Card Readings 29/3/16
Cards used are from the "Easy Tarot by Josephine Ellershaw" ( Gilded Tarot )
(The Gilded Tarot is a visually stunning Rider-Waite style tarot, Ciro Marchetti)
Remember to use you intuition when reading your pick of tarot card. What can look look a negative aspect may simply be an insight to change that may very well be positive in nature. ie don't take a card at face value, but look within the deeper meaning. One that you may reflect on, what it may mean to you. It may be that the other cards relate also. 🙏
Card 1
Nine of pentacles
This card indicates success and material security. Usually attained through one's own efforts. The card symbolises financial independence. Finances should improve sufficiently to allow some comfort in life and a pleasant and comfortable lifestyle. It could represent an inheritance in some instances. If you've been working hard and carefully moving in the direction of your goals then this card now brings the rewards for your efforts🍃🍃
Card 2
Five of cups
You may be experiencing feelings of disappointment. You may be feeling that others have let you down or feel in someway betrayed. You may be recounting previous actions with some regret at how things have turned out, either due to your own actions or of those around you. Perhaps a lover or trusted friend who was not all you had hoped them to be. This card can “sometimes” indicate the loss of a relationship, the natural process of grieving emotions that a company such an event. Your logical mind is presently clouded. At this stage the realities of the situation cannot fully be understood or appreciated. Your emotions are running high. There are still some "positive" factors at work here which have not yet seen, as your focus is currently held upon which you feel you have lost. Alternatively it may show that it leads to something new and better ahead. Be aware that this card could be showing you that all is "not" lost, that it could be a temporary situation that will be successfully resolved later or even that it “all exists in the mind” as feelings about the situation.
Card 3
Six of pentacles
This card shows successful material gains and being in a position that allows you to share with others. Business ventures should be paying off or perhaps a pay increase is coming in your direction. It is important that once the work is done the rewards enjoyed. This is not only of a monetary nature but also a sign of sharing your time with others. Invariably when we work hard our nearest and dearest pay the price of not having as much of our time as they deserve. Now that the results are beginning to manifest show your appreciation for time is a precious resource that can never be replaced.if money has been outstanding then this card indicates that it should now be received. This card is one of generosity and kindness so gifts are also indicated
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