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Thursday, 17 March 2016

16/3/16 Abacus Traveling the current waves

Traveling the current waves

I asked regarding the current energy. 

Greetings. Greeting to all that are listening this day. We may certainly enlighten you. We may extend all manner of reference however we bring what brings most understanding. Be clear this day dear heart. Allow your mind to float above our mind. We are not higher than you as you might imagine. We are deeper than you, and so our thoughts underlie your thought processes. Focus. Be true to our thought process without restriction or hindrance. 
We begin. 

Dear ones we come to bring that that might help you to balance and to bring flow. Understand at times while sitting in the boat so to speak, there might come a sudden “wave”. The wave rocks the boat does it not? It may rock the boat a little or it may rock the boat a lot  dependant on how big the wave at hand is. Within the boat you may have to regain your footing or you may need to reach for support so that you may not fall out off the boat. Just because the boat rocks does not mean that the boat does not move. The boat is ever moving you forward, however, while the boat rocks it feels as if you are not moving forward. You are still in the boat, you are still experiencing the wave, however, you do not see the progress the boat is making for the ocean seems so large and you so small and insignificant. Any gained effort forward seems insignificant in the larger scope of the ocean. We tell you this, understand every effort is not wasted! You are making progress even though at times it does not seem so. Now what say you of sea sickness? When the boat rocks a little too much you might feel unsteady, strained, tired, and unsettled. As the boat steadys your sensibilities begin to calm once again. Ebb and flow dear ones, ebb and flow. Rest when rest is needed and move forward when the seas are calm and there is a breeze at your back, and then when the wave comes again you brace again. All has its season. Understand you are shifting. This occurs when much growth is due or brought forward. Trust the waves and the tides for they produce the currents that propel your boat ever forward. We remind action is needed to move forward. Yes, the currents propel the boat forward however do you wish to be led simply by the currents of the oceans entirety? Or do you wish to navigate your boat onto a route that you prefer? Of your express choosing? Action dear ones action. To move a boat forward you must use the oars or run the engine or set the sails. Choose the route of your highest excitement. Some will row faster than others. Some will make use of the wave more predominantly simply due to their strength of purpose. Know the hour is at hand to expand into your highest choosing. Set your sail for there comes a period of sunny sky's and a purposeful breeze. 

Why do some have trouble meditating or connecting atm?

When you are endeavouring to balance through a big wave there is much agitation in the ocean & so it is more difficult to find flow. You are busy in survival, pulling out your life jackets in preparation for failure. What you think you attract? Understand you are in a journey. At times the seas are calm at times they are stormy. At times it will rain and at times the sun will shine. You travel new waters as the explorers travel to find new land. Be in excitement for all the journey brings you. Be at one with life. Be at peace with a knowing that at times the seas are beyond your control. Learn to navigate the seas, steering your ship finding balance where you may. In awareness and with pre planned navigation you may enjoy your journey in much joy rather than struggling in the storms. When you do become engulfed in a storm know there are ways out of the storm, however while in it all there is to do at times is to ride it out the best way you are able. Use the tools the experience of past travelling to help balance you as you navigate your way. The tools are yours the application of tools given you. Use what you have learnt regarding balancing and finding your flow. This is when your skills learnt become  your tools. They will help you if you pull them out and apply them. This is what we bring this day
That is all.. 

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