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Monday, 18 April 2016

13/4/16 Abacus Energy Strings

Energy Strings

Greetings. Greetings we are here. We are ever here. We begin this day for many have a quandary, an aspect they are willing, ready to decipher, to pull apart, to understand. One that has been hidden before, and that is being enabled at this current time.To our scribe we say clear. We understand what is needed this day by those that are listening or reading these words. Be of a mind to simply relax and allow the words to flow without worry whether they interact with each other or nay. 

There is a stream of consciousness that is beginning to open to the many streams, or strings. These are being enabled by the ones that are lifting. They are in a sense being fine tuned, ready to be played by certain individuals, and those that are not quite there yet, they will be ready for when they are, when they have tuned to the strings, to the frequency that they play. They are available to all humanity. It is whether humanity is able to reach them,  that they may be played to tune. These strings are in the ethers, in the energy matrix, and they are there waiting. Much as when you prepare a meal and it is not eaten right away, but sits in the pot or in the refrigerator till it is ready to be consumed, and so these energy strands these signatures or frequencies are ready to be played. Many are beginning to tap into them. They will help to fine tune one's resonance to that of the energy that is in resonance with gaia and with universal systems, for it is not just humanity that is expanding at this time. Many dimensionalities are expanding. What one does affects all in the more expanded picture. You ask how you may interact with these threads and what they mean to you? You may interact with them simply by intention, by lifting, by making yourself lighter, by shedding that that is heavy, that is not of resonance. As you lift you become engaged with the threads in an automatic, or  automatum realty. These help you to trigger or open awareness within you, that helps you to remember, engage, in your ascension, in your awakening. It is one of many triggers that will come into play. This is simply one of many and it is available to all. All you need do is lift, clear, be of mind to wish to expand, to wish to open your abilities. They are innate to you, that are within you. Much  is hidden within you that you are not aware of. They are your intricate nature. You are a magnificent piece of machinery in living tissue. There is much hidden within your cellular structure, within your DNA. The energies that are coming help to increase the DNA, its capacity, much like one of your computers that is running on a certain bandwidth or program, and then those come that tweak the program so that it may do more, so that it may increase its knowledge, its capabilities to hold more, to run more programs, to be able to do more with itself, and so we say to you, there is not much else to do, but to understand that you are expanding and through intent you may increase what you are able. You may enable yourself more. It is a choice. 

Those that are unaware, but that are of a frequency, of it's resonance, will automatically take them on also, for one needs not to be aware that they are available, but that they resonate to the frequency. You see not all are consciously walking the path, and yet they are of a relevant frequency simply for where they are and what they do is a higher space, and so these bandwidths will help them to expand also, and to grow into themselves. Intention simply helps to trigger sooner rather than later, and we know many that are listening wish to expand more quickly than most, so that they may way show when others come along and do not understand what is occurring. It is the time of much change. These coming months will bring many advancements. There will be changes to your political structures. There will be changes to your medical institutions. Not all will be announced but will be working in the trenches so to speak, and there will be those few that will bring those out of the trenches to make it known to all, for there are those, you may call them the generals, that do not wish for this to be publicised, for it does not serve them, however it serves humanity and humanity has a right to understand that it is occurring.

You may understand that there is much you do not see but it does not make it not so. When one chooses to see, when one intends to see, then the blinders are lifted. If one chooses not to see then the blinders remain, and so it is a choice to see or not to see. Some prefer to walk the road oblivious to what is occurring and there is no wrongness in this, and it is in fact right for they for that is their choice and there is no wrong or right choice. Do not look down on those that choose not to see. They are as you are, walking their path in the way that is perfect for they. The ones however that wish to follow a certain way and wish to help and wish to expand, then they are made aware of what it is that is occurring, so that they may be informed of changes and in readiness to take action, and to make use of the changes. There will be those that are uniform, meaning they take a certain path and they will not veer off this path and they will walk it, without noticing, without wanting to notice, without expectation of change, and this is their reality and it is this way for a reason. And then there are those that will walk a certain path and they will share all that they experience and they will expand and the path will become larger, and many will join they, and they will expand as the path becomes larger,  and as more join the path, and as the path creates momentum and becomes larger and larger, until it encompasses all paths and the other paths will seek to exist, as this path will be all that there is. It is not to say that the other paths will not exist, they will simply not exist on this bandwidth for this bandwidth will increase as more and more join it, and it will become one of peace and prosperity, one where there is no illness, much experience and joy. One that holds respect for all living things whether they be fur or whether they be flesh.

It will be what many call a new earth, a new beginning,  a new way of life. Ohhh there will be changes afoot. Many that may seem surreal in nature, but that is the way of it. It is time. There will be those that choose alternative realities, and that is possible, and that is true for they and they may experience what they are wishing. The more that walk the path of expansion the more momentum it will create and the faster it will come into being. 

We come this day to bring message of hope for there are many feeling the pressure, feeling the unsettlement, feeling anxiety, feeling overwhelmed. We say to you when you feel that the expansion is overwhelming, when you feel that you are being squeezed to release, or to make certain choices, understand that we are beside you and you may call on us to ease your way. Ask. Speak to us. We may not help you if you do not give us permission. Rest is needed. Time to de-program. Much as you turn your electronics off so that they may recharge, you need to be able to recharge dear ones. If you keep running new programs without trying to integrate you will become frazzled, you might say. Ground yourself. Clear. Spend time within, that you may reboot. This will help you to recharge in a sense. You may spend time in a shower of light that cleanses your aura, your cells, your energy. Use it during the day to cleanse your space. You think it may be your imagination, you will learn sooner rather than later how potent it is to clear your energy. In your daily living your energy acts much as a magnet. It takes in all that is around you and at times you become overloaded, and so when you clear you disengage, you drop it from you. It is much like shedding clothing that has become sullied. Your light shower cleanses your field, recharges you, brings you back to life so speak. Spend time daily clearing your field, disengaging, becoming centred and one. You 
may even imagine that you are sitting in a period pyramid structure. That your crown is at the top of the pyramid and that your root is in the centre and your arms and legs make up the points of the pyramid and that light enters through the crown, down through your spine, out through your root, into the earth. Your crown being your connection to source, your root being your connection to the earth and as your connections are made you are grounding in both, and this light in the centre fills your pyramid, your pyramid your energy, is cleansed. You may spin this pyramid. This acts to pick up your frequency, to clear attachments, to lift you. It is a basic exercise, simple in nature. There is more that may be expanded to this, however, this day, we keep it simple in nature. A simple manipulation that helps to release anything that does not belong within your field. It helps to pick you up when you are feeling strained. It rejuvenates. When you feel that you are raised, that you are cleared, then you may slow the spin. It is not necessary to disengage the earth or the source, for you are connected to both always. Some are more grounded, yes, and some are more ungrounded. There is no need to disengage either, but to simply go about your day cleansed. You may perform this exercise when you are feeling strained during the day. It takes but a few moments. Any time you wish to clear or to recharge. Your pyramid of light protects you, in a sense from external influences. It is much as your bubble of light, more potent in nature. Our scribe is having what you call a ahha  moment, for she draws the pyramids often, the triangle, but she has not understanding of why. There will be more that comes in relation to this structure. There are many references. Much can be searched. It is no secret. But there will be more that will come into being, more understanding, more that  has been hidden from you. For now we close the discussion, the communication.
With love in our hearts for you, we bid you good day.
That is all

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