps is when you become free, with no limitations. Dear heart when you return to our realm, in death as you understand it, is when the band is snapped. It is when you have full knowing of who you are and what it means to be again sane, for you will remember the all of it. Your humanity will eventually reach this state while living in form. This is a while away yet. However you as a humanity are beginning to now, stretch the band alittle. Are you understanding? 

I think so 

It is so that you may not understand the all of it at this time, and so it seems we speak in riddled tongue. You can not know what you do not know, in your present state. We seek to bring an aspect that you may begin to have an understanding. We also understand you may not fully comprehend what we bring. It is for good reason too. For if we were to " burst your bubble " so to speak , bring you back to as you say " insane " then there would be no point to this experience you call life. It will be for naught. The exercise here, is to simply stretch the band alittle, to give a glimpse of awareness , so that you may begin to remember. Not so much to destroy your experience , but enough to have you question , to lead you ever forward in self discovery , to alleviate your burden somewhat. To lead you back to your self

Ok.. It's confused me more than ever but I do appreciate you. Thankyou
Will I sit at the table more often now?

Do you wish to? 

I like sitting at the table , though I'm not sure I like the shades of grey

Dear heart your sight is still developing. The more you acclimatise the more you will see in color. Patience. You have only just begun to use this amenity. It begins In shades. Slowly over time, you will experience more

But why do I see in color other times? 

These are different states dear heart. When you experience color you are in a meditation or in lucid dreaming, or light body.  
Last day you were in trance state. You were In a state of alternative energy. Tell us, do you see in color when you see those past? 

No not really. I sometimes see a splurge of color.. Ie I saw someone with red lipstick , or white pearls, or a valley of green, or purple flowers. But mostly in shades of grey, though in light body I see colour, when I run the energies

You were fully in an altered state at that time. Last day you were not fully altered, true?

Ahhh yeah I was auto writing so yeah not quite out of it

Dear heart the more deep you go, the higher a state you are the more color you will see. Eventually you will see colour even in the state you are now. It is a process 

Can I google this to check ?

We are humoured. You may do so dear heart. 

Your not upset ?

Dear heart we may never be upset by you using your own discernment process. We applaud it. It is good that you question. However know this. There will be times , many a time that there will be no questioning to be had, as there will not be the answers you seek on your " google ". It will come to having faith and an inner knowing that what comes is true. 

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