Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective ( part 2 )
Continuation regarding Light body
Adam may we continue where we left off? Regarding the light body questions I have? From what I understand so far, the purpose, or at least my purpose for light body is to balance? Now I I'm asking how does it fit into my life purpose and how can I best develop it?
Dear heart you are busy of mind this day. Full in fact. We ask you to sit still. Clear. We will await.
I fell asleep again! :(
Dear heart the energies work on what is needed. You were in need of the letting go. Do not assume that you simply slumbered. You entered the state within our energies. Much balance occured. Be at peace. All occurs as is needed. Know this.
You are wanting to expand on the light body developments. Yes?
Your purpose for using the light body is formost to balance all the bodies. When working the energies there comes a balance. When one is in balance one may heal all ills, within themselves. One also brings balance to others. The use of these energetics are limitless. It takes much time to learn all the different ways these may be used. This is the journey.
Your express need to learn what these entail for you is also extreme. As you work the energies you will find that whatever it is that you are working on, within your own life journey will be much enhanced with use of the energies, as they bring you in balance and when one is in balance. one may be elevated to their highest expression of themselves.
We do not endevour to tell you your life purpose dear heart. The question is an intricate and one, and one we may not answer as this is yours to discover. We cross the line of universal law to answer in the ways you wish. However we can say that when using the energetics , of light body , on your journey, it will greatly enhance, it will lift your journey to new heights, ones of seemingly magic. It will bring balance and flow to all you endevour to try. Are you understanding? You are overthinking this. You are but to feel. You understand the use of the light body energetics. You understand how they change your flow. So it is also understandable to you how the use of these can enhance and take you beyond what you can imagine, in the use of these in your daily activities.
Your passion is to help others yes?
The energetics will help you help others. This we can tell you. Does it not stand to reason? They lift you, they balance, yes?
Umm yes
So, if they do this, is it not plausible that they will help you help others in this way also?
Yes it makes sense.
When one is balanced, then all they encounter they will bring balance to. If one is lifted , then one lifts others. When used in teaching , the balanced teacher will bring their teachings in a balanced way, in a way that brings the students better understanding. Light body energetics enhance all that you do, dear heart.
You ask how you may develop them best?
What know you of the use of any particular modality ? How did you develop what you do now? In this moment?
Affirmative! The more you use the energies the stronger you become in their use. The higher they lift you.
But is their a particular way?
Dear heart you will discover what works over time. Like the scientist. Trial and error. Use your intuition dear heart when using the energies. Feeel which centres to tap into. Trust what you feel. You still have much to learn. What we tell you is this.
Practice their use. Incorperate them into your daily living. Be guided by your intuition on which centres to use in unison. The more you practice the stronger they become, the higher you are elevated and the more intricate the healings, the creativity that comes. Use them in your daily activities. Use them to write, to paint, in your activities. They raise your level of awareness. They raise your vibratory rate. They bring you to working with your own higher self. As you use these energetics as you fine tune, they will become even more enhanced, and you help others at a much more intricate level. You will attract those that need balancing so that they may be balanced. You affect the higher flow. The implications of many doing this is staggering is it not?
Yeah it is! Is light body the merkaba?
It is a part of the merkaba , not how you are seeing it in your mind dear heart. An anology .
It is much like the energetics that power a car, the fuel, however a car needs an engine that powers the fuel...
I'm confused. I thought the light body was the merkaba?
Dear heart, we may describe this in your altered state for better understanding, suited to your time structure. However for now know they are entertwined. They are one and the same, yet they have different attributes. They work together coherently, much like the fuel and the engine of a automobile. You will gain better understanding as you progress in your classes. For now know they are a working together of certain elements to raise and balance all the bodies.
Hmm I tried to google this but couldn't find what I was after
Did we not say to you dear heart that there will come a time whereby your answers will not be found as such? That you will have the need to trust or discern for yourself what feels true or nay?
You are developing. Be at peace with that knowing.
So how do I post not knowing if the information is correct ?
Trust. More importantly trust that those that read will use their own reasoning and discernment process. Also know, and this is the most difficult for you to understand and be at peace with, is that even when there is truth to be had, not all will accept or believe the truth , for in their hearts they will have their own truth. You must learn to be at peace with your own, and allow others to be at peace with theirs, dear heart. Are you understanding ? This simple statement will bring you much comfort once you understand it in it's fullness. Be at peace with your own truth and allow others to be at peace with theirs.
This is our message for today. One simple statement that brings much if you allow.
Dear heart an advisment to make time for communications. We are ready. There is no judgement to be had, simply an acknowledgment to structure your days to allow for a fuller compacity.
With love in our hearts we close.
That is all
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