Tarot Card Readings ( including channeled messages )
Card 🍃1🍃
8 of Swords
You have been feeling restricted, fear preventing you from moving forward and your confidence may have taken a knock. However as the image shows none of the swords actually touch the woman and only her bound senses are preventing her from moving out of the situation or clearly seeing it. The advice of this card is to remain calm and strong, not to give in to feelings of paralysis in order to progress out of the situation. Bear in mind that the swords shown in this card also represent clarity of thought and therefore the answer is available to you. Perhaps you need to look at the situation differently
Channeled message for the 1's - it is so that one may not see outside of any given situation if they do not look about all around themselves, and more importantly within. When one needs search more than what they may readily see, we suggest that you go within your mind, and then deep into your heart. From this space of the heart, travel up into your imagination, lift so that you may be looking at your situation as a bird looks down upon creation. By shifting your sight to your inner sight, you may notice more readily outside influences that you cannot see when you are on the ground, at ground level. Be still and expand beyond the maze of the situation at hand. From this space your perception begins to shift and you may see more clearly. You may then begin to move forward, out of the maze as you will view the way out, and any given obstacles that block the path. View your situation as one views a maze from the air. You may view from this space all the possibilities outside the maze and also what it is that stands in the way within it. Clear sight may bring new direction. A shift in perspective may be life changing, if you allow it to be so. You have the tools.
Card 🍃2🍃
This card is known as the karmic card, "as you sow, so shall you reap". The results of the seeds you have previously planted, and your past efforts, are now being rewarded. As a card it depicts resurrection, it indicates renewal and revival, dormant matters coming back to life. With the judgement card it is possible to make a new start, but it is important to take stock before positively moving forward again. There is a general feeling of rejuvenation, and health matters show improvement. This card represents a time to be happy with new beginnings of afoot
Channeled message for the 2's - it is time to reap your rewards. When the farmer plants his seeds, he plants with an expectation that one day the seeds will bring to him a bountiful crop, one that brings to him much joy and satisfaction. In the planting it may be difficult to see exactly how the seed will grow. At times the seed grows slow and at other times it grows fast. The right conditions helps to bring the the most advantageous crop. You have been diligently servicing your crop. Now you begin to see the fruits of your efforts. When one puts effort one gains the quality of the effort. When one does not nurture their crop it does not take shoot. We say to you you are beginning to see your manifestation come to light. Now is not the time to become complacent but to keep servicing your seeds. You are almost there. Patience dear ones. Remember where you place your attention grows. Do not place thoughts of lack or lack is what you will reap.
Card 🍃3🍃
Patience and diplomacy as opposed to aggression, combined with courage, will achieve the required results and bring success. The strength card reveals that you have an inner reserve of strength to provide you with more power than you realise. This can be expressed through quite determination. This card can also symbolise feminine charms to which men succumb, so it is particularly strong in the woman's reading regarding relationships.
Channeled message for the 3's - we say to these that have chosen the three, that all doors chosen lead back to one self. Do not be afraid of your self or the many doors opening. It is so that when one aims high, they may fail. Why? Because they had not the belief ingrained that they have the tools needed to reach such heights. Feelings of unworthiness may lay beneath the desired manifestation. You may reach for the best & yet not believe yourself worthy of the best. Belief creates your reality. Ohh we understand you may not see it readily. Would you want all thoughts to manifest instantaneously? Are you ready for this? Understand you have your earth time to establish and develop this. Know you are able, that you hold the strength of the creator in you, that that create all things. When you express love and understanding for all situations created by "you" then you begin to understand why they were created. In this you are more loving to all that helped you create them. When you come from a space of compassion & love for all concerned you begin to move forward quickly to your desired outcome
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