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Tuesday, 19 April 2016

20/4/16 Abacus A personal conversation

A personal written conversation I had with Abacus this morning on triangles, patterning, my book writing ( or not ) ideas, expansion ….. etc

(Please use your discernment. I am not a mathematician or a scientist. I simply write what flows into my mind )

“Understand, that that is not known now, will be known, and once known, you will not understand how you could not have known it”


Abacus what can you tell me in regards to triangles. I have had the thought to search information ( and it's probably quicker ) but I wanted to ask you first

Dear heart we are here. We are ever here ready to accommodate your inquisitive nature. We do express much joy at your enquiries for this brings much expansion. We begin without further ado. 

There is much that is written and in effect there is much hype and even propaganda. We will be succinct and thorough, to the point if you will. The pattern in your realm has 3 distinct points does it not? That you may see. It's image shows a point at the very apex and another two on either side. If you place the triangle as it is standing, it's point is upright and the 2 referenced points below it. However it may be flipped or rotated so that the point is at the bottom and it's bottom on the top. It may be rotated again, and again and so the question needs be asked “ which is the top? It is relative is it not? A triangle with even dimensions has no defined top and bottom other than which you make of it, and so the question may be asked, is it infinite in its rotation? Ohh it has definite points, however like a circle there is no beginning or end, not really. We are referencing the simple shape known as a triangle. Now the wording triangle, refers to the triad or 3 because the pattern or shape has 3 points. 3 infinite points. For now we simply wish you to understand this simple point. Now if the shape is laid flat you may see that it resembles something more. Now imagine standing in the very centre or the eye of the triangle in the centre of the 3 points. The 3 points are relative however we will explain that their meaning means a juncture, where 3 roads meet one. 3 points that meet one. The God essence. Infinite. Centre point. The spin of the triangle with propulsion of light through the apex brings one to centre point. Infinity. 

So in spinning the triangle with one in the centre? 

Dear heart when one spins this patterning it creates a vacuum, of drawing one into itself. That that is centred within the apex becomes one with its patterning. It creates a certain spin that pulls one into itself. You could say it is the God vechile . It is a means of transport within the dimensionalities of the Christ head or God self. All in the universe is structured on a certain form of patterning. We keep this simple. Understand the universal flow moves within itself, through all things. All has a makeup a structure within it that moves it in a certain direction. The symbology of the triangle is such. It is not of need that the complexities be understood, only that you understand that it is a vehicle as such. One that has a certain balance that creates momentum when used in a structured form of manipulation. Your aircraft have a certain form do they not? So that they may take flight along with other means of manipulation? When a type of energy is encompassed within a certain structure it enables it to take flight, yes? It is so that this that is the triangle encompasses certain capabilities. It is the 3. The 3 points that lead to infinity, to oneness, to source, to centre point. This is a simple understanding, a basic concept, one that does not create full understanding. It is as you say the a b c’s. Know all patterning is a creation of source. All is made up of certain form within creation. The spinning, with energy manipulation creates movement, moves one, towards a destination whether it be outward or inward matters not. It is a universal dynamic of sorts. We may not bring understanding to a mind that is not multidimensional in understanding. It is what we have, this day for thee. As you move beyond your 3 dimensional understanding you may encompass more of what we bring. For this time, for your knowing let this be enough. Trust that we bring what you are capable of comprehending at this time


I have a question. I am reading a book and it mentions that we measure a 3 D object in space, by height length and width. That everything in our 3 dimensional reality can be described mathematically using 3 numbers. 

Do you imagine you are at this place by accident? Or design? Smile 

Can you expand on that? 

Dear heart do you trust the flow that is life? All that comes to you is perfection. When you are in the flow you have need of no thing for you understand these a fleeting . Understand what you need in your development, of understanding the complexities, will arrive at your feet. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Be of light mind. Know that that comes to you is on time and on cue. Trust that which you need to know, to bring understanding, comes when you reach the level of being able to understand. The higher you raise the more you are enabled figuratively speaking. Be at peace where you are. Understanding will dawn. It is the dawn of the new age being drawn to your feet in readiness. We may begin our writing in unison with the understanding. We say to you, the coming months will be in preparatory flow, for there is much we may converse. With enlightenment, with en-light-ment comes a new space. You will be raised beyond 3D physics. You do not have understanding, nor a scientific mind. This is for good cause, for we wish you not to have preconceived ideas. We begin with you as a fresh babe out of a mother's womb to grow you in understanding, so that you may share these understandings with others of like mind. Together as the teacher and student, we will grow your understanding of expansion in a way that is readily comprehended by the many. There is method here. Patience. If you are in acceptance and willing, we may begin together a wonderful journey of discovery. Leaders way showing the general populace in the mechanics of expansion. Simple in nature. Ohh we understand you believe it is hard work, that you may not understand the complexities. We say to you, as you raise your frequency as you encompass your strings, the new energy orchestra, you WILL understand what you may not now. The new energy strings, your heightened comprehension will make for a smooth sailing …

So we are going to be writing together? 

Are we not doing this at this moment dear one? 

You are laughing ? I have this image, a feeling that you are 

We are enamoured that you do not yet see how far you have come in a blink of an eye. May you comprehend how much further you may travel in a space of a few short years of your time? 

So we will be writing in the next few years? 

Are you not writing now? 

But I mean books? 

Do you wish to write books? Or do you wish to write history? 

I'm confused 

Dear heart let us be clear for this day you are aware it is not a figment of your imagination, that we are conversing with you. 
It is so that we and you, we in totality will begin a chapter that includes articles, formulations that may be compiled into bound novels. We wish you to understand that when you imagine to write a book from beginning to end you are striving to comprise a linear thought form, from here to there. Now we will get complex. You are thinking in 3D terms. What say you if we might add that the writing will be multidimensional in nature? 


Ahh and so the doubt begins to set in. Dear heart we will tell you this. Our writings that that you imagine will be written on your parchment will be entirely composed in a different form. You are understanding you are expanding yes? Evolving? Our communications will be encompassed into a format you have no understanding of yet. 

That sounds like technology that's not here anytime soon … I'll be writing when I'm old!!

Dear heart you understand that ageing will change in those that work with expanded states of consciousness? You may reiterate and perhaps reestablish your use of the English Language. Wise versus “old” is a better use of your terminology. 

Abacus how am I meant to share this now. Our conversation has just turned a bit out there…

Understand these tete e tete’s will become understood as your time moves forward. There is much to come. This day we leave you with a simple word structure 

“Understand, that that is not known now, will be known, and once known, you will not understand how you could not have known it”

That is all

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