Channeled Readings & Oracle cards
A mix of the two...
( the cards used " Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine" )
In your mind, choose a number 1,2,or 3. Then read the message that corresponds to that number below ….
Welcome. We are here once again to aid you this day in finding clarity and balance, and so we begin.
Reading 1
The ones, choosing the one, have an innate ability to sense when something is not quite right. They are aware, have the inbuilt ability to simply know when something is off course or some might say on the nose. You might even say these have the sense, an understanding that is not explainable. However the ones take a long time to admit even to themselves, that there is a guidance in place and so most times ignore this valuable tool. Our advisement to you this day is to trust that, that comes from “within” you. Trust your own knowing, that you may walk your path in supremity. There are no wrong paths, simply ones that lead to varying experiences of your choosing …
I then picked a card
Nine of fire
You have put a lot of work and energy into this situation. This card comes as a sign for you to actively protect what you have created or earned. Have courage and believe in your ability and right to defend the fruit of your labours. Don't give up. You possess the wisdom and stamina to bring this situation to an agreeable conclusion. However it is important to open your mind to the assistance and point of view of others.
Reading 2
These are beginning to awaken to the many intricacies that hold them back. Once upon a time these would not have understood the process and yet now, at the hour at hand, one may live their life walking one way, one path, and then suddenly awaken and realise they are on the wrong path, or more to the point one that they were walking in a haze of sleepiness. Numbed out they were until their sight returned and the eyes can see clearly it is not where they wish to be. When you put on the new spectacles and look about you where there was only darkness before, you begin to see all that you could not before. All the tools available to you, all the new toys. Like a child that suddenly is able to see all the many toys in view that they may play with, that were not in view before. You are waking up. You see more clearly and this is what begins the change in you. It may feel overwhelmed of a sudden. You may think, “but which do I choose?” We say to you, let your feelings guide you true. Your own barometer of truth
I then picked a card….
Six of water
Memories from your personal history or childhood have resurfaced for a reason. Perhaps there is an old issue you still need to resolve or your memories could be a sign of what is yet to come. You may reconnect with friends or romantic partners from your past. New acquaintances may feel like familiar of friends because of karmic connections. The effect of children on this situation could be important. Childlike innocence or lack of guilt is also indicated by this card.
Reading 3
These are at a place, a knowing that these times may bring unsteadiness, if not navigated with a sensitive eye. What is it your resisting dear one? Yourself? Another? When you seek the resistance within you, when you look upon it, delve into its beginnings, then you may begin to dissolve its seed, its beginnings. Pull it out at the roots as one pulls a weed from the soil. By doing so the resistance leaves your field. Remember what you resist persists. It is by looking upon the resistance that one may loosen its hold its grip on your reality. Your outside world is a reflection of your inside world. Working on the inside changes your outside world much more readily than pushing against the resistance of what you do not want. We do not seek to alarm but to pull back your curtains a little so that you have a better view of your life play as it plays out, and understanding that you as the director of your life play have the power to change the scenes and the dialogue as you see fit. Know you have this within you. You create your play, no other. Ohh it may seem that way, and that is the illusion.
Then I picked a card
Ten of fire
There is a need to balance the professional and personal side of your life. You're trying to do too much. A good first step is to be willing to accept assistance from others. There is hope for a successful resolution to your situation or project. However it is best if you cut unnecessary or burdensome activities from your schedule. Slow your pace to a more comfortable level.
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